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Just Say Nicotine (Maintenance)
by Jerome Beck

(1) Warner KE, Slade J and Sweanor DT. "The emerging market for long-term nicotine maintenance." JAMA 1997; 278:1087-1092.

(2) Cinciripini PM, Hecht SS, Henningfield JE, Manley MW, Kramer BS. "Tobacco addiction: implications for treatment and cancer prevention." Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 1997; 89: 1852-1867.

(3) Bigelow GE, Rand CS, Gross J, Burling TA, Gottlieb SH. "Smoking cessation and relapse among cardiac patients." In: FM Tims and CE Leukefeld (eds.) Relapse and Recovery in Drug Abuse. NIDA Research Monograph 72. 1985; Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse.

(4) Davidson G, Duffy M. "Smoking habits of long-term survivors of surgery for lung cancer." Thorax. 1982; 37: 331-333.

(5) Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco "SRNT Policy Statement: The importance of research in the development of national tobacco control efforts." June 1997: 4-5.

(6) Anthony J, Warner AJ, Kessler R. "Comparative epidemiology of dependence on tobacco, alcohol, controlled substances, and inhalants: basic findings form the national comorbidity survey." Exp Clin Pharmacol 1994; 2:244-268.

(7) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking: Nicotine Addiction: A Report of the Surgeon General. Washington D.C.: U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Center for Health Promotion and Education, Office on Smoking and Health. 1988.

(8) Kozlowski LT, Wilkinson A, Skinner W, Kent C, Franklin T, Pope M. "Comparing tobacco cigarette dependence with other drug dependencies." JAMA. 1989; 261: 898-901.

(9) Brecher E. and the Editors of Consumer Reports. Licit and Illicit Drugs. Boston: Little, Brown and Company; 1972.

(10) Glantz SA, Slade J, Bero LA, Hanauer P, Barnes DE. The Cigarette Papers. Berkeley: University of California Press; 1996.

(11) Russell MAH. "Realistic goals for smoking and health: a case for safer smoking." The Lancet. 1974; 1: 254-257.

(12) Puska P, Korhonen, HJ, Vertianinen E, Urjanheimo E-L, Gustavsson G, Westin A. "Combined use of nicotine patch and gum compared with gum alone in smoking cessation: a clinical trial in North Karelia." Tobacco Control. 1995; 4:231-235.

(13) Oster G, Delea TE, Huse DM, Regan MM, Colditz GA. "The benefits and risks of over-the-counter availability of nicotine polacrilex ('nicotine gum')." Med. Care. 1996; 34:389-402.

(14) Russell MAH. "Low-tar, medium-nicotine cigarettes: a new approach to safer smoking." British Medical Journal. 1976; 1: 1430-1433.

(15) Kluger R. Ashes to Ashes: America's Hundred-Year Cigarette War, the Public Health, and the Unabashed Triumph of Philip Morris. New York, NY: Knopf; 1996.

(16) Kozlowski, LT, Pillitteri JL. "Compensation for nicotine by smokers of lower yield cigarettes." In: US Department of Health and Human Services. The FTC Cigarette Test Method for Determining Tar, Nicotine, and Carbon Monoxide Yields of U.S. Cigarettes: Report of the NCI Expert Committee. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute; August 1996: 161-172.

(17) Giovino GA, Tomar SL, Reddy MN, et al. "Attitudes, knowledge, and beliefs about low-yield cigarettes among adolescents and adults." In: US Department of Health and Human Services. The FTC Cigarette Test Method for Determining Tar, Nicotine, and Carbon Monoxide Yields of U.S. Cigarettes: Report of the NCI Expert Committee. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute; August 1996: 39-57.

(18) Wells M. "Kool cigarettes to get ad makeover." USA Today. Oct. 21, 1998: B3.

(19) National Cancer Policy Board. Taking Action to Reduce Tobacco Use. Institute of Medicine and Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council. Washington DC: National Academy Press; 1998.

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