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Tobacco Smoke, Benzene, & Mechanisms of Leukemogenesis

Institution: University of California, Riverside
Investigator(s): David Eastmond, Ph.D.
Award Cycle: 1992 (Cycle 1) Grant #: 1KT-0036 Award: $224,492
Subject Area: Cancer
Award Type: New Investigator Awards

Potential role of free radicals in benzene-induced myelotoxicity and leukemia
Periodical: Free Radical Biology and Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Subrahmanyam VV, Ross D, Eastmond DA, Smith MT ART
Yr: 1991 Vol: 11 Nbr: 5 Abs: Pg: 495-515

Aneuploidy detection in interphase human lymphocytes using chromosome-specific DNA probes following treatment with benzene metabolite, hydroquinone
Periodical: Toxicologist Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Hasegawa L ABS
Yr: 1991 Vol: 11 Nbr: 1 Abs: 949 Pg: 250

Use of in situ hybridization with chromosome-specific DNA probes to detect aneuploidy in hydroquinone-treated interphase human lymphocytes
Periodical: Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Hasegawa L ABS
Yr: 1991 Vol: 17 Nbr: Suppl 19 Abs: A71 Pg:

Use of a DNA probe and anti-kinetochore modified micronucleus assay to detect aneuploidy in the lymphocytes of tobacco smoking individuals
Periodical: Environmental Molecular Mutagenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Rupa DS, Hasegawa L, Thompson CL ABS
Yr: 1992 Vol: 19 Nbr: Suppl 20 Abs: Pg: 16

Induction of micronuclei and aneuploidy by the quinone-forming agents benzene and o-phenylphenol
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA ART
Yr: 1993 Vol: 67 Nbr: 1-3 Abs: Pg: 105-118

Multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization to detect aneuploidy and chromosomal breakage in interphase cells and micronuclei
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Rupa DS, Chen H, Hasegawa L ABS
Yr: 1992 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: 52

Multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization to detect aneuploidy and chromosomal breakage in interphase cells and micronuclei
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Rupa DS, Chen H, Hasegawa L ABS
Yr: 1993 Vol: Nbr: Abs: 341 Pg: 64

Use of fluorescence in situ hybridization and an antikinetochore antibody to detect aneuploidy and chromosome breakage in mouse bone marrow and spleen following benzene exposure in vivo
Periodical: Toxicologist Index Medicus:
Authors: Chen HW, Tomar R, Rupa DS, Eastmond DA ABS
Yr: 1993 Vol: 13 Nbr: Abs: 804 Pg: 218

The role of oxygen radicals in the formation of micronuclei induced by quinone-forming compounds
Periodical: Toxicologist Index Medicus:
Authors: Dobo KL, Eastmond DA ABS
Yr: 1993 Vol: 13 Nbr: Abs: 806 Pg: 219

Detection of hyperdiploidy and chromosome breakage in interphase human lymphocytes following exposure to the benzene metabolite hydroquinone using multicolor fluorescence in istu hybridization with DNA probes
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Rupa DS, Hasegawa LS ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: 322 Nbr: 1 Abs: Pg: 9-20

Chromosomal loss and breakage in mouse bone marrow and spleen cells exposed to benzene in vivo
Periodical: Cancer Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Chen HW, Rupa DS, Tomar R, Eastmond DA ART
Yr: 1949 Vol: 54 Nbr: 13 Abs: Pg: 3533-3539

The role of oxygen radicals in the chromosomal loss and breakage induced by the quinone-forming compounds in hydroquinone and tert-butylhydroquinone
Periodical: Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Dobo KE, Eastmond DA ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Detection of hydroquinone-induced nonrandom breakage in the centromeric heterochromatin of mouse bone marrow cells using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization with the mouse major and minor satellite probes
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Chen HW, Tomar R, Eastmond DA ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Synergistic increases in chromosomal breakage within the euchromatin induced by an interaction of the benzene metabolites phenol and hydroquinone in mice
Periodical: Toxicologist Index Medicus:
Authors: Chen HW, Eastmond DA ABS
Yr: 1994 Vol: 14 Nbr: Abs: 1274 Pg: 328

Chromosomal loss and the involvement of chromosomes X, Y, and 7 in spontaneous micronuclei (MN) formed in binucleated lymphocytes of non-smoking females and males
Periodical: Environmental Molecular Mutagenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Rupa DS, Hasegawa L, and Eastmond DA ABS
Yr: 1994 Vol: 23 Nbr: S23 Abs: Pg: 58

Nonrandom breakage in centromeric heterochromatin of mouse bone marrow cells following the administration of hydroquinone in vivo
Periodical: Environmental Molecular Mutagenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Chen HW, Eastmond DA ABS
Yr: 1994 Vol: 23 Nbr: S23 Abs: Pg: 9

Differential mutation rate reflected in occurrence and extent of loss of heterozygosity in TK-human lymphoblasts
Periodical: Environmental Molecular Mutagenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Dobo KL, Eastmond DA, Rumbos HS, Giver CR, Grosovsky AJ ABS
Yr: 1994 Vol: 23 Nbr: S23 Abs: Pg: 13

Detection of chromosomal aberrations in interphase cells following exposure to genotoxic agents in vitro and in vivo using fluorescence in situ hybridization with DNA probes
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Rupa DS, Hasegawa L ABS
Yr: 1994 Vol: Nbr: Abs: 181 Pg: 40

Potential role of free radicals in benzene-induced myelotoxicity and leukemia
Periodical: Free Radical Biology and Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Subrahmanyam VV, Ross D, Eastmond DA, Smith MT ART
Yr: 1991 Vol: 11 Nbr: 5 Abs: Pg: 495-515

Aneuploidy detection in interphase human lymphocytes using chromosome-specific DNA probes following treatment with benzene metabolite, hydroquinone
Periodical: Toxicologist Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Hasegawa L ABS
Yr: 1991 Vol: 11 Nbr: 1 Abs: 949 Pg: 250

Use of in situ hybridization with chromosome-specific DNA probes to detect aneuploidy in hydroquinone-treated interphase human lymphocytes
Periodical: Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Hasegawa L ABS
Yr: 1991 Vol: 17 Nbr: Suppl 19 Abs: A71 Pg:

Use of a DNA probe and anti-kinetochore modified micronucleus assay to detect aneuploidy in the lymphocytes of tobacco smoking individuals
Periodical: Environmental Molecular Mutagenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Rupa DS, Hasegawa L, Thompson CL ABS
Yr: 1992 Vol: 19 Nbr: Suppl 20 Abs: Pg: 16

Induction of micronuclei and aneuploidy by the quinone-forming agents benzene and o-phenylphenol
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA ART
Yr: 1993 Vol: 67 Nbr: 1-3 Abs: Pg: 105-118

Multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization to detect aneuploidy and chromosomal breakage in interphase cells and micronuclei
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Rupa DS, Chen H, Hasegawa L ABS
Yr: 1992 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: 52

Multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization to detect aneuploidy and chromosomal breakage in interphase cells and micronuclei
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Rupa DS, Chen H, Hasegawa L ABS
Yr: 1993 Vol: Nbr: Abs: 341 Pg: 64

Use of fluorescence in situ hybridization and an antikinetochore antibody to detect aneuploidy and chromosome breakage in mouse bone marrow and spleen following benzene exposure in vivo
Periodical: Toxicologist Index Medicus:
Authors: Chen HW, Tomar R, Rupa DS, Eastmond DA ABS
Yr: 1993 Vol: 13 Nbr: Abs: 804 Pg: 218

The role of oxygen radicals in the formation of micronuclei induced by quinone-forming compounds
Periodical: Toxicologist Index Medicus:
Authors: Dobo KL, Eastmond DA ABS
Yr: 1993 Vol: 13 Nbr: Abs: 806 Pg: 219

Detection of hyperdiploidy and chromosome breakage in interphase human lymphocytes following exposure to the benzene metabolite hydroquinone using multicolor fluorescence in istu hybridization with DNA probes
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Rupa DS, Hasegawa LS ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: 322 Nbr: 1 Abs: Pg: 9-20

Chromosomal loss and breakage in mouse bone marrow and spleen cells exposed to benzene in vivo
Periodical: Cancer Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Chen HW, Rupa DS, Tomar R, Eastmond DA ART
Yr: 1949 Vol: 54 Nbr: 13 Abs: Pg: 3533-3539

The role of oxygen radicals in the chromosomal loss and breakage induced by the quinone-forming compounds in hydroquinone and tert-butylhydroquinone
Periodical: Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Dobo KE, Eastmond DA ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Detection of hydroquinone-induced nonrandom breakage in the centromeric heterochromatin of mouse bone marrow cells using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization with the mouse major and minor satellite probes
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Chen HW, Tomar R, Eastmond DA ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Synergistic increases in chromosomal breakage within the euchromatin induced by an interaction of the benzene metabolites phenol and hydroquinone in mice
Periodical: Toxicologist Index Medicus:
Authors: Chen HW, Eastmond DA ABS
Yr: 1994 Vol: 14 Nbr: Abs: 1274 Pg: 328

Chromosomal loss and the involvement of chromosomes X, Y, and 7 in spontaneous micronuclei (MN) formed in binucleated lymphocytes of non-smoking females and males
Periodical: Environmental Molecular Mutagenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Rupa DS, Hasegawa L, and Eastmond DA ABS
Yr: 1994 Vol: 23 Nbr: S23 Abs: Pg: 58

Nonrandom breakage in centromeric heterochromatin of mouse bone marrow cells following the administration of hydroquinone in vivo
Periodical: Environmental Molecular Mutagenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Chen HW, Eastmond DA ABS
Yr: 1994 Vol: 23 Nbr: S23 Abs: Pg: 9

Differential mutation rate reflected in occurrence and extent of loss of heterozygosity in TK-human lymphoblasts
Periodical: Environmental Molecular Mutagenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Dobo KL, Eastmond DA, Rumbos HS, Giver CR, Grosovsky AJ ABS
Yr: 1994 Vol: 23 Nbr: S23 Abs: Pg: 13

Detection of chromosomal aberrations in interphase cells following exposure to genotoxic agents in vitro and in vivo using fluorescence in situ hybridization with DNA probes
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Eastmond DA, Rupa DS, Hasegawa L ABS
Yr: 1994 Vol: Nbr: Abs: 181 Pg: 40