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Grant List

Title [sort] Institution [sort] Award [sort]

Effects of Thirdhand Smoke Exposure on the Microbiome of Young Children San Diego State University Research Foundation $361,180
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Georg Matt-Ph.D.

In-Utero THS exposure and its effects on the Health of the offspring University of California, Riverside $12,000
UC Smoke & Tobacco Free Student Program UC Pres Smke & Tobaco Free Stu Prgm 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Neema Adhami-B.S

Tech and Telephone Smoking Cessation Treatment for Young Veterans with PTSD University of California, San Francisco $146,789
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence CA Scholar of Targeted Advance Rsrc 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Ellen Herbst-M.D.

11th National Conference on Nicotine Dependence American Society of Addiction Medicine $12,000
Nicotine Dependence Special Projects 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Lori Karan-M.D.

16S rRNA PhyloChip Analysis of Bacterial Communities in COPD University of California, San Francisco $75,000
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Yvonne Huang-M.D.

2-Xylosides Inhibit Glycolipid Synthesis and Cell Growth The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $149,221
Cardiovascular Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Hudson Freeze-Ph.D.

2014 SRNT TRHD Travel Awards Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco $2,400
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Special Projects 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Bruce Wheeler-B.A.

2016 SRNT HD Travel Awards Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco $3,181
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Special Projects 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Mona Johnson-MBA

2019 National Cannabis Summit Advocates for Human Potential $100,000
Industry Influence/Policy Scientific Conference Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Linda Frazier-M.A.

2nd East West Conference on Tobacco and Alcohol University of Southern California $15,000
Epidemiology Special Projects 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Andy Johnson-

3rd International RB conference Stanford University $5,000
Cancer Special Projects 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Julien Sage-Ph.D.

50000 Fold Signal Enhancement for Imaging Vulnerable Plaque Huntington Medical Research Institute $213,845
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Pratip Bhattacharya-Ph.D.

A Community Based Approach to Tobacco Control Loyola Marymount University $974,719
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Cheryl Grills-

A Comprehensive Investigation of ENDS Use in Adolescents University of California, San Francisco $248,535
Regulatory Science/New Products Exploratory/Developmental Award 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Mark Rubinstein-M.D.

A Differential Approach to Investigate Head and Neck Cancer J. David Gladstone Institutes $118,800
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Manon Eckhardt-Ph.D.

A digital mixed methods evaluation of university tobacco-free policies CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation $540,733
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Joshua Yang-

A dynamic model of smoking and healthcare expenditures in CA University of California, San Francisco $595,843
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Wendy Max-Ph.D.

A Family Intervention to Reduce Smoking in Vietnamese Men University of California, San Francisco $288,421
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Exploratory/Developmental Award 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Janice Tsoh-Ph.D.

A Family-Based Approach To Reduce Smoking in Vietnamese Men University of California, San Francisco $508,987
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Janice Tsoh-Ph.D.

A Genetic Marker of Lung Cancer Risk Among Blacks & Whites University of Southern California $1,036,615
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Stephanie London-M.D., Ph.D.

A Human iPSC-based Platform to Unravel the Role of Nicotine in the Pathogenesis of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Stanford University $178,440
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Mengcheng Shen-

A Hypothalamic Mechanism of Nicotine Reward and Addiction University of California, San Diego $61,640
Nicotine Dependence Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Dennis Rasmussen-Ph.D.

A longitudinal study of smoking transitions in youth University of California, San Diego $577,574
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Elizabeth Gilpin-M.S.

A Metabolic Mechanism of Action of Antiischemic Agents University of California, Los Angeles $225,000
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Freny Mody-M.D.

A Methodological Multi-Ethnic Study of Smoking Initiation University of California, Los Angeles $260,978
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Celia Kaplan-Dr.P.H.

A mindfulness-based approach to relapse prevention California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute $133,530
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Cassandra Vieten-Ph.D.

A model system for smoking-related damage to proteins J. David Gladstone Institutes $75,375
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Johan Bjorkegren-M.D., Ph.D.

A Molecular Approach for Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Stanford University $376,800
Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Cancer High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Maximilian Diehn-M.D., Ph.D.

A New Approach for Studying the Mechanism of Squamous Metapl University of California, Los Angeles $75,000
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Sanford Barsky-M.D.

A new approach to anti-angiogenic therapy in lung cancer Stanford University $407,935
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Calvin Kuo-M.D., Ph.D.

A new molecular approach for predicting lung cancer University of California, Irvine $75,000
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Ram Kumar Sindhu-Ph.D.

A Novel Anti-Cancer Therapy: Inhibition of MUS81-EME1 University of California, Davis $60,000
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Sucheta Mukherjee-B.S.

A Novel Approach to Prevent in Utero Nicotine Lung Injury LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $564,957
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Virender Rehan-

A novel approach to prevent in utero nicotine lung injury LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $597,916
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Virender Rehan-

A novel FMRI smoking craving and reward paradigm University of California, Los Angeles $96,949
Nicotine Dependence Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: John Monterosso-Ph.D.

A novel imaging technology for the early detection of Oral C University of California, Los Angeles $421,842
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Research Project Awards 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Maie St. John-MD, PhD

A novel lung tumor suppressor The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $144,788
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Steven Frisch-Ph.D.

A Novel Mouse Model of Thirdhand Smoke-Induced Childhood Leukemia University of California, San Francisco $542,378
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Scott Kogan-

A novel therapeutic target for stroke The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $72,310
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Li-Tao Zhong-M.D., Ph.D.

A novel total synthesis of brazilin and brazilide A University of California, Santa Barbara $59,191
General Biomedical Science Dissertation Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Yaodong Huang-M.S.

A novel, 3-dimensional approach to non-invasive diagnostics University of California, Irvine $99,000
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Petra Wilder-Smith-D.D.S., Ph.D.

A Pilot Study of Tobacco & Cannabis Contaminants in Protec University of California, Santa Barbara $531,982
Unknown NRS Pilot 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Patricia Holden-Ph.D.

A pilot tobacco control intervention for homeless adults University of California, San Diego $249,536
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Exploratory/Developmental Award 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Maya Vijayaraghavan-M.D.

A Research Agenda to Determine & Counter Big Tobacco Center for Policy Analysis $5,000
Industry Influence/Policy Special Projects 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Ellen Shaffer-Ph.D., M.P.H.

A retroviral link to human tobacco-related lung cancer? University of California, Los Angeles $74,500
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Sanford Barsky-M.D.

A smoke-free home intervention in supportive housing University of California, San Francisco $319,871
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Pilot Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Maya Vijayaraghavan-M.D.

A Smokeless Tobacco Cessation Intervention: College Athletes University of California, San Francisco $648,997
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Margaret Walsh-MS, EdD

A Smokeless Tobacco Cessation Program: High School Athletes University of California, San Francisco $533,923
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Margaret Walsh-MS, EdD

A Smoking Prevention Model for Low Income Minority Youth Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science $323,095
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Donna Davis-Ph.D.

A stage-based scheduled smoking intervention for Chinese University of California, San Francisco $554,500
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Janice Tsoh-Ph.D.

A study of Bax, a gene involved in killing tumor cells The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $75,060
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Shahrzad Nouraini-Ph.D.

A validated second hand smoking exposure model for Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) University of California, Irvine $479,770
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Rufus Edwards-

A web-based support community as a tool for ST cessation University of California, San Francisco $100,000
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Margaret Walsh-MS, EdD

A Youth Development & Parent Toolkit for Tobacco Education University of California, San Francisco $235,583
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Full SARA 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Bonnie Halpern-Felsher-Ph.D.

A Youth Development & Parent Toolkit for Tobacco Education Stanford University $223,411
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Full SARA 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Bonnie Halpern-Felsher-Ph.D.

Acculturation & cigarette smoking among Asian-Americans University of Southern California $244,715
Epidemiology New Investigator Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Xinguang Chen-Ph.D.

Acculturation, media, peers, parents and adolescent smoking University of Southern California $213,511
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Integrated Research Project 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Jennifer Unger-Ph.D.

Acetylation of NFkB in NSCLC resistance models University of California, San Francisco $162,909
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Sarah McMahon-

Acetylcholine Receptors in the Developing Nervous System University of California, San Diego $116,263
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Kent Keyser-Ph.D.

Acquired apoptotic resistance in 3D lung cancer spheroids University of California, San Francisco $135,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Dario Barbone-Ph.D.

Activated Protein C in Smokers Thrombosis Scripps Research Institute $347,737
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Andras Gruber-M.D.

Activation and detoxification of lung cancer carcinogens University of California, San Diego $420,000
Cancer Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Robert Tukey-Ph.D.

Activation of Bnip3 in tobacco-induced heart disease San Diego State University Research Foundation $155,791
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Asa Gustafsson-Ph.D.

Activation of Bnip3 in tobacco-induced heart disease Scripps Research Institute $134,074
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Asa Gustafsson-Ph.D.

Activation of DDAH for the Treatment of Atherosclerosis Stanford University $87,350
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Yohannes Ghebremariam-Ph.D.

Activation of NF-kB by cigarette smoke University of California, Davis $224,217
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Richart Harper-M.D.

Active and Passive Smoking and Risk of Colorectal Cancer Cancer Prevention Institute of California $323,850
Epidemiology Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Peggy Reynolds-Ph.D.

Acute & Chronic Effects of Tobacco & Non-tobacco Smoking University of California, Los Angeles $27,491
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Enrique Gil-M.D.

Acute & Chronic Nicotine Treatment on Gastric Ulceration University of California, Los Angeles $70,000
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Kazuo Endoh-M.D.

Ad and Movie Imagery and Teen's Perceptions About Smokers University of California, Irvine $190,616
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Cornelia Pechmann-Ph.D.

Addressing Substance Abusers Who Also Smoke Northern California Institute for Research & Education $270,931
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation New Investigator Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Karen Sees-D.O.

Adenosine Airway Reactivity & Receptors in Smokers University of California, Davis $93,500
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Jesse Joad-M.D.

Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Christie Fowler-

Adolescent social networks, smoking, and loneliness University of Southern California $60,303
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Stephanie Dyal-B.S.

Adolescent Susceptibility to Tobacco: A Panel Analysis University of California, Irvine $456,076
Epidemiology Integrated Research Project 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Larry Jamner-Ph.D.

Adolescent susceptibility to tobacco: a panel analysis University of California, Irvine $495,433
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Larry Jamner-Ph.D.

Adoption and Implementation of Campus Tobacco-free Policies University of California, San Francisco $41,670
Industry Influence/Policy Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Amanda Fallin-PhD

Adoption of Tobacco Programs in California Schools University of Southern California $47,701
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Dissertation Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Melissa Little-M.P.H.

Advances in Lung Cancer Detection with Digital Techniques University of California, Los Angeles $276,730
Cancer Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Denise Aberle-M.D.

Affect Regulation in the Prevention of Smoking Relapse Northern California Institute for Research & Education $70,601
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Timothy Carmody-Ph.D.

African American church role in tobacco norm change Health Education Council $115,098
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Ayanna Kiburi-MPH

African American Perceptions of Tobacco Denormalization Approaches HBSA, Inc. $600,361
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Tamar Antin-DrPH

African American Smoking and Quitting in California Claremont Graduate University $382,402
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Dennis Trinidad-Ph.D., M.P.H.

African American Tobacco Related Health Disparities University of California, San Francisco $4,596
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Special Projects 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Valerie Yerger-ND, MA

African Americans and Mentholated Cigarettes Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science $417,968
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Bruce Allen-DrPH

African Americans: NRT or Alternative Medicine for Cessation University of California, San Francisco $285,000
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation New Investigator Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Valerie Yerger-ND, MA

Aggression and Nicotine University of California, Irvine $230,826
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Larry Jamner-Ph.D.

Air pollution, tobacco smoke, & asthma in minority children University of California, San Francisco $412,913
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Research Project Awards 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Esteban Burchard-M.D., M.P.H.

Airway inflammation in the evolution of airway fibrosis University of California, San Francisco $421,284
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Research Project Awards 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Stephen Nishimura-M.D.

Airway transcriptome changes in smokers University of California, San Francisco $99,500
Pulmonary Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: John Fahy-M.D.

ALAC 2003 Annual Conference American Lung Association of California $5,000
Pulmonary Disease Special Projects 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Steve O'Kane-

ALAC Annual Conference American Lung Association of California $5,000
Pulmonary Disease Special Projects 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Laura Keegan-

ALAC Annual Conference American Lung Association of California $2,500
Pulmonary Disease Special Projects 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Lynn Devine-

ALAC Annual Conference American Lung Association of California $5,000
Pulmonary Disease Special Projects 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Kerlyn Chatelain-Graham-

ALAC Conference American Lung Association of California $5,000
Pulmonary Disease Special Projects 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Trisha Murakawa- Laura Keegan-

Alliance for Data Dissemination to Achieve Equity (ADEPT) Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment Advocacy & Leadership $481,501
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Rod Lew-MPH

Allocation of Health Care to Smokers: Practice and Ethics Stanford University $113,598
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Thomas Raffin-M.D.

Allosteric Protein Kinase Modulators via Disulfide Trapping University of California, San Francisco $75,000
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Jack Sadowsky-Ph.D.

Alpha4* Nicotinic Receptor in Dopaminergic System California Institute of Technology $75,000
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Cheng Xiao-Ph.D.

Alpha4beta2 nAChR upregulation in the perforant pathway California Institute of Technology $26,898
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Rachel Penton-Ph.D.

Alterations in gene expression after tobacco smoke exposure University of California, Davis $216,612
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Ken Yoneda-M.D.

Alternative sources of ETS exposure in infants San Diego State University Research Foundation $109,687
Epidemiology Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Georg Matt-Ph.D.

American Indian Youth: PSA, Photovoice & Digital Storytelling University of Southern California $387,041
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Claradina Soto-MPH

Amnesty Smoking Prevention Project University of Southern California $686,087
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Richard Scribner-M.D.

AMPA Receptors and Extinction of Nicotine-Seeking Behavior University of California, San Diego $135,000
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Manoranjan Dsouza-M.D., Ph.D.

An athletic trainer mediated spit tobacco cessation program University of California, San Francisco $490,546
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Margaret Walsh-MS, EdD

An atypical nicotine receptor: target for anti-angiogenics? Stanford University $385,707
Cardiovascular Disease Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: John Cooke-M.D., Ph.D.

An economic analysis of factors influencing teen smoking University of California, San Diego $221,497
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics New Investigator Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Sherry Emery-M.B.A., Ph.D.

An Endogenous Lectin in Airway Epithelium & Lung Cancer University of California, San Francisco $463,703
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Hakon Leffler-M.D., Ph.D.

An experimental assessment of FDA graphic warning labels University of California, San Francisco $252,794
Regulatory Science/New Products Exploratory/Developmental Award 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Joseph Guydish-Ph.D.

An Idea for a Cohort Study of Tobacco-Related Cancers University of California, Los Angeles $73,428
Epidemiology Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Matthew Longnecker-

An IFN-gamma/mast cell axis in THS-exacerbated allergic airway inflammation Stanford University $478,312
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Stephen Galli-M.D.

An RNA biomarker for tobacco smoke toxicity University of California, Davis $51,751
General Biomedical Science Dissertation Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Richard Kimura-

Anabolic therapies for muscle dysfunction in women with COPD LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $632,153
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Richard Casaburi-M.D., Ph.D.

Analysis of a candidate lung tumor suppressor gene at 3p21.3 Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope $111,910
Cancer Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Gerd Pfeifer-Ph.D.

Analysis of a lung tumor supressor gene at 3p21.3 Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope $249,438
Cancer Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Gerd Pfeifer-Ph.D.

Analysis of a nicotine-related receptor binding site University of California, San Francisco $69,218
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Laura England-Ph.D.

Analysis of bladder cancer precursor formation as a basis for early therapeutic intervention Stanford University $193,320
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Aaron Kershner-

Analysis of California adolescent tobacco data University of California, Los Angeles $475,742
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: William McCarthy-Ph.D.

Analysis of Circulating Tumor RNA for Early Detection of Lung Cancer Stanford University $118,800
Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Young-Jun Jeon-Ph.D.

Analysis of RAS Mutations in the Canine Smoking Model University of California, Davis $70,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Susan Kraegel-D.V.M.

Analysis of Retinoid Mediated Anti-cancer Activities The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $757,415
Cancer Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Magnus Pfahl-Ph.D.

Analysis of the Effect of National Policies on Smoking Behavior University of California, San Diego $579,489
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: John Pierce-Ph.D.

Analysis of the Hippo pathway in lung cancer Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope $654,999
Cancer Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Gerd Pfeifer-Ph.D.

Analysis of tobacco industry documents on scientific research University of California, San Francisco $442,646
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Lisa Bero-Ph.D.

Analysis of tobacco toxin-genetic interactions through study of the dioxin-AHR pathway Stanford University $589,712
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Thomas Quertermous-

Angiotensin II and Restenosis after Coronary Angioplasty University of California, Davis $228,018
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Jerry Powell-M.D.

Angiotensin II Regulation of the Cardiac Fibroblast University of California, San Diego $219,533
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Francisco Villarreal-M.D., Ph.D.

Animal Models of Human Risk from Environmental Tobacco Smoke University of California, Davis $135,482
Epidemiology New Investigator Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Philip Kass-D.V.M., Ph.D.

Anti-Tobacco Programming: Reaching Deaf and Hard of Hearing University of California, Los Angeles $446,947
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Barbara Berman-Ph.D.

Antiatherogenic helical segments of apoA-I Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $141,230
Cardiovascular Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: John Bielicki-Ph.D.

Antimicrobial Proteins of Human Alveolar Macrophages University of California, Los Angeles $71,549
Pulmonary Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Robert Lehrer-M.D.

Antioxidants, cigarette smoking and atherosclerosis University of Southern California $730,640
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: James Dwyer-Ph.D.

Antismoking slides in movie Theaters: A Naturalistic Evaluation University of California, Irvine $10,000
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Cornelia Pechmann-Ph.D.

ApoE isoforms, fatty acid metabolism and atherosclerosis J. David Gladstone Institutes $691,616
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Robert Pitas-Ph.D.

ApoE related effect of smoking in cardiovascular disease Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $678,561
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Vasanthy Narayanaswami-Ph.D.

Apolipoprotein E: remnant metabolism and atherogenesis J. David Gladstone Institutes $793,474
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Yadong Huang-M.D., Ph.D.

Apolipoprotein(a) and Cardiovascular Disease Stanford University $590,733
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Richard Lawn-Ph.D.

Apoptotic cell clearance and Tobacco Induced COPD University of California, San Diego $56,857
Pulmonary Disease Exploratory/Developmental Award 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Gregg Silverman-M.D.

Are iQOS Aerosols Cytotoxic University of California, Riverside $62,500
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Special Projects 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Prudence Talbot-Ph.D.

Are mothers and their children at risk from in utero exposure to grandmaternal smoking? Sequoia Foundation $952,370
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Michelle Pearl-

Are smokers switching to vaping at lower risk for cancer? University of Southern California $1,229,278
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Ahmad Besaratinia-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Ascertainment of environmental tobacco exposure in pregnancy Sequoia Foundation $2,053,747
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Martin Kharrazi-Ph.D.

Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Sci. Conf./Wkshp. University of California, Los Angeles $5,000
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Special Projects 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Yih-Ing Hser-Ph.D.

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Working Group University of California, San Francisco $800
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Special Projects 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Arnab Mukherjea-Dr.P.H., M.P.H.

Assessing nicotine relapse in a mouse model SRI International $183,804
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Taline Khroyan-Ph.D.

Assessing Organizational Influence on Chinese Smoking University of California, Los Angeles $75,150
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Virginia Li-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Assessing the impact of heat-not-burn and next-generation vaping products Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $448,619
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Hugo Destaillats-Ph.D.

Assessing Tobacco Refusal Skills in Latino Youth San Diego State University Research Foundation $584,719
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: James Sallis-Ph.D.

Assessing Toxicity of Tobacco Product Waste to Humans San Diego State University Research Foundation $527,249
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Research Project Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Eunha Hoh-

Assessment of Teen Tobacco Use by Primary Care Physicians University of California, San Francisco $70,000
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Merula Franzgrote-M.D.

Association of Outlet Density with Smoking and Pack Price Stanford University $515,010
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Lisa Henriksen-Ph.D.

Asthma, gender, and ETS: pathogenic synergy University of California, Davis $98,908
Pulmonary Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Laurel Gershwin-D.V.M., Ph.D.

Asymmetric Synthesis of (-)-Podophyllotoxin University of California, Santa Cruz $121,946
Cancer Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Joseph Konopelski-Ph.D.

At the Intersection of social inequity: Tobacco use disparities among diverse LGBTQ adolescents San Diego State University Research Foundation $213,864
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Jennifer Felner-

Atmospheric transformations of second hand smoke California State University, Fresno Foundation $270,107
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Exploratory/Developmental Award 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Alam Hasson-Ph.D.

Autocrine Interactions Between Bombesin and its Receptor University of California, San Diego $316,238
Cancer Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Daniel Donoghue-Ph.D.

Autophagy and cell fate in K-Ras mutant lung cancer cells University of California, San Francisco $250,000
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Jayanta Debnath-M.D.

BAG-1, a unique gene involved in smoking-associated cancers The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $75,060
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Zhihua Xie-Ph.D.

Banning Butts: The Environmental Case San Diego State University Research Foundation $45,460
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Thomas Novotny-M.D., MPH

Banning Butts: The Environmental Case University of California, San Francisco $54,040
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Thomas Novotny-M.D., MPH

Bar Interventions to Decrease Young Adult and LGBT Smoking University of California, San Francisco $244,596
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Pamela Ling-M.D., M.P.H.

Barriers and Supports for Smoking Cessation: Latinos in Addiction Treatment HBSA, Inc. $498,793
Tobacco-Related Health Disparities High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Anna Pagano-Ph.D.

Barriers to Blue-Collar HMO Smoking Cessation Participation HBSA, Inc. $710,025
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Carol Cunradi-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Bayview-Hunters Point partnership toward smoking cessation University of California, San Francisco $75,000
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Pilot CARA 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Ruth Malone-Ph.D., R.N. Carol McGruder-BA

Behavioral effects of neonatal nicotine exposure San Diego State University Research Foundation $624,780
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Edward Riley-Ph.D.

Behavioral epidemiology of tobacco use among gay men University of California, San Francisco $626,433
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Ronald Stall-Ph.D., M.P.H. Greg Greenwood-Ph.D.

Benzo[a]pyrene: Biogenetic Effects on Hepatocytes in Vitro University of California, San Diego $321,199
Cancer Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Hyam Leffert-M.D.

Benzo[A]pyrene: Biogenetic Effects on Hepatocytes in Vitro University of California, San Diego $482,971
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Hyam Leffert-M.D.

Bioactive lipids in tobacco related lung cancers University of California, San Diego $74,496
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Jerold Chun-M.D., Ph.D.

Biochemical and Functional Characterization of HIP-116 Salk Institute for Biological Studies $75,600
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Philip Sheridan-Ph.D.

Biological Impact of E-Cigarettes on Lung Carcinogenesis University of California, Los Angeles $444,879
Regulatory Science/New Products Research Project Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Steven Dubinett-M.D.

Birth defects, smoking and host susceptibility March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation $466,200
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Suzan Carmichael-Ph.D.

Bispecific molecular therapy of small cell lung cancer University of California, San Diego $434,805
Cancer Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Edward Ball-M.D.

Black-White Differences in Menthol Cigarette Smoking University of California, Los Angeles $332,764
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Murray Jarvik-M.D., Ph.D.

Boosting the immune response against lung cancer University of California, Los Angeles $70,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Marina Stolina-Ph.D.

Brachial Vasoreactivity in Young Adult Smokers Osteoporosis Medical Center $332,294
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Jacques Barth-M.D., Ph.D.

Brain adaptations to chronic nicotine expsoure University of California, Irvine $402,111
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Frances Leslie-Ph.D.

Brain imaging in nicotine addiction University of California, Los Angeles $419,881
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Desmond Smith-Ph.D.

Brain metabolic changes with cigarette craving Brentwood Biomedical Research Institute $250,850
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Arthur Brody-M.D.

Brain nAChR Occupancy: Effect of Secondhand Smoke Brentwood Biomedical Research Institute $623,593
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Arthur Brody-M.D.

Brain wave assessment of tobacco cessation readiness Scripps Research Institute $115,487
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Aaron Ilan-Ph.D.

Brd4 function in cardiac lineage commitment & morphogenesis University of California, San Francisco $136,538
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Arun Padmanabhan-M.D.

Building Tobacco Cessation Connections Across Los Angeles Co University of California, Davis $387,222
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Community Practice-Based Research 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Elisa Tong-MD, MA

Built Environment and Tobacco Use in Homeless Shelters University of California, Los Angeles $59,781
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Minal Patel-M.P.H.

Bupropion and nicotine dependence: behavior & neurochemisty University of California, San Diego $37,000
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Neil Paterson-B.Sc., MBCh.B.

Bupropion and nicotine dependence: behavior & neurochemisty Scripps Research Institute $37,500
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Neil Paterson-B.Sc., MBCh.B.

Bupropion for hospital-based smoking cessation University of California, San Francisco $478,065
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Joel Simon-M.D., M.P.H.

Bupropion for smoking cessation University of California, San Francisco $471,154
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Joel Simon-M.D., M.P.H.

CA Conference on Tobacco Control & Research California Department of Public Health $83,482
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Caroline Kurtz-Ph.D.

CA Consortium on Thirdhand Smoke Exposure & Health Effects University of California, San Francisco $454,842
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Integrated Research Project 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Neal Benowitz-M.D.

California AB13 compliance and ethnicity in urban bars Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation $769,266
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Roland Moore-

California pharm-assists for smoking cessation SRI International $124,689
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Pilot CARA 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Karen Hudmon-Dr.P.H., R.P.H., M.S. Marilyn Shreve-R.Ph.

California's Tobacco Control Program and Tobacco-Use Trends University of California, San Diego $419,901
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics California Research Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Karen Messer-Ph.D.

California, trade pacts, tobacco control: lessons to learn University of California, San Francisco $365,288
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research Mackay CA-Pac Rim Tobacco Policy Sc 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Stella Bialous-RN, MScN, DrPH

Calorigenic and Atherogenic Effects of Smoking and Nicotine University of California, San Francisco $357,492
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Marc Hellerstein-M.D., Ph.D.

Cambodian research initiative California State University, Long Beach Foundation $106,456
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Pilot CARA 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Robert Friis-Ph.D. Him Chhim-MS, MPA

Can Computer Games Prevent Tobacco Use? Stanford University $105,362
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: C. Barr Taylor-M.D.

Cancer cells alter protein synthesis rates to drive tumorigenesis University of California, San Francisco $135,738
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Kevin Wilkins-

Cancer prevention through low cost remediation of arsenic in drinking water University of California, Berkeley $914,614
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Ashok Gadgil-

Cannabis and Tobacco Co-Use and the Developing Brain University of California, San Diego $928,325
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Joanna Jacobus-Ph.D.

Carbon monoxide and the brain growth spurt University of California, Los Angeles $464,268
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: John Edmond-Ph.D.

Carbon monoxide as a modulator of myocardial function University of California, Davis $225,000
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Ulrike Kreutzer-Ph.D.

Cardiac Arrythmias Before and After Smoking Cessation University of California, San Francisco $93,780
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Melvin Scheinman-M.D.

Cardiac ion channels and tobacco-related disease University of California, Santa Barbara $389,983
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Carol Vandenberg-Ph.D.

Cardiotoxicity Study of Tobacco Smoking Using hiPSC-CMs Stanford University $145,800
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Yingxin Li-Ph.D.

Cardiovascular responses through spinal nicotinic receptors University of California, San Diego $448,941
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Palmer Taylor-Ph.D.

Cardiovascular responses to nicotine University of California, San Diego $430,843
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Palmer Taylor-Ph.D.

Cardiovascular Toxicity of E-Cigarettes: Role of Nicotine University of California, Los Angeles $391,200
Cardiovascular Disease High Impact Research Project Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Holly Middlekauff-

Cardiovascular Ultrasound Machine for SHS/THS Exposure Core University of California, San Francisco $150,000
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Special Projects 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Suzaynn Schick-Ph.D.

Carotid Body Amplification of Exertional Dyspnea in Smokers University of California, Los Angeles $196,560
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Susan Ward-Ph.D.

Case studies of indoor air regulations: role of research University of California, San Francisco $292,210
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Lisa Bero-Ph.D.

Case study on tobacco use legislation RAND Corporation $160,907
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Peter Jacobson-J.D., M.P.H.

Cell adhesion at nicotinic synapses University of California, San Diego $59,454
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Gallen Triana-Balzer-BA

Cell Adhesion Receptors in Atherogenesis Scripps Research Institute $391,252
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Jeffrey Smith-Ph.D.

Cell Adhesion Receptors in Atherogenesis The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $170,341
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Jeffrey Smith-Ph.D.

Cell Cycle Regulation of Proliferation Genes California Institute of Technology $32,400
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Rati Verma-Ph.D.

Cell Motility in Pulmonary Premalignancy University of California, Los Angeles $64,762
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Dissertation Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Paul Pagano-B.S.

Cell-cell interact reg distrib of nic receptrs on neurons University of California, San Diego $29,754
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Sergio Kaiser-

Cellular Analysis of BAVM Regression in a Mouse Model University of California, San Francisco $60,000
Cardiovascular Disease Dissertation Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Patrick Murphy-BA

Cellular Defects in Lung caused by Tobacco Smoke University of California, San Francisco $319,013
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Alan Verkman-M.D., Ph.D.

Certifying Smoke-Free Used Cars San Diego State University Research Foundation $686,734
Industry Influence/Policy Research Project Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Georg Matt-Ph.D.

Cessation and Environmental Smoking among Korean Americans University of Southern California $161,060
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Jimi Huh-M.A.

cGMP regulation of vascular smooth muscle differentiation University of California, San Diego $403,818
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Renate Pilz-M.D.

Characterization of a New Tumor Suppressor Gene University of California, San Diego $200,810
Cancer New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Tsutomu Nobori-M.D.

Characterization of emissions from electronic cigarettes University of California, Los Angeles $228,278
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Exploratory/Developmental Award 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Yifang Zhu-Ph.D.

Characterization of innate immunity in pollution-induced exacerbation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) University of California, San Francisco $933,635
Pulmonary Disease High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Mehrdad Arjomandi-

Characterization of Particulate-Phase ETS in Differing Environments Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $454,509
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Joan Daisey-Ph.D.

Characterization of Platelet Thromboxane A2 Receptors Western University of Health Sciences $277,422
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Fadi Khasawneh-PhD

Characterization of Smoking-Associated Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA) for Lung Cancer University of California, Los Angeles $151,350
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Jordan Cheng-

Chemical synthesis of communesin B, a novel antineoplastic California Institute of Technology $74,403
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Shyam Krishnan-Ph.D.

Chemokine-based therapy for lung cancer University of California, Los Angeles $416,940
Cancer Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Sherven Sharma-Ph.D.

Chemopreventive strategies against lung cancer recurrence University of California, Los Angeles $75,000
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Jenny Mao-M.D.

Chemotherapeutic inhibition of polysialic acid biosynthesis University of California, Davis $420,781
Cancer Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Jacquelyn Gervay-Hague-Ph.D.

Cholesterol metabolism and atherosclerosis University of California, San Diego $74,500
Cardiovascular Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Oswald Quehenberger-Ph.D.

Chromatin Remodeling in Glucocorticoid Resistance of COPD University of California, San Francisco $56,648
Pulmonary Disease Dissertation Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Karin Buser-B.S.

Chromatin remodellers Brg1 and Baf60c in heart development J. David Gladstone Institutes $145,800
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Swetansu Hota-Ph.D

Chronic bronchitis: pathology of mucin gene expression University of California, San Francisco $147,758
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Walter Finkbeiner-M.D., Ph.D.

Chronic bronchitis: pathology of mucin gene expression University of California, Davis $329,481
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Walter Finkbeiner-M.D., Ph.D.

Chronic CO exposure impairs the developing auditory system University of California, Los Angeles $75,000
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Douglas Webber-Ph.D.

Chronic Electronic Cigarette Use and Accelerated Skeletal Muscle Aging University of California, San Diego $320,000
Cardiovascular Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Ellen Breen-Ph.D.

Chronic nicotine treatment in primates; role of a6b2 nAChRs The Parkinson's Institute $194,628
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Maryka Quik-Ph.D.

Chronic nicotine treatment in primates; role of a6b2 nAChRs SRI International $382,500
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Maryka Quik-Ph.D.

Chronic respiratory effects of past and passive smoking Loma Linda Preventive Medicine Medical Group, Inc. $121,461
Epidemiology Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: David Abbey-Ph.D.

Cigar smoking among young adults: formative research California State University, Long Beach Foundation $292,920
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Fen Rhodes-Ph.D.

Cigar use prevalence: social and media determinants San Diego State University Research Foundation $318,750
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics New Investigator Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Joachim Reimann-Ph.D.

Cigarette Butt Advisory Group Meeting 11/2/11 Cigarette Butt Pollution Project $4,995
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Special Projects 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Thomas Novotny-M.D., MPH

Cigarette Butt-derived Pollutants in the Coastal Environment California State University, Long Beach Foundation $200,000
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Exploratory/Developmental Award 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Rich Gossett-B.S.

Cigarette Producer Responsibility Project Cigarette Butt Pollution Project $229,875
Regulatory Science/New Products Exploratory/Developmental Award 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Thomas Novotny-M.D., MPH

Cigarette smoke alters lipoprotein & artery wall interaction University of California, Los Angeles $472,876
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Alan Fogelman-M.D.

Cigarette smoke and lung injury: mechanism of nSMase2 action University of California, Davis $117,255
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Simone Filosto-Ph.D.

Cigarette smoke effects on cells crucial for wound healing University of California, Riverside $74,500
General Biomedical Science Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Manuela Martins-Green-Ph.D.

Cigarette smoke effects on human vascular endothelial genes University of California, Riverside $75,000
Cardiovascular Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Craig Byus-Ph.D.

Cigarette smoke effects on nitric oxide-dependent muscle regeneration University of California, San Diego $720,338
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology New Investigator Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Leonardo Nogueira-

Cigarette Smoke Exposure In Utero: Neonatal Immunity University of California, San Diego $265,000
Pulmonary Disease Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Patricia Finn-M.D.

Cigarette Smoke Expusure & Antioxidant Activity in Blood Stanford University $260,359
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Diane Tribble-Ph.D.

Cigarette Smoke Expusure & Antioxidant Activity in Blood Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $74,439
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Diane Tribble-Ph.D.

Cigarette Smoke Induced Changes in Gene Expression University of California, Davis $222,046
Cancer New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Cynthia Robinson-M.D.

Cigarette smoke injures lung epithelium by activating nSMase University of California, Davis $394,380
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Tzipora Goldkorn-BSc, MSc, Ph.D.

Cigarette smoke, MCP-1 expression in vivo and atherogenesis University of California, Riverside $50,418
Cardiovascular Disease Dissertation Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Lina Seang Wong-B.S.

Cigarette Smoke, Nicotine & Acid-induced Duodenal Injury University of California, Los Angeles $311,797
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Felix Leung-M.D.

Cigarette Smoking & Facial Wrinkling University of California, San Francisco $515,796
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Virginia Ernster-M.D., Ph.D.

Cigarette Smoking & Sudden Cardiac Death University of California, San Francisco $783,629
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Melvin Scheinman-M.D.

Cigarette Smoking Alterations in Thrombolytic Parameters University of California, San Diego $70,000
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Michell Olman-M.D.

Cigarette Smoking and Stress-Coping among Latino Youth University of Southern California $60,000
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Dissertation Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Rachel Grana-M.P.H.

Cigarette smoking in HIV-positive populations University of California, San Francisco $74,882
Epidemiology Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Gary Humfleet-Ph.D.

Cigarette Smoking, Steroidogenesis & Steroid Receptors Stanford University $316,942
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: David Feldman-M.D.

Classroom animation tobacco awareness program effectiveness WestEd $463,718
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Full SARA 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Barbara Dietsch-Ph.D. Lynne Dibble-BS, MA Timothy Kordic- Diane Schwartz-M.A.

Clearing the Air Institute American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation $5,000
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Cynthia Hallett-MPH

Clearing the Air Institute American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation $5,000
General Biomedical Science Special Projects 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Cynthia Hallett-MPH

Clearing the Air: An Institute for Policy Advocacy American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation $5,000
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Cynthia Hallett-MPH

Clearing the Air: An Institute for Policy Advocacy, IV American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation $5,000
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Cynthia Hallett-MPH

Clearing the Air: An Institute for Policy Advocacy, V American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation $5,000
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Cynthia Hallett-MPH

Clinical Pharmacology of Tobacco Alkaloids University of California, San Francisco $538,143
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Peyton Jacob-Ph.D.

Clinical Pharmacology of Tobacco Alkaloids University of California, San Francisco $508,848
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Peyton Jacob-Ph.D.

Clinical Pharmacology of Tobacco Alkaloids University of California, San Francisco $393,855
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Peyton Jacob-Ph.D.

Clinical pharmacology of tobacco alkaloids University of California, San Francisco $439,882
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Peyton Jacob-Ph.D.

Clinical pharmacology of tobacco alkaloids University of California, San Francisco $373,408
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Peyton Jacob-Ph.D.

Clinical Validation of Salivary Oral Cancer Biomarkers University of California, Los Angeles $521,831
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Research Project Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: David Wong-DMD, DMSc

Clinician Initiated Smoking Prevention: A Controlled Trial San Diego State University Research Foundation $2,071,588
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Melbourne Hovell-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Cloning & Expression of the Apo-B mRNA Editing Factor J. David Gladstone Institutes $254,743
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Thomas Innerarity-Ph.D.

Cloning of a Lung Tumor Transport Gene for Drug Development University of California, San Diego $104,966
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Michael Kelner-M.D., M.S.

Cloning of Two Genes Involved it Tobacco Carcinogenesis University of California, Los Angeles $323,634
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Oliver Hankinson-Ph.D.

CNS effects of prenatal nicotine exposure: threshold dosage LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $458,763
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Russell Poland-Ph.D.

CNS Processing of Lung Afferent & Cigarette Smoke Inputs University of California, Davis $261,726
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Ann Bonham-Ph.D.

Co-regulator mechanisms in lung cancer University of California, San Diego $38,267
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Bogi Andersen-M.D.

Cognitive effects of gestational nicotine University of California, Irvine $60,000
General Biomedical Science Dissertation Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Shahrdad Lotfipour-Ph.D.

Combination immuno and metabolic therapy for early-stage lung adenocarcinoma University of California, Los Angeles $499,756
Cancer High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Claudio Scafoglio-

Combined intranasal oxytocin and mindfulness training as a novel treatment for smoking cessation University of Southern California $1,231,893
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Matthew Kirkpatrick-

Community and Family Context of Teen Smoking University of California, Los Angeles $270,000
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics New Investigator Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Ritesh Mistry-Ph.D. M.P.A.

Community College Smoke free Policies: Disparities, Contexts and Strategies Public Health Institute $948,641
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research New Investigator Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Camillia Lui-

Comparison of Nicotine Metabolism in four Ethnic Groups University of California, San Francisco $449,327
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Eliseo Perez-Stable-M.D.

Complement Mediated Cardiac Ischemei & Thromboxane Release Veterans Medical Research Foundation $291,601
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Bruce Ito-

Comprehensive evaluation of the ischemic leg Stanford University $672,390
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Dwight Nishimura-Ph.D.

Comprehensive Program to Reduce Tobacco-Related Health Disparities University of California, San Francisco $498,823
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Pilot Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Michael Potter-MD

Comprehensive Tobacco Policy Model University of California, Irvine $439,963
Epidemiology Integrated Research Project 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Tammy Tengs-Sc.D.

Computer Simulation as a Tool for Reducing SHS Exposure Education Training and Research Associates, Inc. $113,549
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Neil Klepeis-

Computer Vision for Detection of Tobacco Related Diseases on University of California, Los Angeles $365,413
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Matthew Brown-Ph.D.

Conference Support for Clearing the Air Institute May 2013 American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation $5,000
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Cynthia Hallett-MPH

Conference Support for Clearing the Air September 2014 American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation $5,000
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Cynthia Hallett-MPH

Conformationally constrained nicotine vaccines Scripps Research Institute $778,921
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Kim Janda-Ph.D.

CONNECT: Smoking Cessation and Lung Cancer Screening University of California, San Francisco $499,241
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Judith Walsh-M.D., M.P.H.

Constructing a Lung Cancer Map of Drug Resistance States with Single-Cell Analysis Stanford University $138,450
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Loukia Karacosta-

Context & consequenes of smoking in a blue-collar cohort Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation $426,555
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Carol Cunradi-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Contributions of CNRs to nicotinic signaling University of California, San Diego $70,000
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Martina Blank-Ph.D.

Control of breathing in infants of smoking mothers California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute $290,986
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Kathleen Lewis-M.D.

Control of cellular self-digestion in lung tumorigenesis The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $135,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Renata Sano-PhD

Control of Differentiation of the Early Embryonic Heart California Institute of Technology $191,398
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Elias Lazarides-Ph.D.

Control of Mucociliary Clearance in the Respiratory Tract University of California, Los Angeles $276,780
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Ellen Dirksen-Ph.D.

Control of Mucociliary Clearance in the Respiratory Tract University of California, Los Angeles $404,950
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Ellen Dirksen-Ph.D.

Controlled Human Exposure and THS Generation Core University of California, San Francisco $737,248
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Integrated Research Project 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Suzaynn Schick-Ph.D.

Controlled study of withdrawal symptoms in teen smokers Stanford University $499,890
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Joel Killen-Ph.D.

Controlled Thirdhand Smoke Exposure Core University of California, San Francisco $304,957
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Research Project Awards 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Suzaynn Schick-Ph.D.

Controlling Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke University of California, Berkeley $205,357
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: William Nazaroff-Ph.D.

COPD: oxygen transport and metabolism in skeletal muscle University of California, San Diego $224,500
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Luke Haseler-Ph.D.

Corepressors, TZDs, and tobacco-induced lung inflammation University of California, Davis $249,587
Pulmonary Disease Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Martin Privalsky-Ph.D.

Corporate strategies: design, conduct, publication of research University of California, San Francisco $407,567
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Lisa Bero-Ph.D.

Correlates of cigarette craving in acute nicotine withdrawal Brentwood Biomedical Research Institute $517,818
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Murray Jarvik-M.D., Ph.D. Richard Olmstead-Ph.D.

Correlates of cigarette craving in acute nicotine withdrawal University of California, Los Angeles $17,000
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Murray Jarvik-M.D., Ph.D.

Correlates of Smoking in Teen, Adult & Pregnant Women in CA University of California, San Francisco $136,082
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Virginia Ernster-M.D., Ph.D.

Cost of Smoking University of California, San Francisco $224,626
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Stanton Glantz-Ph.D.

Cost of Smoking University of California, San Diego $74,223
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: John Pierce-Ph.D.

Cost of Smoking II University of California, San Diego $37,500
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: John Pierce-Ph.D.

Cost of Smoking II University of California, San Francisco $112,500
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Stanton Glantz-Ph.D.

Cost of Smoking in California University of California, San Francisco $185,697
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Dorothy Rice-Sc.D.

Cotinine Metabolism in Infants and Children University of California, San Francisco $509,473
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Neal Benowitz-M.D.

COX-2 regulation of vaccination responses in lung cancer University of California, Los Angeles $379,362
Cancer Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Steven Dubinett-M.D.

COX-2-dependent modulation of survivin in lung cancer University of California, Los Angeles $69,500
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Kostyantyn Krysan-Ph.D.

Crowd Membership and Tobacco Use Among Young Adolescents University of California, San Francisco $149,877
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation New Investigator Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: M. Margaret Dolcini-Ph.D.

CSF biomarkers of brain metastases from lung cancer University of California, San Francisco $100,000
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: James Rubenstein-M.D., Ph.D.

CT imaging to assist diagnosis of solitary pulmonary nodules University of California, Los Angeles $59,002
Cancer Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Michael McNitt-Gray-Ph.D.

CTCs for early detection and characterization of lung cancer SRI International $334,748
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Exploratory/Developmental Award 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Xiaohe Liu-Ph.D. , M.D.

Culture and Tobacco Among American Indian Adolescents University of Southern California $824,825
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Jennifer Unger-Ph.D. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Current legal issues in tobacco University of California, San Francisco $34,746
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Brion Fox-S.M., J.D.

Curriculum for treating nicotine dependence in psychiatry University of California, San Francisco $269,500
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation New Investigator Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Judith Prochaska-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Cytokine gene-modified dendritic cells for lung cancer University of California, Los Angeles $590,523
Cancer Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Steven Dubinett-M.D.

Cytokines and Foam Cell Formation Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute $321,593
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Loren Fong-Ph.D.

Cytotoxicity and Stress Induction by Thirdhand Smoke University of California, Riverside $444,081
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Research Project Awards 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Prudence Talbot-Ph.D.

D2 Dopamine Receptor Alleles in Smokers & Nonsmokers University of California, Los Angeles $356,559
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Ernest Noble-M.D., Ph.D.

De-silencing hypermethylated tumor supressor genes California Institute of Technology $60,000
Pulmonary Disease Dissertation Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Jeenjoo Kang-BA

Deciphering p53 Programs in Lung Cancer Suppression Stanford University $611,377
Cancer High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Laura Attardi-Ph.D.

Defensins and à2-macroglobulin in Lung Inflammation University of California, Los Angeles $316,269
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Tomas Ganz-M.D., Ph.D.

Defining mutagenesis pathways in tobacco-related cancer Scripps Research Institute $58,993
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Bryan O'Neill-BA Chemistry

Defining regulators of hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal to prevent and treat blood cancers. University of California, Santa Cruz $166,350
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Atesh Worthington-

Defining the mechanism of dynamic matrix stiffening-driven lung cancer metastasis University of California, San Diego $193,320
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Daehwan Kim-

Defining the Role of Hedgehog Signaling in Emphysema University of California, San Francisco $180,996
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Chaoqun Wang-Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences

Delineating mechanisms of endothelial cytoprotection by APC University of California, San Diego $65,805
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Jim Kim Soh-Ph.D.

Delivering Smoking Cessation to Young Adults in Bars University of California, San Francisco $84,993
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Rachel Grana-M.P.H.

Dendritic-epithelial cells crosstalk in lung inflammation University of California, Irvine $300,000
Pulmonary Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Anshu Agrawal-Ph.D.

Deposition of inhaled carcinogens in ETS University of California, Irvine $210,446
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Michael Oldham-M.S.

Depression as a predictor of smoking treatment outcome University of California, San Francisco $52,467
Epidemiology Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: G. Scott Acton-Ph.D.

Desensitization of Cholinergic Mechanisms & Nicotine Addiction University of California, Davis $267,178
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Enrique Ochoa-M.D., Ph.D.

Design of Complement Inhibitors for Cardiovascular Disease University of California, Riverside $250,000
Cardiovascular Disease Exploratory/Developmental Award 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Dimitrios Morikis-Ph.D.

Detection of Lung Cancer Micrometastases University of Southern California $120,346
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Richard Cote-M.D.

Detection of Lung Tumor Derived DNA in Sputum Using PCR University of Southern California $115,098
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: John Martin-M.D., Ph.D.

Detection of occult metastases in patients with lung cancer University of Southern California $723,842
Cancer Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Richard Cote-M.D.

Detection of tumor DNA in plasma: definitive early diagnosis Stanford University $25,104
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Daniel Klass-Ph.D.

Determinants of Maximum Oxygen Transport. University of California, San Diego $282,699
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Peter Wagner-M.D.

Determinants of smoking among gay & lesbian youth University of California, San Francisco $509,771
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Jay Paul-Ph.D.

Determinants of Smoking Prevalence among Cambodian Americans California State University, Long Beach Foundation $693,630
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Full CARA 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Robert Friis-Ph.D. Kimthai Kuoch-

Determinants of Susceptibility to Oxidized Lipoproteins University of California, Los Angeles $495,384
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Alan Fogelman-M.D.

Determinants of Susceptibilty to Oxidixed Lipoproteins University of California, Los Angeles $324,569
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Alan Fogelman-M.D.

Determinants of Thrombin Interaction With Its Receptor University of California, San Francisco $264,243
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Shaun Coughlin-M.D., Ph.D.

Determinants of Tobacco Use Among Young Adult South Asians Claremont Graduate University $175,825
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Pilot CARA 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Paula Palmer-Ph.D.

Determinants of Tobacco Use Among Young Adult South Asians Special Service for Groups $150,931
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Pilot CARA 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Zul Surani-B.S.

Determining a role for long noncoding RNAs in smoke-induced COPD University of California, Santa Cruz $519,043
Pulmonary Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Susan Carpenter-Ph.D.

Determining how cholesterol-rich Lp(a) causes heart disease J. David Gladstone Institutes $797,092
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Thomas Innerarity-Ph.D. Robert Pitas-Ph.D.

Determining How the Intratumoral Environment Confers Stemness in Lung Cancer University of California, Santa Cruz $166,350
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: David Carrillo-

Determining Risk of Transfer of Hookah Tobacco Thirdhand Smoke San Diego State University Research Foundation $1,128,750
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Nada Kassem-

Detrimental Influence of Nitric Oxide on Vascular Function University of California, Los Angeles $8,965
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Louis Ignarro-Ph.D.

Detrimental Influence of NO on Vascular/Platelet Functions University of California, Los Angeles $288,188
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Louis Ignarro-Ph.D.

Developing A Menthol-Centric Smoking Cessation Intervention Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science $374,975
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Bruce Allen-DrPH

Developing a Novel Cell-free DNA Methylation Assay for Noninvasive Early Detection of Lung Cancer Stanford University $151,350
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Emily Hamilton-

Developing E-Cigs School-Based Prevention Curricula Stanford University $149,352
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Pilot SARA 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Bonnie Halpern-Felsher-Ph.D. Ira Sachnoff-

Developing new vaccines for lung cancer University of California, Los Angeles $398,511
Cancer Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Michael Roth-M.D.

Developing policy to reverse cigar trend: roles of media University of California, San Francisco $249,785
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Lisa Bero-Ph.D.

Developing treatments that lower blood cholesterol levels Scripps Research Institute $746,536
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Linda Curtiss-Ph.D.

Development of a blood test for pancreatic cancer Stanford University $308,819
Cancer Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Anson Lowe-M.D.

Development of a new device to measure ambulatory smoking University of California, Los Angeles $72,238
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Richard Olmstead-Ph.D.

Development of allosteric inhibitors against a molecular target (IKK) induced by cytokines and cigarette smoke University of California, San Diego $921,703
Cancer High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Gourisankar Ghosh-

Development of an Afterschool Tobacco Use Prevention Program BREATHE California of Los Angeles County $64,821
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Pilot CARA 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Brad Lebowsky-MBA Kara Karibian-MPH

Development of an Afterschool Tobacco Use Prevention Program University of California, Los Angeles $175,822
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Pilot CARA 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Burton Cowgill-PhD

Development of Fluorescent Probes for Sensing DNA Mismatches California Institute of Technology $65,369
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Mi Hee Lim-Ph.D.

Development of nicotine withdrawal measures University of California, San Diego $50,956
Nicotine Dependence Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Svetlana Semenova-Ph.D.

Development of nicotine withdrawal measures Scripps Research Institute $91,173
Nicotine Dependence Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Svetlana Semenova-Ph.D.

Development of the COPD Phenotype:Role of the IL-22/IL-22R1 Axis University of California, Davis $299,333
Pulmonary Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Lisa Miller-Ph.D.

Developmental Nicotine Exposure and Addiction University of California, Irvine $102,816
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Shahrdad Lotfipour-Ph.D.

Developmental Nicotine Exposure and Addiction University of California, Los Angeles $348,348
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Shahrdad Lotfipour-Ph.D.

Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Research Project Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Davide Dulcis-Ph.D.

Developmental Relationship between NK and T-Cell Lineages California Institute of Technology $434,126
Cancer Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Ellen Rothenberg-Ph.D.

Diabetes & tobacco exposure in So CA American Indians University of California, San Diego $468,020
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Deborah Morton-Ph.D.

Diagnosis and Treatment of MTAse-Deficient Lung Cancers University of California, San Diego $370,631
Cancer Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Tsutomu Nobori-M.D.

Diagnostic tools of HDL damage by tobacco smoke Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $113,878
Cardiovascular Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: John Bielicki-Ph.D.

Diaphragm adaptations following treatment for emphysema Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $469,400
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Michael Lewis-M.D.

Diaphragm Cellular & Functional Adaptations to Emphysema Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $135,116
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Mario Fournier-Ph.D.

Diaphragm Structural and Metabolic Changes in Emphysema University of California, San Diego $224,988
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: David Poole-Ph.D., D.Sc.

Did CTCP impact on youth affect lifetime cigarettes smoked? University of California, San Diego $186,238
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: John Pierce-Ph.D.

Dietary effects on tobacco-related lung cancer University of California, Berkeley $270,000
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Danica Chen-PhD

Dietary fat and ETS effects on lung epithelial biology University of California, Davis $99,827
Pulmonary Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Laura Van Winkle-Ph.D.

Differential softening of smokers in California University of California, San Francisco $98,339
Tobacco-Related Health Disparities Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Margarete Kulik-Ph.D.

Differentiating Preadolescent/Adolescent Paths to Smoking University of Southern California $459,986
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Karen Hennigan-Ph.D.

Digital Surveillance to Identify Alternative & Emerging Tobacco Industry Mobilization and Influence University of California, San Diego $495,186
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Timothy Mackey-

Direct Analysis of Lung Cancer Development & Progression University of Southern California $336,973
Cancer New Investigator Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Darryl Shibata-M.D.

Direct Effect of Nicotine on the Early Outward K Channel Northern California Institute for Research & Education $75,588
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Michael Kwasman-M.D.

Discovery of serum markers of lung cancer Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $120,300
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Phillip Koeffler-M.D.

Disparities in Life Course Tobacco Exposure and Breast Cancer Risk University of Southern California $101,150
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Ugonna Ihenacho-

Disparities in Rates & Impact of Tobacco and Marijuana Use in UCLA Primary Care University of California, Los Angeles $932,434
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Lillian Gelberg-

Disproportionate cost of smoking for communities of color University of California, San Francisco $278,980
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Wendy Max-Ph.D.

Dissecting Cardiovascular Effects of E-Cigarettes University of California, Los Angeles $535,618
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Jesus Araujo-M.D., Ph.D.

Dissecting signaling pathways to test cancer-killing agents University of California, San Diego $69,694
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Yi Chen-Ph.D.

Dissemination of a smoking cessation program for in patients Stanford University $710,621
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: C. Barr Taylor-M.D.

Dissemination of health impacts of thirdhand tobacco smoke University of California, San Francisco $3,271
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Special Projects 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Neal Benowitz-M.D.

Dissemination of the Rx for Change in Psychiatry Curriculum Stanford University $30,177
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Judith Prochaska-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Dissemination of the Rx for Change in Psychiatry Curriculum University of California, San Francisco $409,106
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Judith Prochaska-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Dissuading at-risk youth from smoking via mass media University of California, Irvine $610,340
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Cornelia Pechmann-Ph.D.

Diversity Travel Scholarship Program American Legacy Foundation $3,303
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Special Projects 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Donna Vallone-Ph.D., M.P.H.

DNA Adducts Arising from Tobacco-derived N-nitrosamines University of California, Riverside $250,000
General Biomedical Science Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Yinsheng Wang-Ph.D.

DNA Damage in Germ & Somatic Cells of Smokers University of California, Berkeley $70,000
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Helen Yeo-Ph.D.

DNA Methylation in e-cigarette-exposed oral epithelium University of California, San Diego $12,000
UC Smoke & Tobacco Free Student Program UC Pres Smke & Tobaco Free Stu Prgm 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Angela Zou-

DNA replication, regulation of the cell cycle, and cancer California Institute of Technology $571,742
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Judith Campbell-Ph.D.

Do Assurances of Voluntary Compliance Reduce Youth Access and Marketing? Stanford University $461,386
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research High Impact Research Project Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Lisa Henriksen-Ph.D.

Do E-Cigarettes Increase Risk for Sudden Death? Focus on the QT Interval University of California, Los Angeles $497,148
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Holly Middlekauff-

Do Follow-up Visits Help Patients Quit Smoking? University of California, San Francisco $745,189
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Steven Cummings-B.A., M.D.

Do receptors mediate the effects of nicotine on anxiety? Salk Institute for Biological Studies $291,060
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Tammy Booker-Ph.D.

Documenting the Regulation of Marijuana Use in Smokefree Environments American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation $5,750
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research Special Projects 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Cynthia Hallett-MPH

Does Maternal Smoking Impair Neonatal Control of Breathing? University of California, Los Angeles $250,000
Pulmonary Disease Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Xuesi Shao-M.D.

Does nicotine alter intercellular communication pathways? University of California, San Diego $68,864
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Ching-Yi Chen-Ph.D.

Does nicotine exposure inhibit convective drug delivery? La Jolla Bioengineering Institute $119,692
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Ugur Ozerdem-M.D.

Does nicotine increase sprouting of pericyte tubes? La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine $207,300
Cardiovascular Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Ugur Ozerdem-M.D.

Does nicotine inhibit anticancer activities of Vitamin A? The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $788,808
Cancer Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Xiao-Kun Zhang-Ph.D.

Does secondhand smoke induce epigenetic changes? University of Southern California $392,100
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Stella Tommasi-Ph.D.

Does TGF-b modulate Metastasis of Small Cell Lung Carcinoma University of California, San Francisco $389,719
Cancer Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Rik Derynck-Ph.D.

Does tobacco exposure delay conception? Sequoia Foundation $447,845
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Michelle Pearl-Ph.D.

Dose dependent effects of passive smoke on vascular function University of California, San Francisco $41,588
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Paul Frey-M.D.

Doses to Target Tissues from Inhaled Tobacco Smoke University of California, Irvine $413,410
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Robert Phalen-Ph.D.

Double-strand Break by THS: Implications for Tobacco Cancer Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $581,626
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Altaf Sarker-Ph.D

Drug Resistance During Induction Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer Stanford University $31,874
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Susan Adler-

Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Juliet Lee-

Dynamic Imaging of Sodium Channels in Metastatic Lung Cancer Stanford University $400,000
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Justin Du Bois-Ph.D.

Dynamics of state tobacco control making University of California, San Francisco $70,000
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Michael Givel-Ph.D.

Dysregulation of VSMC signaling induced by nicotine Stanford University $683,510
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Philip Tsao-

E-cigarette smoking-induced cardiac injury in East Asian AL Stanford University $209,484
Not specified Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Pritam Sinha Roy-Ph.D.

E-Cigarette Aerosol Characterization Using Holography and Machine Learning University of California, Los Angeles $936,669
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Aydogan Ozcan-

E-cigarette and Tobacco Use Prevention for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Youth University of California, Los Angeles $299,816
Tobacco-Related Health Disparities High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Barbara Berman-Ph.D.

E-cigarette chemical effects on endothelial function Stanford University $380,870
Cardiovascular Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Eric Gross-MD, PhD

E-cigarette vaping, chemical composition and lung toxicity University of California, Davis $910,493
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Kent Pinkerton-Ph.D.

E-Cigarettes and Coronary Endothelial Function in Dual Users Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $425,477
Cardiovascular Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Ronald Victor-M.D. Florian Rader-

E-Cigs Excite the Human Splenocardiac Axis: Role of Nicotine University of California, Los Angeles $935,983
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Holly Middlekauff-

Early Detection of Lung Cancer with Monoclonal Antibodies University of California, Los Angeles $860,784
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: E. Carmack Holmes-M.D.

Early detection of oral cancer University of California, Irvine $74,901
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Petra Wilder-Smith-D.D.S., Ph.D.

Early Detection of Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $586,770
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Research Project Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Michael Oda-Ph.D.

Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis of Tobacco-Related Lung Disease Scripps Research Institute $675,093
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Research Project Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: William Balch-Ph.D.

Early Nicotine Exposure Re-Wires Neural Circuits University of California, San Diego $299,335
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Pilot Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Darwin Berg-Ph.D.

Economic Analysis of Smoking Cessation Therapies University of California, San Francisco $270,206
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: James Milton Lightwood-Ph.D.

Economic Effects of California Cigarette Tax University of California, Berkeley $98,528
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Teh-Wei Hu-Ph.D.

Economic Impact of Proposition 56 on Low-Income Californians University of California, San Francisco $917,959
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Hai-Yen Sung-Ph.D.

Economic Impact of Secondhand Smoke for Communities of Color University of California, San Francisco $216,038
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Wendy Max-Ph.D.

Economic impact of smoking for persons with mental disorders University of California, San Francisco $246,701
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Hai-Yen Sung-Ph.D.

Economic impact of tobacco taxes on African Americans University of California, San Francisco $467,178
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Hai-Yen Sung-Ph.D.

Effect of cigarette smoke and nicotine on taste processing University of California, Davis $70,000
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Christopher Simons-Ph.D.

Effect of Cigarette Smoke on High Risk Lipoprotein Profiles Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $332,996
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Trudy Forte-Ph.D.

Effect of Cigarette Smoke on Vascular Wall Permeability University of California, Davis $99,854
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: John Rutledge-M.D.

Effect of cigarette smoking on pulmonary metastasis University of California, Davis $36,236
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Susan Murin-M.D.

Effect of estrogen on ETS-induced glyco-oxidation University of California, Davis $24,692
Cardiovascular Disease Dissertation Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Jeana LeAnn Benton-B.S.

Effect of maternal smoking on early human development University of California, San Francisco $505,975
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Susan Fisher-Ph.D.

Effect of Maternal Smoking on Early Human Development University of California, San Francisco $489,025
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Susan Fisher-Ph.D.

Effect of Maternal Smoking on Human Placental Development University of California, San Francisco $406,527
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Susan Fisher-Ph.D.

Effect of maternal smoking on human placental development University of California, San Francisco $450,000
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Susan Fisher-Ph.D.

Effect of maternal smoking on human placental development University of California, San Francisco $515,124
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Susan Fisher-Ph.D.

Effect of mGlu7 receptor manipulation on actions of nicotine University of California, San Diego $89,777
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Astrid Stoker-Ph.D.

Effect of nicotine exposure on mitochondria in myocytes University of California, San Diego $500,000
Cardiovascular Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Asa Gustafsson-Ph.D.

Effect of nicotine on bone marrow cells La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine $520,381
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Sophia Khaldoyanidi-M.D., Ph.D.

Effect of nicotine on fetal hemopoietic stem cell migration La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine $152,352
Cardiovascular Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Sophia Khaldoyanidi-M.D., Ph.D.

Effect of Nicotine on Fibrinolytic Responsiveness in Vivo Scripps Research Institute $69,941
Cardiovascular Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Eugene Levin-Ph.D.

Effect of nicotine on the cardiac aging process University of California, San Diego $191,832
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Wenjing Liang-

Effect of Nicotine, E-Cigarette and Cannabinoids on the Gut University of California, San Diego $497,923
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Pradipta Ghosh-M.D.

Effect of Oxidation on Rate of ApoA-I - HDL Exchange Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $75,000
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Giorgio Cavigiolio-Ph.D.

Effect of PDGF inhibition on angiogenesis in lung cancer University of California, San Francisco $74,500
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Beverly Falcon-Ph.D.

Effect of secondhand smoke on pulmonary t cell recruitment University of California, Davis $69,094
Pulmonary Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Lisa Miller-Ph.D.

Effect of sidestream smoke on lung injury and repair University of California, Davis $214,070
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Laura Van Winkle-Ph.D.

Effect of Sidestream Tobacco Smoke on Parkin Null Mice University of California, Los Angeles $48,256
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Owen Kelly-Ph.D.

Effect of Single-Session Hypnosis on Smoking Cessation Stanford University $610,950
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: David Spiegel-M.D.

Effect of smoke and gender on bronchiolar injury and repair University of California, Davis $413,288
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Laura Van Winkle-Ph.D.

Effect of smoke and gender on bronchiolar injury and repair University of California, Davis $418,207
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Laura Van Winkle-Ph.D.

Effect of Smoking on Success Rate of In Vitro Fertilization University of California, San Diego $449,805
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Hillary Klonoff-Cohen-Ph.D.

Effect of Smoking on Vascular Calcification in COPD LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $352,244
Cardiovascular Disease Exploratory/Developmental Award 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Matthew Budoff-MD

Effect of Tobacco in Cervical Neoplasia in Young Women University of California, San Francisco $959,796
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Anna-Barbara Moscicki-M.D.

Effect of Tobacco on Rat Lung Alveolar Lining Liquid Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $643,213
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Jacob Bastacky-M.D.

Effect of tobacco related policy change on smoking behavior University of California, San Diego $261,672
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: David Burns-M.D.

Effect of tobacco smoke on leucocyte adhesion in vivo La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine $1,023,946
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Pragada Sriramarao-Ph.D.

Effect of tobacco smoke on leukocyte adhesion in vivo La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine $754,361
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Pragada Sriramarao-Ph.D.

Effect of tobacco smoke on lung airway surface liquid Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $115,658
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Jacob Bastacky-M.D.

Effect of tobacco smoke on nitric oxide synthesis University of California, Davis $70,000
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Patrick Wong-Ph.D.

Effect of tobacco toxins on human germ cell development Stanford University $40,204
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Kehkooi Kee-Ph.D.

Effect of tobacco toxins on human germ cell development University of California, San Francisco $33,290
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Kehkooi Kee-Ph.D.

Effect of tobacco-related policy change on smoking behavior University of California, San Diego $303,504
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: David Burns-M.D.

Effect of voltage on electronic cigarette aerosol deposition University of California, San Francisco $372,621
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Gideon St. Helen-Ph.D

Effective diffusion of evidence-based tobacco curricula University of Southern California $47,747
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Dissertation Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Silvana Skara-MPH

Effectiveness Evaluation of the I Decide Program University of Southern California $162,304
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Full SARA 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Louise Rohrbach-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Effectiveness of a large prenatal tobacco reduction program Sequoia Foundation $425,181
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Michelle Pearl-Ph.D.

Effectiveness of two different regimens in smoking clinic University of California, Los Angeles $272,989
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Scott Eliot Sherman-M.D., M.P.H.

Effectiveness Ventilation & other Controls in Reducing ETS Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc. $522,494
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Steven Hayward-Ph.D.

Effects of California's 2016 tobacco policies on initiation, use, & quitting University of California, San Francisco $374,400
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Dorothy Apollonio-Ph.D.

Effects of Cigarette Smoke in Rat Pulmonary Arteries University of California, San Diego $68,650
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Shu Qian Liu-Ph.D.

Effects of cigarette smoke on inflammasome activation in oral cells University of the Pacific $176,616
Oral Disease and Dental Health Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Cassio Luiz Coutinho Almeida da Silva-

Effects of Cigarette Smoke on Nerve and Blood Vessel Growth University of California, San Francisco $224,082
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Peter Baluk-Ph.D.

Effects of Cigarette Smoking & Vaping on Heart Attack Huntington Medical Research Institute $1,066,980
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Robert Kloner-MD, PhD

Effects of Cigarette Smoking in Low-Dose Zinc Fume Inhalation University of California, San Francisco $225,000
Epidemiology New Investigator Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Paul Blanc-M.D., M.S.P.H.

Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Leukocyte Adhesion Molecules University of California, San Francisco $223,015
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: David Erle-M.D.

Effects of Cigarettes & Carbon Monixide in Exercise in COP LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $75,247
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Scott Rosenberg-M.D.

Effects of Disturbed Flow on Endothelial Cell Function University of California, Los Angeles $52,345
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Henry Honda-M.D.

Effects of e-cigarette aerosol on oral epithelial cell metabolism University of California, Los Angeles $483,801
Oral Disease and Dental Health High Impact Pilot Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Shen Hu-Ph.D.

Effects of Environmental Tobacco Smoke on Pulmonary Allergy University of California, Davis $256,805
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Laurel Gershwin-D.V.M., Ph.D.

Effects of Environmental Tobacco Smoke on Pulmonary Allergy University of California, Davis $62,512
Pulmonary Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Laurel Gershwin-D.V.M., Ph.D.

Effects of environmental tobacco smoke on pulmonary allergy University of California, Davis $282,568
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Laurel Gershwin-D.V.M., Ph.D.

Effects of environmental tobacco smoke on the artery wall University of California, Davis $449,673
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: John Rutledge-M.D.

Effects of exposure to secondhand smoke Kaiser Foundation Research Institute $194,404
Epidemiology New Investigator Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Carlos Iribarren-M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H.

Effects of Legislation on ETS Exposure in California University of California, San Diego $245,189
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Integrated Research Project 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Arthur Farkas-Ph.D.

Effects of long-term nicotine exposure on stem cell therapy Stanford University $207,300
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Alex Chan-

Effects of nicotine e-cigarette self-administration on addiction Scripps Research Institute $459,503
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Research Project Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Olivier George-Ph.D.

Effects of nicotine exposure in utero on brain cell death University of California, San Diego $74,499
General Biomedical Science Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Jerold Chun-M.D., Ph.D.

Effects of Nicotine on Brain Development Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $55,404
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Christine Cloak-

Effects of nicotine on fetal hematopoiesis Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies $764,400
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Sophia Khaldoyanidi-M.D., Ph.D.

Effects of nicotine on hematopoietic stem cell migration La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine $74,500
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Naira Serobyan-M.D.

Effects of Nicotine on Human Information Processing University of California, San Francisco $91,817
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Roy Halliday-Ph.D.

Effects of Nicotine on Human Information Processing Northern California Institute for Research & Education $247,818
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Roy Halliday-Ph.D.

Effects of nicotine on postinfarction cardiac remodeling University of California, San Diego $459,799
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Francisco Villarreal-M.D., Ph.D.

Effects of Nicotine on Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Cell Growth Doheny Eye Institute $377,973
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Kathryn Rich-Ph.D.

Effects of nicotine on schizophrenia-like cognitive deficits University of California, San Diego $58,298
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Nurith Amitai-B.S.

Effects of nicotine on taste processing University of California, Davis $24,834
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Christopher Simons-Ph.D.

Effects of Nicotine on Weight Stanford University $136,752
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Fredric Kraemer-M.D.

Effects of nicotine withdrawal on aviator performance Stanford University $515,243
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Jerome Yesavage-M.D.

Effects of Outlet/Ad Density on Teen Smking and Brand Choice Stanford University $410,979
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Lisa Henriksen-Ph.D.

Effects of passive smoking and pregnancy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory $565,186
Cancer Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Kenneth Turteltaub-Ph.D.

Effects of Passive Smoking on Experimental Atherosclerosis University of California, San Francisco $340,594
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: William Parmley-M.D.

Effects of passive smoking on sudden infant death syndrome University of California, San Diego $74,606
Epidemiology New Investigator Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Hillary Klonoff-Cohen-Ph.D.

Effects of Passive Smoking on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome University of California, San Diego $149,900
Epidemiology New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Hillary Klonoff-Cohen-Ph.D.

Effects of perinatal nicotine on the Brain LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $93,122
Nicotine Dependence Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Russell Poland-Ph.D.

Effects of Prenatal Nicotine and THC on Dopaminergic Function and Nicotine Intake During Adolescence University of California, Irvine $199,872
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Valeria Lallai-

Effects of Prenatal Nicotine Exposure in Brain Development University of Southern California $750,511
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: David Hinton-

Effects of prenatal nicotine exposure on nicotinic receptors University of California, San Francisco $471,654
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Peter Sargent-Ph.D.

Effects of pro and anti-smoking cues in stores on craving Stanford University $373,894
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Lisa Henriksen-Ph.D.

Effects of PSA content and formal features on smoking norms Stanford University $44,284
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Michael Antecol-Ph.D.

Effects of Resistance Training on Tobacco-Related CVD Risk University of California, Los Angeles $270,000
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Christian Roberts-Ph.D.

Effects of Sedatives on Neuronal Nicotinic Binding University of California, San Francisco $394,301
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Barbara Dodson-M.D.

Effects of Selegiline on craving for nicotine Stanford University $100,450
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Joel Killen-Ph.D.

Effects of side stream tobacco smoke on DNA deletions University of California, Los Angeles $58,876
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Mitsuko Yamamoto-B.S.

Effects of Smoke on Fluid Transport Across Trachea University of California, Berkeley $395,115
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Sheldon Miller-Ph.D.

Effects of Smoking on Hematopoietic Stem Cell Dysfunction and Hematologic Cancers University of California, Irvine $122,958
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Gajalakshmi Ramanathan-

Effects of Smoking on High Density Lipoprotein Species University of California, San Francisco $203,942
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: John Kane-M.D., Ph.D.

Effects of Smoking on Metabolism During Rest & Exercise University of California, Berkeley $504,382
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: George Brooks-Ph.D.

Effects of Social & Personal Coping Programs for Smok Prevention University of Southern California $676,689
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Mary Ann Pentz-Ph.D.

Effects of social capital on smoking: elasticity & pathways University of California, Berkeley $98,854
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Richard Scheffler-Ph.D.

Effects of Third Hand Smoke on Mitochondrial Genetic/Epigenetics and Their Inheritance Pattern University of California, Riverside $127,360
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Frantzeska Giginis-

Effects of THS on cell and molecular mechanisms of healing University of California, Riverside $250,000
General Biomedical Science Exploratory/Developmental Award 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Manuela Martins-Green-Ph.D.

Effects of THS toxins on mechanical and drug-induced injury University of California, Riverside $450,896
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Research Project Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Manuela Martins-Green-Ph.D.

Effects of tobacco and e-cigarettes on heart repair and regeneration Childrens Hospital, Los Angeles $678,000
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Ching-Ling (Ellen) Lien-

Effects of tobacco on inflammatory cell responses University of California, Davis $223,585
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Lisa Miller-Ph.D.

Effects of Tobacco on Rat Lung Alveolar Lining Liquid Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $417,585
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Jacob Bastacky-M.D.

Effects of tobacco smoke exposure on hormones and fertility Sequoia Foundation $115,335
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Gayle Windham-Ph.D.

Effects of tobacco smoke on airway bactericidal activity University of California, Davis $87,079
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Yuan-Pu Di-Ph.D.

Effects of Tobacco Smoke on Mucin Production in Rat Airways University of California, San Francisco $356,400
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Carol Basbaum-Ph.D.

Effects of Tobacco Smoke on Proto-Oncogene Activity University of California, San Diego $382,758
Cancer Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Michael Karin-Ph.D.

Effects of Tobacco Taxation Upon Population Health Status University of California, San Diego $206,547
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Integrated Research Project 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Robert Kaplan-Ph.D.

Effects of tobacco-induced gamete damage on embryogenesis Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory $158,853
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Francesco Marchetti-Ph.D.

Effects of tobacco-induced gamete damage on embryogenesis Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $607,787
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Francesco Marchetti-Ph.D.

Effects of varenicline in heavy drinking smokers University of California, Los Angeles $118,870
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Daniel Roche-Ph.D

Efficacy of the nicotine patch in adolescents & young adults University of California, San Francisco $69,800
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Mark Rubinstein-M.D.

ELECTROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS of DNMT1 and miRNA AS BIOMARKERS OF LUNG CANCER California Institute of Technology $118,800
Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Yingxin Deng-Ph.D.

Electronic Cigarettes: Are They Safe? University of California, Riverside $280,000
General Biomedical Science Exploratory/Developmental Award 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Prudence Talbot-Ph.D.

Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and California Youth HBSA, Inc. $545,532
Regulatory Science/New Products Research Project Awards 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Tamar Antin-DrPH

Electrophysiological Effects of Perinatal Nicotine Exposure Scripps Research Institute $446,225
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Cindy Ehlers-Ph.D.

Electrophysiological Effects of Perinatal Nicotine Exposure San Diego State University Research Foundation $293,752
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Edward Riley-Ph.D.

Elucidating the genetic basis of nicotine dependence by using electronic health records University of California, San Diego $743,841
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment New Investigator Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Sandra Sanchez Roige-

Embedding smoking cessation programs into community clinics Friends Research Institute, Inc. $1,822,584
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Community Practice-Based Research 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Theodore Friedman-M.D., Ph.D.

Emotional intelligence and smoking across ethnicity University of Southern California $52,392
Epidemiology Dissertation Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Dennis Trinidad-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Empower Korean Families to End Tobacco Use & Smoke Exposure University of California, San Francisco $330,454
Tobacco-Related Health Disparities High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Janice Tsoh-Ph.D.

Ending tobacco use in high risk, low income smokers University of California, San Francisco $372,720
Tobacco-Related Health Disparities Community Practice-Based Research 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Joseph Guydish-Ph.D.

Endothelial Barrier Injury by Tobacco Smoke University of California, Davis $225,000
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Ping Nian He-M.D., Ph.D.

Endothelial Barrier Injury by Tobacco Smoke University of California, Davis $60,945
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Ping Nian He-M.D., Ph.D.

ENDS on campus: Changes in policy and retail environments Stanford University $527,296
Industry Influence/Policy Research Project Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Lisa Henriksen-Ph.D.

Engineered Proteins to Reverse Chitin Buildup and Fibrotic Lung Disease University of California, San Francisco $494,868
Pulmonary Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: James Fraser-

Engineering Salmonella for lung cancer therapy Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center $187,550
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Nabil Arrach-Ph.D.

Engineering Salmonella for lung cancer therapy The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $104,050
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Nabil Arrach-Ph.D.

Enhancing mTOR-targeted lung cancer therapy Scripps Research Institute $473,879
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Jiing-Dwan Lee-Ph.D.

Enhancing Validity of a South Asian Tobacco Survey Module University of California, San Francisco $89,999
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Arnab Mukherjea-Dr.P.H., M.P.H.

Environmental & Genetic Risk Factors for Bladder Cancer University of Southern California $1,147,940
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Ronald Ross-M.D.

Environmental contexts of smoking for Southeast Asians Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation $726,834
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Juliet Lee-

Environmental influences on tobacco use amg AAPI communities Assoc of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations $311,543
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Full CARA 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Rod Lew-MPH

Environmental influences on tobacco use amg AAPI communities Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment Advocacy & Leadership $204,722
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Full CARA 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Rod Lew-MPH

Environmental influences on tobacco use amg AAPI communities CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation $149,610
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Full CARA 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Sora Tanjasiri-DrPH, MPH

Environmental Tobacco Smoke & Epithelial Barrier Function University of California, Davis $221,949
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Jeffrey Cheek-Ph.D.

Environmental Tobacco Smoke & Lung Development University of California, Irvine $512,031
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Ronald Rasmussen-Ph.D.

Environmental Tobacco Smoke & the Brain Growth Spurt University of California, Los Angeles $75,000
General Biomedical Science Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: John Edmond-Ph.D.

Environmental tobacco smoke and early atherosclerosis University of Southern California $383,814
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Wendy Mack-Ph.D.

Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Fetal Growth Retardation University of California, Davis $124,865
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Hanspeter Witschi-M.D.

Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Lung Cancer University of California, Davis $234,432
Cancer Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Hanspeter Witschi-M.D.

Environmental tobacco smoke and newborn lung development University of California, Davis $440,500
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Kent Pinkerton-Ph.D.

Environmental tobacco smoke effects on lung surfactant University of California, Santa Barbara $406,444
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Joseph Zasadzinski-Ph.D.

Environmental tobacco smoke effects on lung surfactant University of California, Santa Barbara $423,216
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Joseph Zasadzinski-Ph.D.

Environmental tobacco smoke effects on lung surfactant University of California, Santa Barbara $47,656
Pulmonary Disease Dissertation Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Junqi Ding-

Environmental tobacco smoke exposure & adult asthma University of California, San Francisco $460,032
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Mark Eisner-M.D., M.P.H.

Enzymatic targets for anticancer therapy J. David Gladstone Institutes $267,304
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Martin Bergo-M.D., Ph.D.

Epigenetic effects of cigarette smoke on the infant airway University of California, Davis $82,569
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Candice Clay-Ph.D.

Epigenetic mechanisms in the inflammatory oral lesion of smokers University of California, Los Angeles $198,036
Oral Disease and Dental Health Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: jaeyoung lee-

Epigenetic Regulation of Airway MUC gene expression by smoke University of California, Davis $419,528
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Reen Wu-Ph.D.

Establishing Smokefree Policy in California Indian Casinos HBSA, Inc. $734,712
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics California Research Award 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Roland Moore-

Ethnic and gender variation in nicotine detoxification SRI International $424,142
Epidemiology New Investigator Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Huijun Ring-Ph.D.

Ethnic difference in cigarette smoking dynamics among youth University of Southern California $366,852
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Xinguang Chen-Ph.D.

Ethnicity and school-level effect on CA student tobacco use University of California, Los Angeles $420,713
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: William McCarthy-Ph.D.

Ethnicity and the Meaning of Smoking in Older Age Groups University of California, San Francisco $317,076
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Judith Barker-Ph.D.

ETS Effects on airway development in the primate lung University of California, Davis $483,652
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Kent Pinkerton-Ph.D.

ETS effects on breathing patterns University of California, Davis $590,780
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Jesse Joad-M.D.

ETS Effects on Lung Surfactant University of California, Santa Barbara $418,874
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Joseph Zasadzinski-Ph.D.

ETS effects on pulmonary breathing patterns University of California, Davis $446,954
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Jesse Joad-M.D.

ETS exposures in the California Teachers Study cohort Public Health Institute $449,677
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Peggy Reynolds-Ph.D.

Evaluating a city's smokefree policy in multi-unit housing University of California, San Francisco $671,299
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics California Research Award 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Valerie Yerger-ND, MA

Evaluating a protocol for the removal of thirdhand smoke in homes of former smokers University of California, Berkeley $493,225
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Todd Whitehead-

Evaluating Highly Selective Nicotinic Receptor Agonists and Antagonists California Institute of Technology $1,227,300
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Dennis Dougherty-

Evaluating Mechanisms of Change in a Smoking Intervention RAND Corporation $219,376
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Harold Green-Ph.D.

Evaluating Relationship of Cannabis use & Tobacco Cessation Veterans Medical Research Foundation $561,591
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Timothy Chen-Pharm.D.

Evaluating the health effects of electronic cigarette refill University of California, Riverside $103,350
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: My Hua-B.S., B.A.

Evaluating the Impact of Key Parameters on Evaporation of E-cigarette Aerosols University of California, Los Angeles $133,674
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Liqiao (Vicky) Li-

Evaluation of ad strategies for preventing youth tobacco use University of California, Irvine $136,953
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Cornelia Pechmann-Ph.D.

Evaluation of California's TUPE Program University of California, San Diego $202,621
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Pilot SARA 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Shu-Hong Zhu-Ph.D.

Evaluation of GABA in impulsivity and nicotine dependence University of California, San Diego $97,458
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Styliani Vlachou-Ph.D.

Evaluation of Metal Emissions in Electronic Cigarettes University of California, Riverside $62,793
Regulatory Science/New Products Dissertation Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Monique Williams-B.S.

Evaluation of office ETS exposure in relation to AB 13 Public Health Institute $242,063
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Leon Alevantis-M.S.

Evaluation of office ETS exposure in relation to AB13 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $208,554
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: William Fisk-B.S., M.S.

Evaluation of the Tobacco Prevention Toolkit Stanford University $1,175,996
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Research Project Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Bonnie Halpern-Felsher-Ph.D.

Evaluation of the UC tobacco-free policy implementation University of California, San Francisco $9,839
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Amanda Fallin-PhD

Evaluation of tobacco and e-cigarette genotoxicity Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope $408,000
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Pilot Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Timothy O'Connor-Ph.D.

Everyday smoking contexts and practices of bisexual young adults University of California, San Francisco $135,392
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Julia McQuoid-

EX-Teen American Indian Tobacco Use Cessation Program University of Southern California $495,000
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Research Project Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Claradina Soto-MPH

Exosome Release and the Immune Response to Exercise in COPD LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $193,320
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Asghar Abbasi-Ph.D

Expanding Los Angeles County eConsult Cessation Services University of California, Davis $1,748,266
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Community Practice-Based Research 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Elisa Tong-MD, MA

Experimental Approach to Tobacco Control for High-Risk Teens San Diego State University Research Foundation $672,155
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: John Elder-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Experimental evaluation of minors' access to tobacco San Diego State University Research Foundation $655,347
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Hope Landrine-Ph.D.

Explaining racial differences in smoking San Diego State University Research Foundation $151,430
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Hope Landrine-Ph.D.

Explaining racial differences in smoking Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc. $149,280
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Hope Landrine-Ph.D.

Exploration of tobacco use in Asian Pacific Islander youth Assoc of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations $92,076
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Pilot CARA 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Rod Lew-MPH Sora Tanjasiri-DrPH, MPH

Exploring media to reduce LGBT tobacco use Stanford University $32,343
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Ashley Sanders-Jackson-Ph.D.

Exploring retailer abandonment of tobacco sales University of California, San Francisco $250,000
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Ruth Malone-Ph.D., R.N.

Exploring tobacco cessation services on CA college campuses Public Health Institute $81,995
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Dianne Barker-M.H.S.

Exploring transdisciplinary scientific collaboration University of California, Irvine $29,040
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Dissertation Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Juliana Lynn Fuqua-Ph.D.

Exposed children to secondhand smoke through contaminated homes San Diego State University Research Foundation $754,504
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Georg Matt-Ph.D.

Exposure to Marijuana Smoking: the Effect of Proximity Stanford University $1,137,361
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Lynn Hildemann-Ph.D.

Exposure to Secondhand Smoke: Effects of Proximity Stanford University $628,932
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Lynn Hildemann-Ph.D.

Exposure to Tobacco, E-Cigarette, and Marijuana in Mutlin-Unit Housing San Diego State University Research Foundation $1,095,903
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Georg Matt-Ph.D.

Expressing & Cloning of ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels University of California, Santa Barbara $286,163
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Carol Vandenberg-Ph.D.

Expression of a drug resistance gene in head and neck cancer University of California, San Diego $337,086
Cancer Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Stephen Howell-M.D.

Expression of the Human apo-B Gene in Transgenic Mice J. David Gladstone Institutes $211,090
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Beatriz Levy-Wilson-Ph.D.

Expression of the Human apo-B Gene in Transgenic Mice Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute $569,759
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Beatriz Levy-Wilson-Ph.D.

Factors Affecting Smoking Initiation in Young Latina Women University of California, Los Angeles $149,705
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics New Investigator Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Celia Kaplan-Dr.P.H.

Factors Required for K-RAS 4B Membrane Association & Activity Scripps Research Institute $164,736
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Janis Jackson-M.D.

Factors Required for K-RAS 4B Membrane Association/Activity Scripps Research Institute $600,414
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Janis Jackson-M.D.

Family factors in smoking acquisition among Latino youth San Diego State University Research Foundation $865,636
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Rafael Laniado-Laborin-M.D., MPH

Family Intervention to Prevent Smoking: Preliminary Studies Stanford University $123,704
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Christine Jackson-Ph.D.

Fbxo2: a master regulator of lung cancer metastasis? The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $477,500
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Charles Spruck-Ph.D.

Fertility smoking and early mammalian development University of California, Riverside $392,451
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Prudence Talbot-Ph.D.

Fertility, smoking and early mammalian development University of California, Riverside $452,243
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Prudence Talbot-Ph.D.

Fertility, smoking and early mammalian development University of California, Riverside $454,490
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Prudence Talbot-Ph.D.

Fertility, Smoking, and Early Mammalian Development University of California, Riverside $166,751
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Prudence Talbot-Ph.D.

Fertility, Smoking, and Early Mammalian Development University of California, Riverside $321,193
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Prudence Talbot-Ph.D.

Fetal Nicotine Exposure Alters Bone Marrow Stem Cell Function LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $563,438
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Pilot Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Virender Rehan-

Fetal nicotine exposure develops heart ischemia-sensitive phenotype Loma Linda University $1,185,000
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: DaLiao Xiao-

Fighting Big Tobacco with Big Data Stanford University $229,057
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research High Impact Pilot Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Robert Proctor-PhD

Filipino Smoking Prevalance Survey in California Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum $153,533
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Michael Jang-M.A.

Flavored tobacco initiation among youth and young adults University of California, San Francisco $62,243
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Shannon Watkins-Ph.D.

Fluorescent Probes for DNA Mismatch Detection California Institute of Technology $59,749
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Hang Song-BA

Focal adhesion kinase regulation of Cox-2 in lung cancer Scripps Research Institute $74,520
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Satyajit Mitra-Ph.D.

Fortifying UCLA Community Support for Smoke/Vape-Free Campus University of California, Los Angeles $12,000
UC Smoke & Tobacco Free Student Program UC Pres Smke & Tobaco Free Stu Prgm 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Elaine Cheung-

Fotonovela to prevent SHS exposure in multiunit housing University of Southern California $785,104
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Jennifer Unger-Ph.D.

Function and Regulation of the Retinoblastoma Protein University of California, San Diego $385,031
Cancer Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: James Feramisco-Ph.D.

Function In Lung Matrix of a Laminin-Binding Lectin University of California, San Francisco $244,977
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Douglas Cooper-Ph.D.

Function of Rb-interacting zinc-finger protein, "RIZ" The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $32,400
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: George Steele-Perkins-Ph.D.

Function of Rb-interacting zinc-finger protein, "RIZ" Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center $13,665
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: George Steele-Perkins-Ph.D.

Functional Antagonists of Nicotine Northern California Institute for Research & Education $236,936
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: S. Paul Berger-M.D.

Functional MRI of neural activation University of California, Los Angeles $48,447
Nicotine Dependence Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Shantanu Sinha-Ph.D.

Functional significance of the protein CD40 in lung cancer University of California, San Diego $35,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Kenneth Grudko-M.D.

Functional Synthetic Peptide Mimics of Apolipoprotein E Scripps Research Institute $653,578
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Linda Curtiss-Ph.D.

Functions of caspase-8 mutations in development of head and neck cancer and anti-tumor immunity University of California, San Francisco $247,872
Oral Disease and Dental Health Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Zhibin Cui-

Functions of IRF-1 and Smad3 interaction in lung cancer University of California, San Francisco $69,750
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Pierre Lee-Ph.D.

Funding Ovarian Cancer Research in California Ovarian Cancer Research Fund $236,953
Cancer Special Projects 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Jon Zeidman-

Fusion proteins that convert VEGF into a cell death factor University of California, San Francisco $100,000
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Timothy Quinn-M.D.

Gastroschisis: maternal smoking and genetic variation Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $668,429
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Edward Lammer-M.D.

Gene Augmentation Therapy for Tobacco Induced Emphysema University of California, Davis $224,786
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Robert Malone-M.D.

Gene Markers for Hypertension University of California, San Francisco $356,151
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Theodore Kurtz-M.D.

Gene Modification of Human Lung Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte University of California, Los Angeles $152,816
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: James Economou-M.D., Ph.D.

Gene Therapy for Emphysema University of California, San Francisco $74,844
Pulmonary Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Francis Szoka-Ph.D.

Gene therapy for emphysema University of California, San Francisco $443,179
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Francis Szoka-Ph.D.

Gene-modified Stromal Cell Therapy for Lung Cancer University of California, Los Angeles $60,498
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Minu Srivastava-Ph.D.

Genes affecting nicotine response in C. elegans University of California, San Diego $100,000
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: William Schafer-Ph.D.

Genetic Aberrations in Tobacco-Related Lung Carcinogenesis University of Southern California $214,126
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Pradip Roy-Burman-Ph.D.

Genetic dissection of oncogenic Kras signaling in lung cancer Stanford University $184,512
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Rui Tang-Ph.D.

Genetic links to nicotine addiction: ethics of testing teens Stanford University $115,591
Epidemiology Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Thomas Raffin-M.D.

Genetic Markers of Lung Cancer Risk Among Blacks & Whites University of Southern California $295,028
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Stephanie London-M.D., Ph.D.

Genetic relationship between impulsivity and nicotine abuse University of California, San Diego $935,550
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Abraham Palmer-PhD

Genetic Susceptibility to Lung Cancer LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $104,580
Epidemiology Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Henry Lin-M.D.

Genetic Susceptibility to Thirdhand Smoke Effects Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $904,744
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Integrated Research Project 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Bo Hang-Ph.D.; M.D.

Genetic susceptibility to tobacco-induced lung cancer University of California, Los Angeles $406,120
Cancer Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Oliver Hankinson-Ph.D.

Genetics and Impulsivity in Smoking Initiation Veterans Medical Research Foundation $282,860
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Neal Doran-Ph.D.

Genome-specific synthetic lethal targeting in lung cancer Stanford University $400,000
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Jonathan Pollack-M.D., Ph.D.

Genome-wide mapping of smoke-induced DNA damage and mutation University of Southern California $334,652
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Ahmad Besaratinia-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Genome-wide mapping of smoke-induced DNA damage and mutation Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope $80,381
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Ahmad Besaratinia-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Genomic approaches to identify SCLC biomarkers Stanford University $63,100
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Dissertation Awards 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Dian Yang-B.S.

Genomic Assay to Identify Targets of Anticancer Therapeutics Stanford University $70,076
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Nolan Ko-Ph.D.

Genomic Profiles in Tobacco Related Metastatic Oral Cancer University of California, San Francisco $30,000
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Aditi Bhattacharya-Master of Dental Surgery (M.D.

Genomic Signatures of CVD in Twins Discordant for Smoking University of California, San Diego $461,488
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Research Project Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Brinda Rana-PhD

Genomics & transcriptome of oral precncr prgrssion in smkers University of California, Los Angeles $189,541
Epidemiology New Investigator Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Xiaofeng Zhou-Ph.D.

Genotoxic effects of alternative tobacco products & alcohol Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope $1,297,500
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Timothy O'Connor-Ph.D.

Genotoxicity and Novel Biomarkers of Thirdhand Smoke Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $644,618
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Research Project Awards 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Bo Hang-Ph.D.; M.D.

Genotoxicity of Thirdhand Smoke and Aged Secondhand Smoke Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $427,204
General Biomedical Science Exploratory/Developmental Award 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Bo Hang-Ph.D.; M.D.

Geography of underage tobacco retail sales in Los Angeles Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation $622,260
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Robert Lipton-BA, MA, MPH, Ph.D.

Gestational E-Cigarette Exposure, Transgenerational Asthma, and the Germ Cell Epigenetic Memory LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $1,048,215
Pulmonary Disease High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Virender Rehan-

GIS tools for surveillance and regulation of flavored OTPs Stanford University $553,520
Industry Influence/Policy Research Project Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Lisa Henriksen-Ph.D.

Global determinants of tobacco use onset in diverse youth Education Training and Research Associates, Inc. $280,749
Epidemiology New Investigator Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Scott Carvajal-Ph.D., MPH

GLP-1 Hormone in Severe Asthma University of California, Davis $937,500
Pulmonary Disease High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Nicholas Kenyon-M.D.,M.A.

Glutathione Transferase in Lung Cancer: Transfection Studies Stanford University $67,732
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Alexander Lewis-Ph.D.

Grainyhead-Like Transcription factor in Airway Epithelium University of California, Irvine $60,000
Pulmonary Disease Dissertation Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Ambica Bhandari-Masters in Biotechnology

Growth Control Pathways in Thyroid Follicular Epithelial Cells University of California, San Diego $224,759
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Judy Meinkoth-Ph.D.

Growth Factor Receptor Activation by Papillomavirus Proteins University of California, San Diego $63,439
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Melanie Webster-Ph.D.

H-Ras Ribozyme Mediated Tumor Suppression of BUX Cells City of Hope National Medical Center $352,183
Cancer Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Kevin Scanlon-Ph.D.

Hands Off Tobacco! An Anti-Tobacco Program for Deaf Youth California School for the Deaf $8,500
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Special Projects 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Debra Sue Guthmann-Ed..D.

Hands off Tobacco! An Anti-Tobacco Program for Deaf Youth University of California, Los Angeles $807
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Special Projects 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Barbara Berman-Ph.D.

Harnessing the immune system to fight lung cancer University of California, Los Angeles $117,637
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Asa Andersson-Ph.D.

Hazard Assessment of Cigarette Butts San Diego State University Research Foundation $9,879
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Thomas Novotny-M.D., MPH

Health and economic toll of tobacco on CA's LGBT community University of California, San Francisco $375,845
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Wendy Max-Ph.D.

Health behaviors of 18-39 yo survivors of childhood cancers University of Southern California $670,328
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Joel Milam-Ph.D.

Health Disparities: Tobacco Media and LGBT Tobacco Use University of California, San Diego $143,935
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Kristen Emory-Ph.D., M.A.

Health Related Quality of Life Outcomes of Smokers Who Quit University of California, San Francisco $338,364
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Anita Stewart-Ph.D.

Health Services Research University of California, San Francisco $53,118
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Miriam Shipp-M.D., M.P.H.

Healthy Retail as a Tobacco Control Strategy in SF University of California, Berkeley $438,750
Industry Influence/Policy Full CARA 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Meredith Minkler-DrPH Jessica Estrada-B.A. Lisa Juachon-BA

Heat shock proteins as biomarkers of lung oxidant stress University of California, Davis $24,338
Pulmonary Disease Dissertation Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Kurt Williams-D.V.M.

Hemoglobin Conversion to Pro-Oxidants by Cigarette Smoke Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $313,201
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Rolf Mehlhorn-Ph.D.

Hemoglobin Conversion to Pro-Oxidants by Cigarette Smoke Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $454,365
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Rolf Mehlhorn-Ph.D.

Heparan sulfate small molecules for contro tumor cell growth California Institute of Technology $626,807
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Linda Hsieh-Wilson-Ph.D.

HER3-biased Sec61 modulators for treatment of cancers University of California, San Francisco $173,676
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Haoyuan Wang-Ph.D.

Heterologous Expression of Brain Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor California Institute of Technology $598,774
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Henry Lester-Ph.D.

Heterologous Expression of Brain Nicotinic Receptors California Institute of Technology $586,840
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Henry Lester-Ph.D.

High resolution imaging & ablation for smoke induced cancer University of California, Irvine $264,219
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Jun Zhang-Ph.D.

High Resolution OCT for Early Airway Cancer Detection University of California, Irvine $480,636
Cancer Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Matthew Brenner-M.D.

High-throughput systems to dissect Snail-driven malignancy University of California, Los Angeles $69,879
Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Yari Fontebasso-Ph.D.

Histone Deacetylation and Anti-inflammatory Response of GR University of California, Berkeley $59,798
General Biomedical Science Dissertation Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Taiyi Kuo-BA

Hmong cultural practices and patterns of tobacco use California Health Collaborative $83,383
Epidemiology Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Vickie Krenz-Ph.D., M.S.P.H.

Hmong smoking prevalence & tobacco uses California State University, Fresno Foundation $539,350
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Full CARA 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Vickie Krenz-Ph.D., M.S.P.H. Pao Fang-

Homeobox Genes Hematopoiesis and Leukemogenesis University of California, Los Angeles $70,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Michael Lill-M.B., M.S.

Hookah, Sympathetic Nerves, and Coronary Perfusion in Humans Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $337,337
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Exploratory/Developmental Award 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Ronald Victor-M.D.

Hookah, Vascular and Endothelial Function in Humans University of California, Los Angeles $48,401
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Dissertation Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Mary Rezk-Hanna-NP-C

Hormone replacement therapy, smoking & lipoprotein oxidation Scripps Research Institute $385,808
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Carole Banka-Ph.D.

Hormone replacement therapy, smoking & lipoprotein oxidation La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine $245,584
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Carole Banka-Ph.D.

Hormones and Tobacco: Joint Effects on Reproduction Public Health Institute $263,611
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Shanna Swan-Ph.D.

Hospital-Based Intervention to Prevent Smoking Relapse Stanford University $676,939
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Robert DeBusk-M.D.

How are beneficial cholesterol transport proteins produced? J. David Gladstone Institutes $37,069
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Martin Hersberger-Ph.D.

How do nic and cig smoke affect neural control of breathing? University of California, Los Angeles $392,620
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Xuesi Shao-M.D.

How do tobacco smoke compounds impair lung surfactant? University of California, Santa Barbara $74,961
Pulmonary Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Joseph Zasadzinski-Ph.D.

How does cardiac fuel metabolism influence heart disease? J. David Gladstone Institutes $262,005
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Murielle Marie Veniant-Ph.D.

How does cigarette smoke induce cancer? Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope $811,518
Cancer Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Gerd Pfeifer-Ph.D.

How does smoke activate mucin transcription in lung cells? University of California, San Francisco $432,415
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Carol Basbaum-Ph.D.

How omega-3 fatty acids prevent or slow cancer The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $74,808
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Hu Zhou-Ph.D.

How smoke induces lung damage via oxidative stress University of California, Davis $75,000
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Michal Levy-Ph.D.

HRQoL in Veterans with Chronic PTSD and Tobacco Dependence Alliant International University $59,300
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Laura Harder-BA

Human iPSCs for Elucidating Cardiovascular Risks of E-Cigarettes Stanford University $1,197,500
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Research Project Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Joseph Wu-M.D., Ph.D.

Human Markers for(S)-Nicotine Biotransformation & Pathology University of California, San Francisco $58,899
Nicotine Dependence Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: John Cashman-Ph.D.

Human Mast Cell Proteases: Function & Expression in Smoking-Induced Diseases University of California, San Diego $222,277
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Elizabeth Tam-M.D.

Human neurophysiology of nicotine analgesia: sex differences University of California, San Francisco $595,994
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: David Becker-Ph.D.

Human oocyte development and PAH exposure Stanford University $158,034
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Renee Reijo Pera-Ph.D.

Human oocyte development and PAH exposure University of California, San Francisco $260,944
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Renee Reijo Pera-Ph.D.

Human tryptase gene expression: role in COPD University of California, San Francisco $545,409
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: George Caughey-M.D.

Hyperactive nicotine receptors California Institute of Technology $675,487
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Henry Lester-Ph.D.

Hyperactive nicotine receptors California Institute of Technology $1,138,225
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Henry Lester-Ph.D.

Hyperactive nicotine receptors California Institute of Technology $486,158
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Henry Lester-Ph.D.

Hypnosis for Smoking Relapse Prevention University of California, San Francisco $506,230
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Timothy Carmody-Ph.D.

IAP Antagonists for lung cancer treatment The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $727,658
Cancer Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: John Reed-M.D., Ph.D.

Identification of Harm Reduction Sidestream Smoke Toxicants University of California, Riverside $135,000
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Sabrina Lin-Ph.D.

Identification of Proteins Involved in 5'OH microRNA Production and Protection University of California, Los Angeles $133,677
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Graham Read-

Identification on Tumors of Molecular Targets for NK Cells University of California, San Francisco $314,006
Cancer Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: William Seaman-M.D.

Identifying and Measuring SHS in Multi-Unit Dwellings Stanford University $762,417
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics California Research Award 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Lynn Hildemann-Ph.D.

Identifying new markers for diagnosis and treatment of SCLC University of California, San Francisco $219,000
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Exploratory/Developmental Award 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Pao-Tien Chuang-M.D., Ph.D.

IL-1 & PDGF: mRNA & Protein in Prodution by Alveolar Macro University of California, San Diego $56,204
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Thomas Mann-M.D.

IL-12 genetic immunotherapy for lung cancer University of California, Los Angeles $75,000
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Steven Dubinett-M.D.

Imaging SHS Deposition in the Airways of Sprague-Dawley Rats University of California, Davis $218,999
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Exploratory/Developmental Award 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Anthony Wexler-

Immune mechanisms of FLASH radiotherapy: a new paradigm for lung cancer cure Stanford University $628,421
Cancer High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Billy Loo-

Immune reactivity across the spectrum of disease in lung adenocarcinoma University of California, Los Angeles $937,158
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Kostyantyn Krysan-Ph.D.

Immune Targeted Therapy for Lung Cancer University of California, Los Angeles $419,500
Cancer Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Sherven Sharma-Ph.D.

Immunopharmacotherapy as a treatment for nicotine addiction Scripps Research Institute $515,270
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Kim Janda-Ph.D.

Immunotargeting lung cancer Proteomics Research Institute for Systems Medicine $487,500
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Jan Schnitzer-M.D.

Immunotheranostic MPI for Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Lung Cancer University of California, Berkeley $319,604
Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Cancer High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Steven Conolly-Ph.D.

Impact of Caffeine Use On Tobacco Cessation & Withdrawal Loma Linda University $377,968
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Jerry Lee-

Impact of Chronic Cannabis Exposure on Metabolic Health and Disease University of California, Riverside $743,386
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Nicholas DiPatrizio-

Impact of cigarette smoking on dental pulp mesenchymal stem cells mediated tissue regeneration University of the Pacific $500,849
Oral Disease and Dental Health High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Nan Xiao-

Impact of cigarette taxes on healthcare expenditures in CA University of California, San Francisco $40,763
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Wendy Max-Ph.D.

Impact of Cultural Competence on Treatment Outcomes University of California, Davis $1,500
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Special Projects 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Nolan Zane-Ph.D.

Impact of electronic cigarettes on cardiac risk University of California, Los Angeles $278,525
Regulatory Science/New Products Exploratory/Developmental Award 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Holly Middlekauff-

Impact of health reform on smoking and treatment utilization Kaiser Foundation Research Institute $294,174
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Exploratory/Developmental Award 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Kelly Young-Wolff-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Impact of JUUL Use on Lung Physiologic and Immune Health and Systemic Inflammation Veterans Medical Research Foundation $567,587
Pulmonary Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Laura Crotty Alexander-

Impact of MPO in Tobacco-related Cardiovascular Disease Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center $545,359
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Wanda Reynolds-Ph.D.

Impact of MPO in Tobacco-related Cardiovascular Disease The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $267,555
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Wanda Reynolds-Ph.D.

Impact of new policies on young adult tobacco and marijuana University of California, San Francisco $908,748
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research High Impact Research Project Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Pamela Ling-M.D., M.P.H.

Impact of nicotinic signaling on neuronal gene expression University of California, San Diego $30,055
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Karen Chang-BA

Impact of Nursing Care on Symptom Distress & Quality of Life University of California, Los Angeles $221,193
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics New Investigator Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Linda Sarna-D.N.Sc., RN, AOCN, FAAN

Impact of Positive Mood on Self-Control Depletion in Smoking University of California, San Francisco $63,340
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Dikla Shmueli-Ph.D.

Impact of Smoking on Myeloproliferative Neoplasms University of California, Irvine $488,330
Cancer High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Angela Fleischman-

Impact of splicing factor mutations in the context of tobacco exposure in lung cancer University of California, Santa Cruz $736,710
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Angela Brooks-

Impact of tobacco-smoke on apolipoprotein exchangeability Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $324,000
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Giorgio Cavigiolio-Ph.D.

Impact of vape pen placement in music videos on young adults University of Southern California $961,915
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research New Investigator Awards 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Jon-Patrick Allem-

Impacts of Electronic Cigarette Emissions on Indoor Air Quality University of California, Los Angeles $373,096
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Yifang Zhu-Ph.D.

Impacts of Thirdhand Smoke on Public Health University of California, San Francisco $2,458,143
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Integrated Research Project 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Neal Benowitz-M.D.

Implementation of California AB 13: smoking ban in bars University of California, San Francisco $315,181
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Lisa Bero-Ph.D.

Implementation of tobacco prevention programming and smoking University of Southern California $58,557
Epidemiology Dissertation Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Pamela Elfenbaum-MPH

Implementation of tobacco programs in California schools University of Southern California $765,192
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Louise Rohrbach-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Implementation Research to Cut Colorectal Cancer Disparities University of California, Los Angeles $910,175
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Roshan Bastani-Ph.D.

Implications of stress-induced LPAR4 expression in lung and pancreatic cancers University of California, San Diego $180,996
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Chengsheng Wu-

Importance of Rce1 and Ras in tobacco-induced cancers J. David Gladstone Institutes $75,209
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Martin Bergo-M.D., Ph.D.

Improved chemoradiotherapy of lung cancer California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute $659,033
Cancer Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Li-Xi Yang-M.D., Ph.D.

Improved identification of subjects genetically at risk for lung cancer University of Southern California $495,000
Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Cancer High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Ite Offringa-Ph.D.

Improved therapy of lung cancer California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute $668,814
Cancer Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Li-Xi Yang-M.D., Ph.D.

Improving access to Industry and tobacco control resources University of California, San Francisco $138,267
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics California Research Award 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Karen Butter-M.L.

Improving diagnostic and therapeutic imaging tools for COPD University of California, Los Angeles $919,571
Pulmonary Disease High Impact Research Project Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Anand Santhanam-Ph.D,

Improving Tobacco Dependence Treatment in the Addictions University of California, San Francisco $219,000
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Exploratory/Developmental Award 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Joseph Guydish-Ph.D.

Improving tobacco use assessment among youth via telephone University of California, Berkeley $347,440
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Joel Moskowitz-Ph.D.

Impulsivity as a risk factor for nicotine dependence University of California, San Diego $270,000
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Svetlana Semenova-Ph.D.

In search of a complement system inhibitor targeting C5aR University of California, Riverside $60,000
General Biomedical Science Dissertation Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Chris Kieslich-B.S. in Biomedical Engineering

In situ vaccination of lung cancers with engineered dendritic cells combined with immunotherapy University of California, Los Angeles $153,894
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Raymond John Lim-

In Vitro Characterization of Human Airway Gland Cells University of California, San Francisco $511,793
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Walter Finkbeiner-M.D., Ph.D.

In-utero smoke exposure and epigenetic activation of GFI1-family oncogenes University of California, San Francisco $299,337
Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Cancer High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Kyle Walsh-Ph.D. John Wiencke-Ph.D.

Increasing Awareness of Smoking Risks with Graphic Warnings University of California, San Diego $103,350
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Matthew Stone-B.A.

Individual and gender differences in nicotine sensitivity University of California, Irvine $69,495
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Minjung Park-Ph.D.

Indoor chemistry of secondhand and thirdhand smoke Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $271,559
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Mohamad Sleiman-Ph.D

Indoor measurements of environmental tobacco smoke Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $634,217
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Richard Sextro-Ph.D.

Indoor vaping: chemical characterization and health impacts Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $298,823
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Exploratory/Developmental Award 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Mohamad Sleiman-Ph.D Hugo Destaillats-Ph.D.

Inflammation, innate immunity, TLRs, and atherosclerosis Scripps Research Institute $697,650
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Peter Tobias-Ph.D.

Inflammatory cardiovascular disease induced by autonomic effects of e-cigs University of California, San Diego $320,000
Socio-cultural, Behavioral and Psychological High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Joan Heller-Brown-Ph.D.

Inflammatory compounds:role in tobacco-related lung disease University of California, San Diego $447,367
Cancer Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Timothy Bigby-M.D.

Inflammatory mediators & lung cancer progression University of California, Los Angeles $59,185
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Eileen Heinrich-MS

Inflammatory State of Macrophages and COPD Exacerbation University of California, San Francisco $177,972
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Sreelakshmi Vasudevan-PhD

Influence of Cigarette Smoke on Neurogenic Inflammation University of California, San Francisco $57,180
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Giovanni Piedimonte-M.D.

Influence of Hormone Use on Smoking among Transwomen/men Public Health Institute $229,372
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Exploratory/Developmental Award 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Tooru Nemoto-Ph.D.

Influences that promote ethnic disparities in smoking University of California, San Diego $269,971
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics New Investigator Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Dennis Trinidad-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Informing Smoking Interventions for CA University Students Veterans Medical Research Foundation $352,060
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Mark Myers-Ph.D.

Infrared Imaging Methods for the Detection and Diagnosis of cavities University of California, San Francisco $496,112
Oral Disease and Dental Health High Impact Pilot Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Daniel Fried-

Inheritance and Smoking in Urinary Tract & Pancreas Cancer University of Southern California $248,283
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Thomas Mack-M.D., M.P.H.

Inhibiting a DNA damage control mechanism as a strategy to selectively kill lung cancer cells University of California, Los Angeles $142,203
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)

Inhibiting lung cancer with DNA-binding polyamides California Institute of Technology $44,500
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Amanda Hargrove-B.S.

Inhibition of cell death in head and neck cancer cells University of Southern California $24,148
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Ram Kumar Subramanyan-M.D.

Inhibition of ERBB2 expression by polyamides in NSCLC California Institute of Technology $59,082
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Fei Yang-B.S. Chem

Inhibition of MYC-activated gene expression by polyamides California Institute of Technology $71,330
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Daniel Harki-Ph.D.

Innate Immune Response to Head and Neck Cancer Stem Cells Stanford University $134,999
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Oihana Murillo-Ph.D.

Innovation to prevent post-partum relapse University of California, San Francisco $75,000
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Jennifer Haas-M.D.

Instant SHS Feedback as a Catalyst for Smoke-Free Homes San Diego State University Research Foundation $129,917
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Neil Klepeis-

Insulin resistance in smokers undergoing smoking cessation Friends Research Institute, Inc. $684,186
Cardiovascular Disease California Research Award 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Theodore Friedman-M.D., Ph.D.

Integrated multi-omics approach to detect early lung cancer University of California, Davis $744,466
Cancer Integrated Research Project 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Karen Kelly-MD

Integrin Cytoplasmic Domains and Ligand Affinity Modulation Scripps Research Institute $522,649
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Timothy O'Toole-Ph.D.

Integrin Distribution & Function in Lung Carcinoma Cells University of California, San Francisco $358,128
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Robert Pytela-Ph.D.

Integrin receptors and heart disease University of California, San Diego $35,323
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Anthony Partridge-Ph.D.

Integrins and drug resistance in small cell lung cancer The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $780,144
Cancer Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Kristiina Vuori-M.D., Ph.D.

Interaction of Cadmium with Sickle Red Cells University of California, Berkeley $17,363
Cardiovascular Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Robert Macey-Ph.D.

Interaction of Complement C4b-Binding Protein with Protein B Scripps Research Institute $616,016
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: John Griffin-Ph.D.

Interaction of LDL receptor family members with ligands Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $266,162
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Taichi Yamamoto-Ph.D.

Interaction of Occupational Aerosols & Tobacco Smoke University of California, Los Angeles $192,878
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: William Hinds-

Interactions of Moesin during platelet activation Stanford University $428,524
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Heinz Furthmayr-M.D.

Interactive Mobile Doctor (iMD) for Asian smokers Asian Health Services $212,075
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Full CARA 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Susan Huang-MD Thu Quach-Ph.D., M.P.H. Janice Tsoh-Ph.D.

Interactive Mobile Doctor (iMD) for Asian smokers University of California, San Francisco $242,705
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Full CARA 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Janice Tsoh-Ph.D.

Interdependence - smoking behavior & mood in natural setting University of California, Los Angeles $222,843
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation New Investigator Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Richard Olmstead-Ph.D.

International Health Policy and Tobacco Control in CA University of California, San Francisco $84,927
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Mariaelena Gonzalez-Ph.D.

Internet health research center: smoking, Latinos, & the Web University of California, San Francisco $535,096
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Ricardo Munoz-Ph.D.

Internet-enhanced proactive telephone counseling Veterans Medical Research Foundation $674,731
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Leslie Lenert-M.D., M.S.

Intersecting Inequities: Linking tobacco use to oral health disparities among Blacks and Latinx University of California, Merced $107,757
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Tashelle Wright-

Interventions to reduce tobacco use among homeless women University of California, San Francisco $496,848
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Elise Riley-Ph.D., MPH

Investigating College Student Cigarette Smoking Self-change Veterans Medical Research Foundation $138,580
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Mark Myers-Ph.D.

Investigating E-cigarette Promotion with Young Journalists Public Health Institute $230,492
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Pilot CARA 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Alison Chopel-M.P.H.

Investigating the carcinogenic potential of e-cig in humans University of Southern California $474,971
Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Cancer High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Ahmad Besaratinia-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Investigating the carcinogenicity of e-cig University of Southern California $396,000
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Pilot Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Stella Tommasi-Ph.D.

Investigating the Roles of Stromal AR in Prostate Cancer Progression University of California, Santa Cruz $203,280
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Yueli Liu-

Investigating Tobacco Industry Research on Polonium-210 Stanford University $54,504
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Dissertation Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Brianna Rego-M.A.

Involvement of Lipids in Smoking-induced LDL Atherogenicity Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $175,844
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Jeroen van den Berg-Ph.D.

Involvement of PI3K pathway in bladder cancer invasion University of California, Davis $224,984
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Colleen Sweeney-Ph.D.

Involvement of RAS and Krev-1 in Lung Cancer The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $50,552
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Lawrence Quilliam-

Involvement of the Tumor Suppressor Gene p53 in Lung Cancer University of California, Irvine $112,504
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Graham Casey-Ph.D.

IRAK-1 & active TGF-beta: Counter-regulators in emphysema? University of California, San Francisco $69,000
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: George Su-M.D.

Irritant & Analgesic Effects of Nicotine University of California, Davis $75,000
General Biomedical Science Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Earl Carstens-Ph.D.

Irritant and analgesic effects of nicotine University of California, Davis $226,650
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Earl Carstens-Ph.D.

Irritant and pain-reducing effects of nicotine University of California, Davis $415,704
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Earl Carstens-Ph.D.

Is Electronic Cigarette Aerosol Residue Hazardous? University of California, Riverside $385,491
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Prudence Talbot-Ph.D.

Isolation of a Tumor Promoter Induced C-Fos Kinase University of California, San Diego $55,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Tuula Kallunki-Ph.D.

Isolation of lung tumor proteins for a novel treatment University of California, San Diego $75,000
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Michael Kelner-M.D., M.S.

Isolation/Oncogene-activated cJun Kinase Linking Ras to AP-1 University of California, San Diego $53,750
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: An-Ning Lin-M.D., Ph.D.

Isothiocyantes among African Americans and Caucasions University of California, Irvine $73,270
Epidemiology Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Catherine Carpenter-M.P.H., Ph.D.

Joint roles of ceramide, EGFR/Src in lung injury and cancer University of California, Davis $467,498
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Research Project Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Tzipora Goldkorn-BSc, MSc, Ph.D.

Keep me smokefree Education Training and Research Associates, Inc. $550,002
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Carol D'Onofrio-DrPH

Laboratory & Ambulatory Assessment of Smoking Withdrawal SRI International $385,814
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Marcia Ward-Ph.D.

Large scale analyses of generic smoking interaction on cardiometabolic traits University of California, San Diego $874,673
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Rany Salem-

Large-scale analysis of tumor suppressors in lung cancer Stanford University $173,676
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Hongchen Cai-Ph.D.

Laryngeal Cancer Risk Factors: Tobacco Interactions Public Health Institute $720,644
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Peggy Boyd-DrPH

Lateral septum circuitry underlying vulnerability to nicotine consumption University of California, San Diego $118,800
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Sora Shin-Ph.D.

Latino and Asian American college students' smoking University of California, Riverside $59,500
Epidemiology Dissertation Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Michiko Otsuki-Ph.D.

LDL pathophysiology and lipoprotein structure Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $527,245
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Robert Ryan-Ph.D.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender tobacco use Kaiser Foundation Research Institute $302,119
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Elisabeth Gruskin-DrPH

Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase Secretion by Airway Epithelia University of California, San Diego $70,156
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Dominic Munafo-M.D.

Leveraging Adjuvants for Improved Nicotine Vaccines Scripps Research Institute $421,413
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Exploratory/Developmental Award 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Kim Janda-Ph.D.

Life histories: Chinese-American elders' smoking encounters Stanford University $17,146
Epidemiology Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Matthew Kohrman-Ph.D.

Lifetime passive smoke exposure and breast cancer in the CTS Cancer Prevention Institute of California $285,300
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Peggy Reynolds-Ph.D.

Lifetime passive smoke exposure and breast cancer in the CTS Public Health Institute $122,659
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Peggy Reynolds-Ph.D.

Lipoprotein classes and susceptibility to atherosclerosis J. David Gladstone Institutes $702,940
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Stephen Young-M.D.

Liposome targeted chemotherapy to treat lung cancer University of California, San Francisco $75,000
Pulmonary Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Francis Szoka-Ph.D.

Lobeline: total synthesis and derivitization California Institute of Technology $60,000
General Biomedical Science Dissertation Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Jeffrey Bagdanoff-B.S.

Local Cannabis Regulation: What have we learned from tobacco Public Health Institute $455,992
State and Local Tobacco Control Policy Research High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Lynn Silver-MD, MPH, FAAP

Local Cytokine Immunotherapy for Lung Cancer University of California, Los Angeles $225,000
Cancer New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Steven Dubinett-M.D.

Long term patterns and consequences of tobacco use among.... University of California, Los Angeles $74,838
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Yih-Ing Hser-Ph.D.

Long-term adherence after pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD University of California, San Diego $56,118
Pulmonary Disease Dissertation Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Pia Santiago-BA

Long-term impact of cannabis exposure on the adolescent brain University of California, Irvine $937,500
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Daniele Piomelli-

Longitudinal Effects of Nicotine on the Developing Adolescent Brain University of California, Los Angeles $65,130
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Adriana Galvan-Ph.D.

Low Frequency Smoking Among Latinos University of California, San Diego $249,863
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Shu-Hong Zhu-Ph.D.

Low-Cost Contingency Management for Smoking Cessation University of California, San Francisco $478,743
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Timothy Carmody-Ph.D.

Lowering Smoking & ETS Risks in Immigrant Pacific Rim Youth University of Southern California $1,955,276
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Integrated Research Project 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: C. Anderson Johnson-Ph.D.

Lung Cancer Associated Retinopathy University of California, Davis $352,945
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Alan Roth-M.D.

Lung cancer cell response to Cdk4/6 inhibition University of California, Santa Cruz $1,047,491
Cancer High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Seth Rubin-Ph.D.

Lung cancer detection by methylation-preserving PCR University of Southern California $324,325
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Ite Offringa-Ph.D.

Lung cancer initiation by inflammatory proteins University of California, Los Angeles $21,207
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Dissertation Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Jeanette Grant-Ph.D.

Lung Cancer Screening: A Multilevel Intervention University of California, San Francisco $374,770
Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Cancer High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Celia Kaplan-Dr.P.H.

Lung Cancer Screening: The Views of Patients and Physicians University of California, San Francisco $249,475
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Exploratory/Developmental Award 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Celia Kaplan-Dr.P.H.

Lung cancer therapy with in vivo-generated dendritic cells University of California, Los Angeles $225,000
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Saroj Basak-Ph.D.

Lung cancer treatment: The total synthesis of ineleganolide California Institute of Technology $59,700
General Biomedical Science Dissertation Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Jennifer Roizen-BA

Lung Cancer: p53 as a Paradigm of Tumor Suppression University of California, Los Angeles $327,795
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Phillip Koeffler-M.D.

Lung Cancer: p53 as a Paradigm of Tumor Suppression Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $138,420
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Phillip Koeffler-M.D.

Lung Development, Tobacco Smoke and Sensitivity to Infection University of California, Davis $280,000
Pulmonary Disease Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Kent Pinkerton-Ph.D.

Lung Reflexes & Afferent Properties in Health and Disease University of California, Davis $70,000
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Edward Schelegle-Ph.D.

Lung volume reduction surgery in an animal emphysema model University of California, Irvine $456,336
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Matthew Brenner-M.D.

Lung volume reduction surgery in an emphysema model University of California, Irvine $404,139
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Matthew Brenner-M.D.

Lynx1 modulation of alpha6 nicotinic receptors California Institute of Technology $34,560
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Rell Parker-BA

Macrophage DAP12 pathway in emphysema University of California, San Francisco $387,237
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Laura Koth-M.D.

Macrophage function in atherosclerosis Scripps Research Institute $709,200
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Linda Curtiss-Ph.D.

Macular pigment regeneration upon smoking cessation University of California, Berkeley $74,988
General Biomedical Science Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Theodore Cohn-Ph.D.

Major Local Tobacco Control Ordinances in the United States American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation $26,244
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Robin Hobart-M.P.P., M.P.H.

Management of Smoking by the Elderly in Long Term Care University of California, San Francisco $498,334
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Linda Mitteness-Ph.D.

Mapping of Genetic Loci for Nicotine Dependence Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center $982,095
Epidemiology Integrated Research Project 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Kirk Wilhelmsen-M.D., Ph.D.

Mapping the EphA Receptor Landscape in Lung Cancer The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $98,299
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Erika Lisabeth-Ph.D.

Marijuana Dispensaries and Adolescents' Use of Marijuana and Tobacco University of California, San Diego $895,649
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Research Project Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Yuyan Shi-Ph.D.

Marketing low-tar cigarettes and new harm-reduced products University of California, San Francisco $74,500
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Stacey Anderson-Ph.D.

Maternal DNA repair of tobacco-induced sperm lesions Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory $1,046,880
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Andrew Wyrobek-Ph.D.

Maternal inhaled nicotine enhances endothelial nitric oxide synthase uncoupling leading to a hypertensive phenotype in offspring Loma Linda University $187,831
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Bailin Liu-

Maternal Smoking Habit Modification Via Fetal Visualization University of California, San Diego $54,471
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Dolores Pretorius-M.D.

Maternal Smoking Habit Modification Via Fetal Visualization Sharp HealthCare-Sharp Memorial Hospital $16,475
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Dolores Pretorius-M.D.

MCP-1 and TGFb in pulmonary emphysema University of California, San Francisco $78,241
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: David Morris-M.D.

MDMI a Gene Involved in Yeast Mitochondrial Inheritance University of California, San Diego $70,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Robert Haselbeck-Ph.D.

Measurement & Outcomes of Dyspnea in COPD University of California, San Diego $193,253
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Robert Kaplan-Ph.D.

Measuring adolescent smoking cessation motives and methods Veterans Medical Research Foundation $103,273
Epidemiology Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Mark Myers-Ph.D.

Measuring combined tobacco, e-cigarette, and marijuana use University of California, San Francisco $374,448
Tobacco-Related Health Disparities High Impact Research Project Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Danielle Ramo-Ph.D. Dorothy Apollonio-Ph.D.

Measuring Environmental Tobacco and Cannabis University of California, San Francisco $907,034
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Suzaynn Schick-Ph.D.

Measuring prenatal tobacco exposure in newborn blood spots Sequoia Foundation $506,839
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Juan Yang-Ph.D.

Mechanism of apparent long-term nicotinic inactivation University of California, Riverside $20,565
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Li Jia-M.S.

Mechanism of DNA break repair in germline cells University of California, Davis $75,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Amitabh Nimonkar-Ph.D.

Mechanism of Endothelin-Stimulated ANF Secretion San Diego State University Research Foundation $447,480
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Christopher Glembotski-Ph.D.

Mechanism of Mitotic Chromosome Condensation University of California, San Francisco $292,842
Cancer Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Timothy Mitchison-Ph.D.

Mechanism of nicotine action in developing lung University of Southern California $720,281
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Carol Wuenschell-Ph.D.

Mechanism of smoke-induced MUC5B gene expression University of California, Davis $392,117
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Reen Wu-Ph.D.

Mechanism of stress effects on weight in nicotine withdrawal University of California, San Francisco $407,019
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Jon Levine-M.D., Ph.D.

Mechanism of TGF-a shedding in lung cancer development University of California, San Francisco $69,600
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Yang Xiao-Ph.D.

Mechanisms by which tobacco accelerates atherosclerosis Stanford University $675,731
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: John Cooke-M.D., Ph.D.

Mechanisms of Atherogenesis:Role of Shear Stress & Tobacco Stanford University $314,974
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Gary Gibbons-M.D.

Mechanisms of ephrin-B2 signaling mediating vasodilation University of California, San Francisco $131,921
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Henar Cuervo Grajal-Ph.D.

Mechanisms of Persistent Immune Dysregulation Following Early Life Tobacco Smoke Exposure University of California, Davis $85,841
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Jed Bassein-

Mechanisms of targeted therapy resistance in lung cancer University of California, Los Angeles $358,500
Cancer Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Kostyantyn Krysan-Ph.D.

Mechanisms of Thrombin/Receptor Interaction University of California, San Francisco $68,817
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Kenji Ishii-M.D., Ph.D.

Mechanisms of Tobacco-Induced Retinal Neovascularization Stanford University $155,211
Cardiovascular Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: John Cooke-M.D., Ph.D.

Mechanisms of Tumor Suppressor in Lung Cancer Initiation University of California, Davis $75,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Jie Liu-Ph.D.

Mechanisms underlying diaphragm adaptations in emphysema Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $642,624
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Mario Fournier-Ph.D.

Mechanisms underlying modulations of respiration by nicotine University of California, Los Angeles $330,458
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Xuesi Shao-M.D.

Mechanisms Underlying Smoking-Induced Oxidation of LDL University of California, San Diego $264,586
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: John Khoo-Ph.D.

Mechanistic basis of arrhythmogenic cardiac alternans following tobacco smoke exposure University of California, Davis $500,000
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Crystal Ripplinger-

Mechanistic studies of secondhand-smoke carcinogenicity Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope $278,795
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Ahmad Besaratinia-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Mechanistic studies of secondhand-smoke carcinogenicity University of Southern California $12,610
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Ahmad Besaratinia-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Media and smoking among adolescent girls across ethnicity University of Southern California $53,987
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Dissertation Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Dongyun Yang-M.D.

Mediators and Moderators of Combined Varenicline and Naltrexone for Smoking Cessation University of California, Los Angeles $89,671
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: ReJoyce Green-

Membrane proteins and TGF-alpha/EGFR: a role in lung cancer? University of California, San Francisco $40,436
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Wen Shi-Ph.D.

Membrane Signaling Pathways of RAS/RAB Proteins Scripps Research Institute $574,559
Cancer Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: William Balch-Ph.D.

Menstrual cycle effects on response inhibition in smoking University of Southern California $96,661
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Raina Pang-B.S.

Menthol & Flavored Tobacco Products Meeting Breathe California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails $2,500
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Special Projects 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Kimberly Bankston-Lee-

Menthol Cigarette Smokers:nAChR Levels and Treatment EffectsMenthol Cigarette Smokers: nAChR Levels and Treatment Effects Brentwood Biomedical Research Institute $317,525
Nicotine Dependence Exploratory/Developmental Award 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Arthur Brody-M.D.

Menthol Cigarette Smoking & Neuroinflammation Brentwood Biomedical Research Institute $100,979
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Exploratory/Developmental Award 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Arthur Brody-M.D.

Menthol Cigarette Smoking & Neuroinflammation Veterans Medical Research Foundation $108,118
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Exploratory/Developmental Award 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Arthur Brody-M.D.

Mentholated cigarettes and risk of acute MI, CHD, and stroke Kaiser Foundation Research Institute $106,246
Epidemiology Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Stephen Sidney-M.D.

Meta-Analysis of Prop 99 Competitive Grant Funded Projects University of California, Berkeley $232,993
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: William Bruvold-Ph.D.

Metabolic and Carcinogen Effect of Electronic Cigarettes Friends Research Institute, Inc. $384,454
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Pilot Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Theodore Friedman-M.D., Ph.D.

Metabolic consequences of tobacco toxicants University of California, San Diego $421,875
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Research Project Awards 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Mohit Jain-M.D., Ph.D.

Metabolic stress & cell survival in lung cancer The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $89,208
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Ying Chen Hou-Ph.D

Metals and nanoparticles in electronic cigarette aerosol University of California, Riverside $264,176
Regulatory Science/New Products Research Project Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Prudence Talbot-Ph.D.

Methyl-DNA Binding Protein Regulation and Function University of California, San Diego $54,546
General Biomedical Science Dissertation Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Darren Casteel-

mGlu7 activators as drug candidates for nicotine dependence The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $481,721
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Pilot Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Nicholas Cosford-Ph.D.

Micro RNA and dopamine-induced dentritic protein synthesis California Institute of Technology $59,000
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Hwan-Ching Tai-B.S.

microRNA biomarkers of THS teratogenicity University of California, Riverside $293,205
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Pilot Award 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Nicole Zur Nieden-Dr. rer.nat. (Ph.D. equivalent

MicroRNA Therapeutics for Nicotine Addiction University of California, San Diego $250,000
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Exploratory/Developmental Award 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Darwin Berg-Ph.D.

Migrating cancer stem cells & early cancer development University of California, Los Angeles $90,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Tonya Walser-Ph.D.

Mild carbon monoxide exposure impairs the inner ear University of California, Los Angeles $397,297
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Ivan Lopez-Ph.D.

miR-200 MicroRNAs in Lung cancer metastasis University of California, Berkeley $191,832
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Suifang Mao-

miR-34/449 miRNAs in airway multiciliated cells University of California, Berkeley $9,551
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Rui Song-Ph.D.

Mitigating pro-inflammatory non-agonist molecules from tobacco smoke University of California, Los Angeles $482,840
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Gerard Wong-

Mitotic spindle checkpoint & chromosomal instability Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research $69,500
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Zahid Bonday-Ph.D.

Mobilized dendritic cells for lung cancer Stanford University $950,821
Cancer Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Edgar Engleman-M.D.

Model for surveillance of CA tobacco control policies Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation $325,761
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Harold Holder-Ph.D.

Modeling and mapping changes in tobacco outlet density Stanford University $387,418
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Lisa Henriksen-Ph.D.

Modeling cost/effectiveness of tobacco control programs University of California, San Diego $129,915
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Robert Kaplan-Ph.D.

Modeling cost/effectiveness of tobacco control programs University of California, Los Angeles $23,238
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Robert Kaplan-Ph.D.

Modeling ETS Exposure and Dose Using PDA E-Diaries San Diego State University Research Foundation $245,214
Epidemiology New Investigator Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Marilyn Johnson-Kozlow-Ph.D.

Modeling sleep disturbance during nicotine withdrawal SRI International $424,344
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Teresa Steininger-Ph.D.

Modeling Smoking Induced Cardiac Dysfunction in 3D Microtissues Stanford University $128,086
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Dilip Thomas-

Modeling the relation of smoking to the ovarian function University of California, Davis $53,448
Epidemiology Dissertation Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Yan Liu-M.D.

Modeling U.S. Lung Cancer Death Rates University of California, San Diego $127,276
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: David Burns-M.D.

Modeling US Lung Cancer Death Rates University of California, San Diego $158,756
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: David Burns-M.D.

Models for prospective studies of marijuana's cardiac effects University of California, San Francisco $499,316
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Matthew Springer-

Modifiers of Susceptibility to Smoking for Lung Cancer University of Southern California $79,865
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Duncan Thomas-Ph.D.

Modifiers of susceptibility to smoking for lung cancer University of Southern California $201,856
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Bryan Langholz-Ph.D.

Modulating TLR9 Activation for Lung Cancer Therapy The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $415,463
Cancer Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Tsung-Hsien Chuang-Ph.D.

Modulating TLR9 Activation for Lung Cancer Therapy Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center $100,481
Cancer Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Tsung-Hsien Chuang-Ph.D.

Modulating TLR9 Activation for Lung Cancer Therapy Scripps Research Institute $246,467
Cancer Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Tsung-Hsien Chuang-Ph.D.

Modulation of hedgehog signaling in tobacco-related emphysema University of California, San Francisco $734,678
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Tien Peng-M.D.

Modulatory Effects of Tobacco Products in Immune Function University of California, San Diego $85,387
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Martin Kagnoff-M.D.

Molecular Analysis of a DNA Repair Function Salk Institute for Biological Studies $90,030
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Merl Hoekstra-Ph.D.

Molecular and Cellular Phenotyping of Second Hand Smoke-Related Asthma Stanford University $47,769
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2015 (Cycle 24)
Investigators: Rebecca Bauer-Ph.D.

Molecular Basis of Lung Cancer Metastasis University of California, San Francisco $225,093
Cancer New Investigator Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Robert Cohen-M.D.

Molecular Dynamics & Regulation of Apo A-I's Conformation Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $644,293
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Michael Oda-Ph.D.

Molecular Dynamics of Acetylcholinesterase Mutants University of California, San Diego $70,000
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Daniel Vellom-Ph.D.

Molecular Mechanism of Retinoic Acid Action The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $75,600
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Xiao-Kun Zhang-Ph.D.

Molecular Mechanisms of Brain Nicotinic Receptor Inactivation California Institute of Technology $42,567
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Churl Min-Ph.D.

Molecular Mechanisms of Leukocyte Traffic to the Lungs Stanford University $345,676
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Eugene Butcher-M.D.

Molecular mechanisms of smoking-associated lung cancer Salk Institute for Biological Studies $118,449
Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2016 (Cycle 25)
Investigators: Laura Rodon Ahnert-Ph.D

Molecular neurobiology of nicotine addiction University of California, Los Angeles $263,298
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Jim Boulter-Ph.D.

Molecular origins of apoB atherogenic lipoproteins University of California, San Francisco $445,617
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Robert Hamilton-Ph.D.

Molecular Pathogenesis & Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia University of California, San Francisco $935,403
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Rong Wang-Ph.D.

Molecular predictors of oral cancer development University of California, San Francisco $419,000
Cancer Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Richard Charles Jordan-D.D.S., Ph.D.

Molecular Studies of NNK-Induced Lung Tumors in Hamsters University of California, Davis $35,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Victor Oreffo-Ph.D.

Molecular targets for tobacco oxidants in lung cell death University of California, Davis $70,000
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Tommer Ravid-Ph.D.

Molecular therapies against small cell lung cancer Stanford University $60,000
Cancer Dissertation Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Jamie Conklin-B.Sc.

Monitoring exposure to tobacco-specific nitrosamines University of California, Riverside $74,999
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Thomas Morton-Ph.D.

Monoclonal Antibody-Drug Conjugate Treatment of Lung Cancer Scripps Clinic & Research Foundation $258,750
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Darlene Elias-M.D.

Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein (MCP-1) in Atherosclerosis J. David Gladstone Institutes $484,207
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Israel Charo-M.D., Ph.D.

Motivation-enhanced teenage tobacco use cessation University of Southern California $750,248
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Steven Sussman-Ph.D.

Motivational interviewing to prevent postpartum relapse Kaiser Foundation Research Institute $282,502
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation New Investigator Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Virginia Quinn-MPH

MRI-Derived Risk Maps to Predict Prostate Cancer Progression University of California, San Francisco $615,860
Cancer High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Susan Noworolski-Ph.D.

MS Studies of Tobacco -- Specific Adducts with Hemoglobin University of California, San Francisco $225,000
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Surinder Kaur-

Multibehavioral changes for disease prevention among smokers University of California, San Francisco $69,824
Epidemiology Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Judith Prochaska-Ph.D., M.P.H.

Multiethnic Risk for Lung Disease: Genetics and Smoking University of Southern California $990,000
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Linda Polfus-PhD

Multilayer investigation of resistance mechanisms to WEE1 inhibition in Small Cell Lung Cancer Stanford University $207,300
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Alexandros Drainas-

Multilevel prevention of commercial tobacco-related harms on rural California Tribal lands PIRE California, Inc. $1,102,650
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Roland Moore-

Multilevel Study of Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines Implementation Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute $886,353
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Jiang Li-Ph.D.

Multiple Salivary Biomarkers for Lung Cancer Detection University of California, Los Angeles $241,103
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Lei Zhang-Ph.D.

Na/H Exchange in Hypoxic/Ischemic Myocardium: Effects on Ca University of California, Davis $243,322
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Steven Anderson-Ph.D.

Natural history of tobacco addiction in adolescents University of California, San Francisco $499,505
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Anna-Barbara Moscicki-M.D.

Natural Products for the Treatment of Never Smoker Lung Cancer University of California, Santa Cruz $935,133
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: John MacMillan-Ph.D.

Negative effects of smoke on novel HDL mimetic therapies Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $657,970
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: John Bielicki-Ph.D.

Neural mechanisms underlying nicotine as a 'gateway' drug University of California, Irvine $60,000
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Susan McQuown-BA

Neuroadaptations underlying nicotine dependence Scripps Research Institute $60,379
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Adrie Bruijnzeel-Ph.D.

Neurobehavioral consequences of adolescent nicotine exposure Scripps Research Institute $120,000
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Cindy Ehlers-Ph.D.

Neurobehavioral consequences of adolescent nicotine exposure Scripps Research Institute $630,710
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Cindy Ehlers-Ph.D.

Neurobiological substrates of nicotine addiction Scripps Research Institute $723,613
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Athina Markou-Ph.D.

Neurobiological substrates of nicotine addiction Scripps Research Institute $402,852
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Athina Markou-Ph.D.

Neurobiological substrates of nicotine addiction University of California, San Diego $419,503
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Athina Markou-Ph.D.

Neurobiological substrates of nicotine addiction Scripps Research Institute $742,393
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Athina Markou-Ph.D.

Neurobiology of Cigarette Craving in Adolescent Smokers University of California, Los Angeles $266,435
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation New Investigator Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Adriana Galvan-Ph.D.

Neuroendocrine responses to nicotine: a physiologic probe University of California, San Francisco $225,000
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Lori Karan-M.D.

Neuroimaging to detect brain network differences among heavy drinking smokers treated with different cessation aids University of California, Los Angeles $45,058
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment Dissertation Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Aaron Lim-

Neuroinflammation and Smoking Cessation Treatment Response Veterans Medical Research Foundation $1,066,612
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Arthur Brody-M.D.

Neuronal ACh Receptors: Candidates for Mediating Addiction University of California, San Diego $66,994
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: William Conroy-Ph.D.

Neuronal nicotinic receptor trafficking in nicotine addiction California Institute of Technology $71,664
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Raad Nashmi-Ph.D.

Neuronal oxidative stress from mild carbon monoxide exposure University of California, Los Angeles $417,403
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: John Edmond-Ph.D.

Neuropharmacology of nicotine relapse Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $149,175
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Xiu Liu-M.D., Ph.D.

Neurotoxic effects of nicotine: anatomy, mechanisms, effects University of California, Los Angeles $183,424
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Gaylord Ellison-Ph.D.

Neurotransmitter systems and tobacco smoking University of California, Los Angeles $430,910
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Richard Olmstead-Ph.D.

Neutrophil Cytostatic Activity Against Lung Tumor Cells University of California, Los Angeles $223,628
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Hungyi Shau-Ph.D.

New Diagnosis of Bladder Cancer: Smokers Opportunity to Quit University of California, Los Angeles $269,936
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Jeffrey Bassett-M.D.

New methods for searching tobacco industry documents University of California, San Francisco $59,551
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Dissertation Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Martha Michel-M.S.

New therapy for lung cancer using radioiodide University of California, Los Angeles $225,000
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Min Huang-M.D., M.S.

Next Generation Califronai Tobacco Control Alliance Next Generation Alliance $3,890
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Special Projects 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Traci Verardo-

NF-kB mediated inflammation in tobacco-induced lung cancer University of California, San Diego $420,000
Cancer Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Michael Karin-Ph.D.

NGAL-dependent Apoptosis Resistance in NSCLC University of California, Los Angeles $180,000
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Xiaoyan Cui-Ph.D.

Nicotine & behavioral regulation in adult ADHD University of California, Irvine $495,079
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Jean-G. Gehricke-Ph.D.

Nicotine & cardiac vulnerability to fibrillation Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $120,000
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Hrayr Karagueuzian-Ph.D.

Nicotine & Cardiavascular Control During Exercise University of California, Davis $220,302
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Charles Stebbins-Ph.D.

Nicotine & Cocaine Dynamics: Patterns & Consequences University of California, Los Angeles $277,738
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Elena Stark-M.D., Ph.D.

Nicotine & Early Response Gene Expression in Brain University of California, San Francisco $99,290
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Stephen Sagar-M.D.

Nicotine & its metabolites: apoptosis in developing neurons Human BioMolecular Research Institute $412,200
General Biomedical Science New Investigator Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Jun Zhang-Ph.D.

Nicotine & Neuroendocrine Cell Signalling in Fetal Lung University of Southern California $349,873
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Carol Wuenschell-Ph.D.

Nicotine & The Heart: Potential Link to Sudden Death University of California, San Francisco $150,000
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Keith Lurie-M.D.

Nicotine Addiction: Novel ACh Receptors on Neurons University of California, San Diego $369,025
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Darwin Berg-Ph.D.

Nicotine and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Stanford University $400,534
Cardiovascular Disease Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Philip Tsao-

Nicotine and cardiac vulnerability to fibrillation Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $641,821
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Hrayr Karagueuzian-Ph.D.

Nicotine and cardiac vulnerability to fibrillation Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $370,057
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Hrayr Karagueuzian-Ph.D.

Nicotine and congenital heart disease Stanford University $629,797
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Ching-Pin Chang-M.D., PH.D

Nicotine and Epigenetic Transgenerational Risk of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Palo Alto Veterans Institute For Research $326,640
Cardiovascular Disease High Impact Pilot Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Joshua Spin-M.D.-Ph.D.

Nicotine and Hemostatic Function of Brain Endothelium University of Southern California $342,880
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Vicky Wong-Ph.D.

Nicotine and Smoking Effects on Neuromuscular Development Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $412,639
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Mario Fournier-Ph.D.

Nicotine dependence & schizophrenia Scripps Research Institute $75,600
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Svetlana Semenova-Ph.D.

Nicotine Dependence, Metabolism and Smoke Intake in Blacks University of California, San Francisco $87,835
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Gideon St. Helen-Ph.D

Nicotine Disrupts PTHrP-Driven Paracrine Signaling Globally LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $133,126
General Biomedical Science Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Virender Rehan-

Nicotine Effects on Activity of Brain Catecholamine Neurons University of California, San Diego $317,443
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Stephen Foote-Ph.D.

Nicotine Effects on Enodthelial Cell Growth & Function University of California, Davis $69,038
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Amparo Villablanca-M.D.

Nicotine effects on gene expression and metaplasticity Stanford University $74,500
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Damian Wheeler-B.SC., Ph.D.

Nicotine effects on neurological development University of California, Irvine $189,233
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Raju Metherate-Ph.D.

Nicotine effects on renal function in experimental diabetes University of California, San Diego $98,313
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Francis Gabbai-M.D.

Nicotine Enhanced Adrenal Medullary-Dependent Inflammation University of California, San Francisco $363,563
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Jon Levine-M.D., Ph.D.

Nicotine in the Brain University of California, San Diego $518,966
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Darwin Berg-Ph.D.

Nicotine Interactions with Central Stress Circuitry Salk Institute for Biological Studies $69,120
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Elaine Brown-Ph.D.

Nicotine Levels in Pregnant Women & Child Development University of California, Berkeley $335,068
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Brenda Eskenazi-Ph.D.

Nicotine May Affect Inflammation University of California, San Francisco $435,425
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Frederick Jia-Pei Miao-M.D., Ph.D.

Nicotine metabolism and predicting lung cancer risk in African Americans University of Southern California $496,005
Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Cancer High Impact Research Project Award 2017 (Cycle 26)
Investigators: Sungshim Park-Ph.D.

Nicotine Metabolism in Families University of California, San Francisco $465,537
Epidemiology Integrated Research Project 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Neal Benowitz-M.D.

Nicotine modifies cardiac growth during adolescence Veterans Medical Research Foundation $128,358
Cardiovascular Disease Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Wilbur Lew-M.D.

Nicotine pharmacogenetics: influence of ethnicity LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $366,244
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Russell Poland-Ph.D.

Nicotine pharmacogenetics: influence of ethnicity Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $242,344
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Russell Poland-Ph.D.

Nicotine Receptor in Nicotine Dependence California Institute of Technology $404,642
Nicotine Dependence Exploratory/Developmental Award 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Henry Lester-Ph.D.

Nicotine Receptors: Role in Nicotine Addiction California Institute of Technology $20,748
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Ryan Drenan-Ph.D.

Nicotine recp mediated dopamine release and chronic nicotine The Parkinson's Institute $75,000
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Xiomara Perez-Ph.D.

Nicotine regulates cardiac toxicity with lipopolysaccharide University of California, San Diego $100,000
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Wilbur Lew-M.D.

Nicotine regulation of the noradrenergic system University of California, Irvine $52,375
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Kathryn O'Leary-M.S., Ph.D.

Nicotine replacement in school-based cessation University of Southern California $961,266
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Full SARA 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Clyde Dent-Ph.D. Rita Leeseman-

Nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy: friend or foe? University of California, San Diego $98,506
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Catarina Fernandes-Ph.D

Nicotine replacement therapy: pharmacists' counseling role SRI International $113,929
Nicotine Dependence Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Karen Hudmon-Dr.P.H., R.P.H., M.S.

Nicotine self-administration in an animal model Scripps Research Institute $660,156
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: George Koob-Ph.D.

Nicotine Self-Administration in an Animal Model Scripps Research Institute $720,434
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: George Koob-Ph.D.

Nicotine synapse formation in the hippocampus University of California, San Diego $59,500
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Kerri Massey-BA

Nicotine toxicity acting on cardiac neurons University of California, San Diego $446,920
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Darwin Berg-Ph.D.

Nicotine withdrawal, smoking & attention: an fMRI study University of California, Los Angeles $515,303
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Edythe London-Ph.D.

Nicotine's effects on uterine artery contractillity Loma Linda University $73,878
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: DaLiao Xiao-

Nicotine, Hypertension & Induction of Aortic Disease University of California, Davis $182,010
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Michael Dubick-

Nicotine, Paraventricular Nuclei and Corticosteroids University of California, San Francisco $58,408
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Alison Strack-Ph.D.

Nicotine, Tobacco Smoke and the Blood-Brain Barrier University of Southern California $624,017
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Berislav Zlokovic-M.D., Ph.D.

Nicotine-dependent recruitment of vascular progenitor cells The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $799,907
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: William Stallcup-Ph.D.

Nicotine-induced Changes in Gene Expression University of California, San Diego $70,000
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Tiliang Deng-Ph.D.

Nicotine-pathological angiogenesis and genetic determinants Stanford University $608,420
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: John Cooke-M.D., Ph.D.

Nicotine/norharmane as a model of tobacco dependence University of California, Irvine $263,962
Nicotine Dependence Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Frances Leslie-Ph.D.

Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor-Based Therapeutics Caplital Meeting Planning $5,000
Nicotine Dependence Special Projects 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Matt Burdetsky-

Nicotinic and Schizophrenia University of California, Irvine $87,719
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Ricardo Miledi-M.D.

Nicotinic Control of Glutamate Synapse Formation University of California, San Diego $135,000
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Xulong Wang-Ph.D.

Nicotinic Effects on Gene Expression in PC-12 Cells University of California, San Diego $266,647
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Joan Heller-Brown-Ph.D.

Nicotinic Manipulation of the Hippocampus University of California, San Diego $420,000
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Darwin Berg-Ph.D.

Nicotinic modulation of dopamine release during development University of California, Irvine $25,698
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Layla Azam-

Nicotinic Receptor Biology in CNS Neurons: An in vitro Model University of California, San Diego $225,000
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Jerold Chun-M.D., Ph.D.

Nicotinic Receptor Modulators in Nicotine Dependence University of California, Irvine $495,000
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Christie Fowler-

Nicotinic receptor-lynx interactions California Institute of Technology $278,797
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Julie Miwa-Ph.D.

Nicotinic receptors & synaptic aging University of California, San Diego $224,973
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Jay Coggan-Ph.D.

Nicotinic receptors and Parkinson's disease The Parkinson's Institute $376,470
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Maryka Quik-Ph.D.

Nicotinic receptors at GABAergic synapses in the hippocampus University of California, San Diego $75,000
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Jingming Zhang-Ph.D.

Nicotinic receptors in nicotine addiction California Institute of Technology $634,743
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Henry Lester-Ph.D.

Nicotinic receptors on hippocampal neurons University of California, San Diego $69,940
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Wagner Zago-Ph.D.

Nicotinic receptors, smoking and Parkinson's Disease Stanford University $765,971
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Lorene Nelson-Ph.D.

Nicotinic Receptors, Tolerance and Spinal Neurotransmitters University of California, San Diego $320,869
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Palmer Taylor-Ph.D.

Nicotinic Regulation of GABAergic Inhibition/Excitation University of California, San Diego $75,000
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Natalia Gounko-Ph.D.

Nicotinic Regulation of GABAergic Signaling University of California, San Diego $70,120
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Zhaoping Liu-Ph.D.

Nicotinic Regulation of Neurogenesis in Adult Hippocampus University of California, San Diego $59,910
Nicotine Dependence Dissertation Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Nolan Campbell-B.S. Biology

Nicotonic receptors: role in addiction and reproduction Salk Institute for Biological Studies $437,480
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Stephen Heinemann-Ph.D.

Nitric oxide-dependent cell signaling in vascular cells University of California, San Diego $149,557
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Tanima Gudi-Ph.D.

Nitrogen Oxides and cigarette smoke-induced injury University of California, Davis $304,118
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Albert van der Vliet-Ph.D.

NMR studies of the LDL receptor active conformation of ApoE University of California, Berkeley $54,267
Cardiovascular Disease Dissertation Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Paul Hauser-B.S.

NMR Study of 13C Edatrexate Metabolism University of California, Davis $258,990
Cancer Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Thomas Jue-Ph.D.

NMYC Oncogene Expression in Small Cell Lung Cancer University of California, Los Angeles $225,000
Cancer New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Alexander Black-M.D.

Non-Nicotine Tobacco Constituents in Reward: Age Effects University of California, Irvine $275,155
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Frances Leslie-Ph.D.

Noninvasive imaging of early atherosclerosis University of California, San Diego $101,923
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Sotirios Tsimikas-M.D.

Nonsmokers helping smokers and the role of culture University of California, San Diego $476,656
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Shu-Hong Zhu-Ph.D.

Notch Enhances Shear-Mediated Arteriogenesis in Cerebrum University of California, San Francisco $29,982
Cardiovascular Disease Dissertation Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Tyson Kim-B.S.

Notch mediated mechanisms of mammalian cerebral angiogenesis University of California, San Francisco $104,396
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Corinne Nielsen-Ph.D.

Notch promotes arteriogenesis in smoke-related limb ischemia University of California, San Francisco $250,000
Cardiovascular Disease Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Rong Wang-Ph.D.

Notch3 in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Pathogenesis and Heterogeneity University of California, San Francisco $176,982
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Kieren Marini-

Novel agents for apoptosis of lung cancer The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $787,977
Cancer Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Xiao-Kun Zhang-Ph.D.

Novel Approach to Head & Neck Cancer Therapy University of Southern California $384,743
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Parkash Gill-M.D.

Novel Approaches to Lung Cancer Research The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $189,486
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Kristiina Vuori-M.D., Ph.D.

Novel Benzoxazinone Inhibitors to Hunam Leukocyte Elastase SRI International $332,615
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Charles Hiebert-

Novel biomarkers and chemoprevention approaches for SCLC Stanford University $127,052
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Nadine Jahchan-Ph.D.

Novel Cationic Polymers for RNAi Delivery in NSCLC Treatment University of California, Irvine $34,141
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Lai Chu Lin-Ph.D.

Novel DNA vaccines for the treatment of lung cancer Scripps Research Institute $1,063,300
Cancer Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Ralph Reisfeld-Ph.D.

Novel DNA vaccines for the treatment of lung cancer Scripps Research Institute $783,900
Cancer Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Ralph Reisfeld-Ph.D.

Novel Drugs for Lung Cancer Veterans Medical Research Foundation $353,998
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Leonard Deftos-M.D.

Novel Extracellular Sulfatases and Smoke-induced Lung Cancer University of California, San Francisco $394,380
Cancer Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Steven Rosen-Ph.D.

Novel Hypoxic Cytotoxins To Enhance Lung Cancer Radiotherapy SRI International $152,412
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Daniel Pollart-Ph.D.

Novel imaging methods for diagnosing tobacco related cancers Stanford University $629,087
Cancer Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Albert Macovski-Ph.D.

Novel Immunotherapeutics for Cigarette-Smoking Associated Acute Myeloid Leukemia University of Southern California $990,000
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2019 (Cycle 30)
Investigators: Yong Zhang-

Novel Imuunotherapy for Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Childrens Hospital, Los Angeles $496,569
Cancer Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Walter Laug-M.D.

Novel modulation of AMPA receptor activity by ly-6 proteins University of California, San Diego $40,668
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Rou-Jia Sung-Ph.D.

Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Katarzyna Kaczanowska-Ph.D.

Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: Katarzyna Kaczanowska-Ph.D.

Novel nicotine cessation therapeutics Human BioMolecular Research Institute $802,840
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: John Cashman-Ph.D.

Novel Office-Based Device for Imaging Vocal Cord Cancer University of California, Irvine $510,000
Cancer Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Brian Wong-M.D., Ph.D.

Novel Pharmacotherapy Approaches in Smokers with Serious Mental Illness University of California, San Diego $498,794
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Pilot Award 2019 (Cycle 29)
Investigators: Robert Anthenelli-

Novel regulatory mechanisms for lung cancer growth University of California, San Diego $100,000
Cancer Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Randolph Hastings-M.D., Ph.D.

Novel regulatory mechanisms for lung cancer growth Veterans Medical Research Foundation $620,032
Cancer Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Randolph Hastings-M.D., Ph.D.

Novel Strategies for School Based-Tobacco Prevention Effort University of California, San Francisco $124,933
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Pilot SARA 2011 (Cycle 20)
Investigators: Bonnie Halpern-Felsher-Ph.D.

Novel Strategies for School Based-Tobacco Prevention Efforts University of California, San Francisco $249,923
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Pilot SARA 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Bonnie Halpern-Felsher-Ph.D.

Novel strategy for protecting neurons from injury in stroke Stanford University $742,809
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Robert Sapolsky-Ph.D.

Novel Susceptibility Factors in Lung Cancer Evolution Stanford University $400,000
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Ashby Morrison-Ph.D.

Novel therapy for pancreatic cancer University of California, Irvine $452,332
Cancer Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Hung Fan-Ph.D.

Novel Therapy Sensitization Strategy for Lung Cancer Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies $450,000
Cancer Exploratory/Developmental Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Ruth Gjerset-Ph.D.

Novel treatments for COPD with Statins University of California, Davis $269,523
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Benjamin Davis-Ph.D.

NRT and paroxetine for smoking cessation Stanford University $646,916
Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Joel Killen-Ph.D.

O-GlcNAc Glycosylation in Lung Cancer California Institute of Technology $111,397
General Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Wen Yi-PH.D

Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms and Tobacco Dependence University of Southern California $1,235,906
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation High Impact Research Project Award 2019 (Cycle 28)
Investigators: Adam Leventhal-Ph.D.

Oncogenic Activation Mechanisms of Phosphoinositol-3-Kinase University of California, San Francisco $135,000
Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2010 (Cycle 19)
Investigators: Julia Rumpf-PhD

Oncogenic reprogramming of protein translation by DDX3 inact University of California, San Francisco $748,146
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Stephen Floor-Ph. D.

Optical Partical Size Measurements of Tobacco Smoke University of California, Irvine $103,468
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Derek Dunn-Rankin-Ph.D.

Optim. of Train. in Patients w/Chronic Obstruc. Pulm Disease Cedars-Sinai Medical Center $467,503
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Michael Belman-M.D.

Oral Cancer: Adhesive Interactions During Progression University of California, San Francisco $182,765
Cancer Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Randall Kramer-Ph.D.

Oral Clefts, Candidate Genes, & Parental Tobacco Use March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation $253,154
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Gary Shaw-Ph.D.

Oral clefts, smoking & variation of toxin biotransformation Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $623,472
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 2004 (Cycle 13)
Investigators: Edward Lammer-M.D.

Oral clefts, smoking & variation toxin biotransformation Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $677,128
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Edward Lammer-M.D.

Overcoming drug resistance in small cell lung cancer The Burnham Institute for Medical Research $141,340
Cancer Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Kristiina Vuori-M.D., Ph.D.

Oxidative damage to sperm DNA: smoking and diet interaction Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $132,367
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Bruce Ames-Ph.D.

Oxidative damage to sperm DNA: smoking and diet interaction University of California, Berkeley $155,135
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Bruce Ames-Ph.D.

Oxidative stress and skeletal muscle dysfunction in COPD University of California, San Diego $569,914
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Russell Richardson-Ph.D. Michael Hogan-Ph.D.

Oxidative Stress/Inflammation in Pulmonary Disease Scripps Research Institute $409,427
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Exploratory/Developmental Award 2012 (Cycle 21)
Investigators: William Balch-Ph.D.

Oxidized lipids and programmed cell death in atherosclerosis University of California, San Diego $69,116
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Mi-Kyung Chang-M.D.

Oxygen Club of California Oxygen Club $5,000
General Biomedical Science Special Projects 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: John Maguire-DDS

Oxygen Club of California Oxygen Club $5,000
Cardiovascular Disease Special Projects 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: John Maguire-DDS

Oxygen Club of California Oxygen Club $5,000
General Biomedical Science Special Projects 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: John Maguire-DDS

Oxygen Effects on Flow & function in Ischemic Myocardium University of California, San Francisco $278,044
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Brian Cason-M.D.

Oxygen radicals in biology GRC 2006 University of California, Merced $5,000
General Biomedical Science Special Projects 2005 (Cycle 14)
Investigators: Henry Forman-Ph.D.

Oxygen Radicals in Biology GRC2008 University of Southern California $5,000
General Biomedical Science Special Projects 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Enrique Cadenas-Ph.D.

Oxygen Transport Following Lung Transplantation in COPD University of California, San Diego $74,500
Pulmonary Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Moh Malek-Ph.D.

Oxylipin Mediators Prevent Smoke-Induced Lung Inflammation University of California, Davis $260,203
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 2007 (Cycle 16)
Investigators: Ayala Luria-Ph.D.

p53 and p14ARF: Multiple pathways of lung cancer suppression Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center $821,050
Cancer Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Ruth Gjerset-Ph.D.

p53 Mutations in Sporadic & Familial Childhood Tumors University of California, Davis $213,407
Cancer New Investigator Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Sara Bodner-M.D.

Pager-assisted smoking cessation treatment University of California, San Francisco $463,689
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Timothy Carmody-Ph.D.

Pager-cued therapeutic messages for smoking cessation University of California, San Francisco $74,889
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Timothy Carmody-Ph.D.

Parental and Movie Influences on Adolescent Smoking Behavior University of California, San Diego $50,793
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Dissertation Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Janet Distefan-Ph.D.

Parkin-mediated mitochondrial quality control and cardiovascular disease University of California, San Diego $937,500
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Research Project Award 2018 (Cycle 27)
Investigators: Asa Gustafsson-Ph.D.

Parkinson's Disease: A Protective Effect of Smoking? Stanford University $512,849
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Lorene Nelson-Ph.D.

Partnering for tobacco control research among deaf youth University of California, Los Angeles $75,000
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Pilot CARA 1999 (Cycle 8)
Investigators: Barbara Berman-Ph.D. Heidi Booth-B.S.

Partnership to promote smoking cessation in older adults Institute on Aging $101,367
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Pilot CARA 2002 (Cycle 11)
Investigators: Glenna Dowling-Ph.D., R.N. Sharon Hall-Ph.D.

Partnerships to reduce smoking among the LGBT community University of California, San Francisco $73,981
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Pilot CARA 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Nancy Ferreyra- Greg Greenwood-Ph.D.

Passive Smoking & Clara Cell Developement in the Lungs University of California, Davis $435,023
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Kent Pinkerton-Ph.D.

Passive Smoking and Clara Cell Development in the Lungs University of California, Davis $442,317
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Kent Pinkerton-Ph.D.

Passive smoking, inflammatory markers and childhood asthma University of California, San Diego $508,299
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Hillary Klonoff-Cohen-Ph.D.

Passive smoking, metabolizing genes and female lung cancer Childrens Hospital, Los Angeles $111,740
Epidemiology Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS) 1998 (Cycle 7)
Investigators: Jan Van Tornout-M.D., M.S.

Passive Smoking: Role of Airways Reactivity in Infancy University of California, Berkeley $486,888
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Ira Tager-M.D., M.P.H.

Paternal Smoking and DNA Methylation in Childhood Leukemia University of California, San Francisco $416,758
Cancer California Research Award 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Joseph Wiemels-PhD

Pathogenesis of Cigarette Smoke-Induced Bronchitis University of California, Davis $487,719
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Jerold Last-Ph.D.

Pathogenesis of Smoke-Induced Injury in Airway Epithelium University of California, Davis $431,266
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Reen Wu-Ph.D.

Pathological Angiogenesis and Nicotine: Intracellular Calcium Stanford University $135,000
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Jieun Lee-Ph.D.

Pathophysiology of abnormal remnant metabolism in smokers Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute $783,345
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Allen Cooper-M.D.

Pathways for Reverse Cholesterol Transport University of California, San Diego $265,990
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Ray Pittman-Ph.D.

Pathways of catabolism of oxidized phospholipids University of California, San Diego $225,000
Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Peter Friedman-Ph.D.

Pathways of how socioeconomic context affects teen smoking University of California, Los Angeles $75,000
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Ritesh Mistry-Ph.D. M.P.A.

Patterns & risk factors for adolescent smoking progression University of Southern California $47,521
Epidemiology Dissertation Awards 2000 (Cycle 9)
Investigators: Chaoyang Li-MPH

Patterns of Tobacco and Marijuana Use Among Young Adults University of California, San Francisco $135,000
Epidemiology Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Danielle Ramo-Ph.D.

Patterns of tobacco use from adolescence to young adulthood RAND Corporation $431,132
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Phyllis Ellickson-Ph.D.

Patterns of tobacco use from adolescence to young adulthood RAND Corporation $565,277
Epidemiology Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Phyllis Ellickson-Ph.D.

Pediatrician training to prevent children's tobacco exposure University of California, San Francisco $133,852
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 1997 (Cycle 6)
Investigators: Eliseo Perez-Stable-M.D.

Peer-Led Smoking Cessation for the Severely Mentally Ill University of California, Los Angeles $266,178
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Pilot CARA 2013 (Cycle 22)
Investigators: Elizabeth Bromley-M.D., Ph.D Herman Corteza-M.S.

Peptidyl Phosphonate Inhibitors to Human Leukocyte Elastase SRI International $359,461
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Charles Hiebert-

Perinatal Tobacco Exposure Epigenetics & Transgenerational LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center $445,312
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Research Project Awards 2014 (Cycle 23)
Investigators: Virender Rehan-

Periodic Gene Expression in the G1 Phase of the Cell Cycle California Institute of Technology $498,844
Cancer Research Project Awards 1994 (Cycle 3)
Investigators: Judith Campbell-Ph.D.

Peripheral mechanisms of oral cancer pain in a mouse model University of California, San Francisco $265,332
Cancer New Investigator Awards 2003 (Cycle 12)
Investigators: Brian Schmidt-DDS, MD, PhD

Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension & Maternal Smoking Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute $232,350
Pulmonary Disease New Investigator Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Cynthia Bearer-M.D., Ph.D.

Persistent smoking in bars: an ethnographic analysis Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation $482,317
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards 2001 (Cycle 10)
Investigators: Roland Moore-

Pharmacogenetics of Smoking Cessation Stanford University $653,384
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 2006 (Cycle 15)
Investigators: Greer Murphy-M.D., Ph.D.

Pharmacogenomics of New Generation Platinums in Lung Cancer University of California, San Francisco $394,380
Cancer Research Project Awards 2008 (Cycle 17)
Investigators: Kathleen Giacomini-Ph.D.

Pharmacological Interventions for Heavy Drinking Smokers University of California, Los Angeles $283,371
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation New Investigator Awards 2009 (Cycle 18)
Investigators: Lara Ray-Ph.D.

Phenols & PAH in Tobacco-Related Cardiovascular Disease University of Southern California $421,763
Cardiovascular Disease Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: Enrique Cadenas-Ph.D.

Phosphoryl Peptide Inhibitors of Tyrosine Kinases University of California, San Francisco $308,697
Cancer Research Project Awards 1993 (Cycle 2)
Investigators: Bradford Gibson-Ph.D.

Physician Incentives & Smoking Cessation Effectiveness University of Southern California $745,316
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards 1992 (Cycle 1)
Investigators: James Dwyer-Ph.D.

Physiology of Diastolic Dysfunction during Transient Ischemia University of California, San Francisco $30,000
Cardiovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 1995 (Cycle 4)
Investigators: Hiroshi Takano-M.D., D.M.Sc.

Pilot Investigation of Tobacco and Cannabis Contaminants in an Urban Natural Reserve San Diego State University Research Foundation $602,000