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Neuronal ACh Receptors: Candidates for Mediating Addiction

Institution: University of California, San Diego
Investigator(s): William Conroy, Ph.D.
Award Cycle: 1993 (Cycle 2) Grant #: 2FT-0006 Award: $66,994
Subject Area: Nicotine Dependence
Award Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards

The alpha5 gene product assembles with multiple acetylcholine receptor subunits to form distinctive receptor subtypes in brain
Periodical: Neuron Index Medicus:
Authors: Conroy WG, Vernallis AB, Berg DK ART
Yr: 1992 Vol: 9 Nbr: 4 Abs: Pg: 679-691

Neurons assemble acetylcholine receptors with as many as three kinds of subunits while maintaining subunit segregation among receptor subtypes
Periodical: Neuron Index Medicus:
Authors: Vernallis AB, Conroy WG, Berg DK ART
Yr: 1993 Vol: 10 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 451-464

The alpha5 gene product assembles with multiple acetylcholine receptor subunits to form distinctive receptor subtypes in brain
Periodical: Neuron Index Medicus:
Authors: Conroy WG, Vernallis AB, Berg DK ART
Yr: 1992 Vol: 9 Nbr: 4 Abs: Pg: 679-691

Neurons assemble acetylcholine receptors with as many as three kinds of subunits while maintaining subunit segregation among receptor subtypes
Periodical: Neuron Index Medicus:
Authors: Vernallis AB, Conroy WG, Berg DK ART
Yr: 1993 Vol: 10 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 451-464