Neuronal ACh Receptors: Candidates for Mediating Addiction
The alpha5 gene product assembles with multiple acetylcholine receptor subunits to form distinctive receptor subtypes in brain |
Periodical: Neuron |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Conroy WG, Vernallis AB, Berg DK |
Yr: 1992 |
Vol: 9 |
Nbr: 4 |
Abs: |
Pg: 679-691 |
Neurons assemble acetylcholine receptors with as many as three kinds of subunits while maintaining subunit segregation among receptor subtypes |
Periodical: Neuron |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Vernallis AB, Conroy WG, Berg DK |
Yr: 1993 |
Vol: 10 |
Nbr: 3 |
Abs: |
Pg: 451-464 |
The alpha5 gene product assembles with multiple acetylcholine receptor subunits to form distinctive receptor subtypes in brain |
Periodical: Neuron |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Conroy WG, Vernallis AB, Berg DK |
Yr: 1992 |
Vol: 9 |
Nbr: 4 |
Abs: |
Pg: 679-691 |
Neurons assemble acetylcholine receptors with as many as three kinds of subunits while maintaining subunit segregation among receptor subtypes |
Periodical: Neuron |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Vernallis AB, Conroy WG, Berg DK |
Yr: 1993 |
Vol: 10 |
Nbr: 3 |
Abs: |
Pg: 451-464 |