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Smoking Cessation in Recovering Alcoholic Person (SCRAP)

Institution: San Diego State University Research Foundation
Investigator(s): John Martin, Ph.D.
Award Cycle: 1993 (Cycle 2) Grant #: 2RT-0053 Award: $835,924
Subject Area: Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Award Type: Research Project Awards

Efficacy of behavioral smoking treatment in recovering alcoholics
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Martin JE, Polarek MS, Myers MG, Calfas KC, Noto J ABS
Yr: 1992 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Efficacy of behavioral smoking treatment in recovering alcoholics
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Martin JE, Polarek MS, Myers MG, Calfas KC, Noto J ABS
Yr: 1992 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: