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Evaluation of office ETS exposure in relation to AB 13

Institution: Public Health Institute
Investigator(s): Leon Alevantis, M.S.
Award Cycle: 1999 (Cycle 8) Grant #: 8RT-0157 Award: $242,063
Subject Area: Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Award Type: Research Project Awards

Initial Award Abstract
In 1994, California passed a bill (AB 13) prohibiting most employers from exposing non-smoking workers to secondhand smoke. This bill restricts smoking in the workplace to specially designated rooms that: (a) exhaust air from the smoking room to the outside; and (b) do not recirculate air from the smoking room to other parts of the building where smoking is prohibited. Since AB 13 was passed, there has been no information on how smoking rooms are being designed and operated in California, or how effective these rooms are in preventing exposure of non-smokers to secondhand smoke.

The proposed study will survey Californians via telephone in order to establish the proportion of workers who are employed in buildings with designated indoor smoking areas and who are potentially exposed to ETS leaking from these areas. In addition, the study will evaluate the effects of various factors on smoking room performance under controlled chamber settings. The results of the proposed study will assist policy makers to provide additional guidance on design and operation of smoking rooms. The study will also provide information on those conditions under which an otherwise well-designed room may fail in containing and exhausting secondhand smoke, and subsequently expose non-smokers to secondhand smoke.

Designing for smoking rooms
Periodical: ASHRAE Journal Index Medicus:
Authors: Alevantis L, Wagner J, Fisk W, Sullivan D, Faulkner D, Gundel L, Waldman J, Flessel P ART
Yr: 2003 Vol: 45 Nbr: 7 Abs: Pg: 26-32

Designing for smoking rooms
Periodical: ASHRAE Journal Index Medicus:
Authors: Alevantis L, Wagner J, Fisk W, Sullivan D, Faulkner D, Gundel L, Waldman J, Flessel P ART
Yr: 2003 Vol: 45 Nbr: 7 Abs: Pg: 26-32