Lowering Smoking & ETS Risks in Immigrant Pacific Rim Youth
Initial Award Abstract |
This project addresses four of the TRDRP research priorities directly and provides findings relevant to the fifth. We will develop and test a school and family program for 1) preventing youth from becoming cigarette smokers, 2) preventing progression to higher levels of use and encourage cessation for those already initiated to smoking, and 3) reducing youthful exposure to ETS, 4) all among targeted groups of Californians who are at high risk of becoming users, specifically the youth of Pacific Rim immigrant populations. Results will be disseminated to education and public health officials 5) to inform tobacco prevention and control policy decisions. Latino (L) and Asian Pacific Island (API) youth together make up the majority of students in California public schools, and by the year 2025 will constitute more than 3/4 of the state's public school population. The risk of smoking progresses with acculturation for immigrants in California and first developmental period for accelerated is early adolescence, age 11 12. In Study 1, four classroom/home modules will be developed for smoking prevention and ETS exposure reduction: 1) an empirically based social normative module made specific particular to PM youth, 2) an infusion module incorporating tobacco prevention programming into basic math, English, and social sciences curricula, c) a respiratory effects module addressing immediate impact of smoking and ETS on respiratory health, and d) an environmental control module for guiding parents and youth in making modifications in the home and elsewhere for reducing exposure to ETS. These models will be developed specifically to address opportunities and barriers to smoking and ETS prevention deriving from API or Latino cultures. One set each will be developed specific to L cultures and to API cultures and pilot tested in Study 1. The final modules will be tested through two years of intervention in Study 2, involving three waves of survey and biological (expired CO) measures. Data from two companion projects, Project 3 and Project 4, will inform the second year module and measures. California middle schools with significant PM enrollment will be stratified according to specific API and L enrollment, and English language literacy rates. Sixteen matched pairs of schools will be assigned randomly to program intervention plus measures, or measures only. Those in the measurement only condition will receive program modules and teacher training at the end of two years. Modules will be matched for the; majority/largest minority (L or API) school population PM youth in schools receiving the program modules are expected to evidence lower levels of post test lifetime smoking, 30 day smoking, and smoking intentions than those not receiving the modules. Students receiving modules matching their ethnicity are expected to benefit most in smoking and ETS reduction. Students receiving modules not matched for their ethnicity are also expected to benefit in reduced tobacco exposures, but less than those receiving culturally relevant modules. The results will be fed back to the TRDRP and the California Department of Education to inform policy decision makers, curriculum developers, teachers, and parents about more effective ways to prevent smoking and ETS exposure for members of PM cultures. |
The association between emotional intelligence and early adolescent tobacco and alcohol use. |
Periodical: Personality and Individual Differences |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Trinidad D, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: 32 |
Nbr: 1 |
Abs: |
Pg: 95-105 |
California adolescents offer a glimpse into the future of multi-ethnicity. |
Periodical: American Journal of Public Health |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: 91 |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: 1136 |
English language use as a risk factor for smoking among Hispanic and Asian American adolescents: evidence for mediation by tobacco-related beliefs and social norms. |
Periodical: Health Psychology |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Cruz TB, Rohrbach LA, et al. |
Yr: 2000 |
Vol: 19 |
Nbr: 5 |
Abs: |
Pg: 403-410 |
The AHIMSA acculturation scale: a new measure of acculturation for adolescents in a multicultural society. |
Periodical: Journal of Early Adolescence |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Gallaher P, Shakib S, Ritt-Olson A, Palmer PH, Johnson, CA |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: 22 |
Nbr: 3 |
Abs: |
Pg: 225-251 |
Ethnic differences in adolescent smoking prevalence in California: are mutli-ethnic youth at higher risk? |
Periodical: Tobacco Control |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Palmer PH, Dent CW, Rohrbach LA, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2000 |
Vol: 9 |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: ii9-ii14 |
Cultural values and substance use in a multiethnic sample of California adolescents. |
Periodical: Addiction Research and Theory |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Ritt-Olson A, Teran L, Huang T, Hoffman BR, Palmer P |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: 10 |
Nbr: 3 |
Abs: |
Pg: 257-279 |
Why do adolescents overestimate their peers' smoking prevalence? Correlates of prevalence estimates among California 8th grade students. |
Periodical: Journal of Youth and Adolescence |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Rohrbach LA |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: 31 |
Nbr: 2 |
Abs: |
Pg: 147-153 |
Ethnic variation in peer influences on adolescent smoking. |
Periodical: Nicotine and Tobacco Research |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Rohrbach LA, Cruz TB, et al. |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: 3 |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: 167-176 |
The effects of a social network metnod for group assignment strategies on peer led tobacco prevention programs in schools. |
Periodical: American Journal of Public Health |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Valente TW, HOffman BR, Ritt-Olson A, Lichtman K, Johnson CA |
Yr: 0 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Teacher recruitment and participation for a classroom-based 7th grade tobacco prevention program. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Andrion JB, Lichtman K, Ritt-Olson A, et al. |
Yr: 0 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Maximizing school, community, and parental participation in school-based tobacco research programs. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Baezconde-Garbanati L, Goo D, Molina G, et al. |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Conducting school and community-based participatory research among Asian/Pacific Islanders and Hispanic/Latinos: meeting the challenge of the integrated research program (IRP) in multiethnic populations. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Baezconde-Garbanati L, Palmer PH, Andrion JB, et al. |
Yr: 2003 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Outcomes from a teacher led tobacco prevention curriculum designed for infusion into seventh grade science classes. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Gallaher P, LIchtman K, Andrion JB, et al. |
Yr: 2003 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Perceived discrimination as a risk factor for smoking in early adolescence. |
Periodical: Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Newsletter |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Gallaher PE, Unger JB, Ritt-Olson A |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Social influences on adolescent smoking: the case for social networks. |
Periodical: Transcutural Perspectives on Tobacco Use and Health Promotion |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Hoffman B |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
School-level differences in ethnic composition, academic performance, and SES by level of participation in a smoking prevention program. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Hoffman BR, Valente TW, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2003 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Lowering smoking and ETS risks in immigrant Pacific Rim Youth. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Johnson CA, Unger JB, Gallaher P, et al. |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Lowering smoking and ETS in immigrant Pacific Rim youth |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Johnson CA, Unger JB, Gallaher P, et al. |
Yr: 2003 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Curriculum development for Pacific Rim youth |
Periodical: Transcutural Perspectives on Tobacco Use and Health Promotion |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Lichtman K |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Development of a tobacco prevention curriculum for Pacific Rim 6th graders. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Lichtman K, Ritt-Olson A, Andrion JB, et al. |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Generation status and the influence of parenting characteristics on adolescent tobacco use. |
Periodical: Transcutural Perspectives on Tobacco Use and Health Promotion |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Mouttapa M |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Adolescent smoking: a unique correlate to aggressive behavior among classmates. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Mouttapa M, Gallaher P, Unger JB, Valente TW |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Ethnicity, immigration, and spontaneous self-concept: implications for smoking interventions. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Mouttapa M, Hoffman BR, Unger JB, Gallaher P |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Relative influences of adult supervision, peer pressure, and the parent-child relationship on adolescent smoking. |
Periodical: National Conference on Tobacco or Health |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Mouttapa M, Shakib S, Gallaher P, Unger JB, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
The influence of depressive symptoms on smoking behavior and intention to smoke in acculturating youth. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Nezami E, Ritt-Olson A, Tan S, et al. |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Bonding to neighborhood, school, and parents among adolescent self-identified peer groups as protective against smoking. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Nguyen-Michel ST, Gallaher P, Unger JB, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Implications of multiethnic categorization on risk behavior susceptibility and prevalence rates. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Ortega E, Gallaher P, Unger JB |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Tobacco control in Pacific Rim communities. |
Periodical: National Conference on Tobacco or Health |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Palmer PH, Unger JB, Baezconde-Garbanati L, Lichtman K, Andrion JB, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Assessing project FLAVOR: A culturally tailored tobacco prevention program. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Ritt-Olson A, Lichtman K, Gallaher P, et al. |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Parenting characteristics and adolescent smoking in an ethnically diverse longitudinal sample. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Shakib S, Cen S, Mouttapa M, Ortega E, Johnson CA, Unger JB |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
A new measure of acculturation for adolescent smoking prevention trials in multicultural populations. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Gallaher P, Ritt-Olson A, Palmer PH, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2000 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Parental job loss and adolescentsmoking. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Hamilton JE, Sussman S, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Ethnic variation in peer influences on adolescent smoking and susceptibility. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Rohrbach LA, Cruz TB et al. |
Yr: 0 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Biculturalism is protective against psychosocial risk factors for adolescent smoking. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Shakib S, Gallaher P, et al. |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Use of network analysis to structure smoking prevention programs. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Valente TW |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
The association between emotional intelligence and early adolescent tobacco and alcohol use. |
Periodical: Personality and Individual Differences |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Trinidad D, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: 32 |
Nbr: 1 |
Abs: |
Pg: 95-105 |
California adolescents offer a glimpse into the future of multi-ethnicity. |
Periodical: American Journal of Public Health |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: 91 |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: 1136 |
English language use as a risk factor for smoking among Hispanic and Asian American adolescents: evidence for mediation by tobacco-related beliefs and social norms. |
Periodical: Health Psychology |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Cruz TB, Rohrbach LA, et al. |
Yr: 2000 |
Vol: 19 |
Nbr: 5 |
Abs: |
Pg: 403-410 |
The AHIMSA acculturation scale: a new measure of acculturation for adolescents in a multicultural society. |
Periodical: Journal of Early Adolescence |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Gallaher P, Shakib S, Ritt-Olson A, Palmer PH, Johnson, CA |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: 22 |
Nbr: 3 |
Abs: |
Pg: 225-251 |
Ethnic differences in adolescent smoking prevalence in California: are mutli-ethnic youth at higher risk? |
Periodical: Tobacco Control |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Palmer PH, Dent CW, Rohrbach LA, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2000 |
Vol: 9 |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: ii9-ii14 |
Cultural values and substance use in a multiethnic sample of California adolescents. |
Periodical: Addiction Research and Theory |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Ritt-Olson A, Teran L, Huang T, Hoffman BR, Palmer P |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: 10 |
Nbr: 3 |
Abs: |
Pg: 257-279 |
Why do adolescents overestimate their peers' smoking prevalence? Correlates of prevalence estimates among California 8th grade students. |
Periodical: Journal of Youth and Adolescence |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Rohrbach LA |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: 31 |
Nbr: 2 |
Abs: |
Pg: 147-153 |
Ethnic variation in peer influences on adolescent smoking. |
Periodical: Nicotine and Tobacco Research |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Rohrbach LA, Cruz TB, et al. |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: 3 |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: 167-176 |
The effects of a social network metnod for group assignment strategies on peer led tobacco prevention programs in schools. |
Periodical: American Journal of Public Health |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Valente TW, HOffman BR, Ritt-Olson A, Lichtman K, Johnson CA |
Yr: 0 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Teacher recruitment and participation for a classroom-based 7th grade tobacco prevention program. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Andrion JB, Lichtman K, Ritt-Olson A, et al. |
Yr: 0 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Maximizing school, community, and parental participation in school-based tobacco research programs. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Baezconde-Garbanati L, Goo D, Molina G, et al. |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Conducting school and community-based participatory research among Asian/Pacific Islanders and Hispanic/Latinos: meeting the challenge of the integrated research program (IRP) in multiethnic populations. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Baezconde-Garbanati L, Palmer PH, Andrion JB, et al. |
Yr: 2003 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Outcomes from a teacher led tobacco prevention curriculum designed for infusion into seventh grade science classes. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Gallaher P, LIchtman K, Andrion JB, et al. |
Yr: 2003 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Perceived discrimination as a risk factor for smoking in early adolescence. |
Periodical: Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Newsletter |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Gallaher PE, Unger JB, Ritt-Olson A |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Social influences on adolescent smoking: the case for social networks. |
Periodical: Transcutural Perspectives on Tobacco Use and Health Promotion |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Hoffman B |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
School-level differences in ethnic composition, academic performance, and SES by level of participation in a smoking prevention program. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Hoffman BR, Valente TW, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2003 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Lowering smoking and ETS risks in immigrant Pacific Rim Youth. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Johnson CA, Unger JB, Gallaher P, et al. |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Lowering smoking and ETS in immigrant Pacific Rim youth |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Johnson CA, Unger JB, Gallaher P, et al. |
Yr: 2003 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Curriculum development for Pacific Rim youth |
Periodical: Transcutural Perspectives on Tobacco Use and Health Promotion |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Lichtman K |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Development of a tobacco prevention curriculum for Pacific Rim 6th graders. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Lichtman K, Ritt-Olson A, Andrion JB, et al. |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Generation status and the influence of parenting characteristics on adolescent tobacco use. |
Periodical: Transcutural Perspectives on Tobacco Use and Health Promotion |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Mouttapa M |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Adolescent smoking: a unique correlate to aggressive behavior among classmates. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Mouttapa M, Gallaher P, Unger JB, Valente TW |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Ethnicity, immigration, and spontaneous self-concept: implications for smoking interventions. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Mouttapa M, Hoffman BR, Unger JB, Gallaher P |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Relative influences of adult supervision, peer pressure, and the parent-child relationship on adolescent smoking. |
Periodical: National Conference on Tobacco or Health |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Mouttapa M, Shakib S, Gallaher P, Unger JB, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
The influence of depressive symptoms on smoking behavior and intention to smoke in acculturating youth. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Nezami E, Ritt-Olson A, Tan S, et al. |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Bonding to neighborhood, school, and parents among adolescent self-identified peer groups as protective against smoking. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Nguyen-Michel ST, Gallaher P, Unger JB, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Implications of multiethnic categorization on risk behavior susceptibility and prevalence rates. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Ortega E, Gallaher P, Unger JB |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Tobacco control in Pacific Rim communities. |
Periodical: National Conference on Tobacco or Health |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Palmer PH, Unger JB, Baezconde-Garbanati L, Lichtman K, Andrion JB, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2001 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Assessing project FLAVOR: A culturally tailored tobacco prevention program. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Ritt-Olson A, Lichtman K, Gallaher P, et al. |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Parenting characteristics and adolescent smoking in an ethnically diverse longitudinal sample. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Shakib S, Cen S, Mouttapa M, Ortega E, Johnson CA, Unger JB |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
A new measure of acculturation for adolescent smoking prevention trials in multicultural populations. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Gallaher P, Ritt-Olson A, Palmer PH, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2000 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Parental job loss and adolescentsmoking. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Hamilton JE, Sussman S, Johnson CA |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Ethnic variation in peer influences on adolescent smoking and susceptibility. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Rohrbach LA, Cruz TB et al. |
Yr: 0 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Biculturalism is protective against psychosocial risk factors for adolescent smoking. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Unger JB, Shakib S, Gallaher P, et al. |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |
Use of network analysis to structure smoking prevention programs. |
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature |
Index Medicus: |
Authors: Valente TW |
Yr: 2002 |
Vol: |
Nbr: |
Abs: |
Pg: |