Translational Nicotine Research Group
Initial Award Abstract |
The purpose of this project is to request TRDRP funding support in the amount of $5000 for a special project initiative in order to develop a Translational Nicotine Research Group in the 2015 - 2016 calendar year. With this funding support, we aim to develop an annual symposium as an innovative strategy to disseminate information regarding research on nicotine/tobacco accomplished at our host institutions. Our Research Group would discuss groundbreaking strategies to address research questions related to our field, with the aim to reach across disciplines. Our current plan is to have the first symposium be at the University of California, Los Angeles Faculty Center, with a possible second meeting held at the TRDRP Symposium tentatively planned in December of 2015 / January of 2016. We aim to include both prior, current and non-TRDRP nicotine/tobacco researchers in order to have diversity in the population of individuals in attendance and to encourage non-awardees to apply for funding support through the program. We believe the Translational Nicotine Research Group would be ideal for principal investigators, post-doctoral fellows and graduate students in the field. We hope our research group would inspire smaller subsequent network meetings and innovative collaborations across a wide range of disciplines in hopes of reducing the harmful consequences of nicotine/tobacco use. Our meetings would entail a major training component for young nicotine/tobacco researchers, as it would allow them to present their research and interact with leading colleagues in the field. Young trainees would have the opportunity to get exposed to translational science from bench to bedside to policy, providing cross-fertilization of knowledge across multiple research domains, as identified by the diversity of investigators being recruited for the working group. The events will aim to also share information regarding career and research opportunities for young and established investigators. Our goals are to discuss the following topics: I. Current research and funding sources for nicotine/tobacco research II. Gaps in our current knowledge related to nicotine dependence III. Most effective strategies in developing translational nicotine research and treatments IV. Future directions in nicotine research and our working group V. Collaborative grant projects VI. Career opportunities for young investigators |