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Ad and Movie Imagery and Teen's Perceptions About Smokers

Institution: University of California, Irvine
Investigator(s): Cornelia Pechmann, Ph.D.
Award Cycle: 1995 (Cycle 4) Grant #: 4RT-0082 Award: $190,616
Subject Area: Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Award Type: Research Project Awards

Smoking-related advertising and its effect on preteens: a social cognitive perspective, in advances in consumer research
Periodical: Association for Consumer Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Pechmann C, Ratneshwar S ABS
Yr: 1993 Vol: 20 Nbr: Abs: 265 Pg:

Cigarette ads, anti-smoking ads and peers: why do underage youths start smoking cigarettes? advances in consumer research
Periodical: Corfman KP, Lynch J Index Medicus:
Authors: Pechmann C, Knight SJ, ABS
Yr: 1996 Vol: 23 Nbr: Abs: 267 Pg:

Reference group influences on teen smoking: the effects of smoking in movies and anti-smoking ads before movies, advances in consumer research
Periodical: Brucks M, MacInnis D Index Medicus:
Authors: Pechmann C, Shih E ABS
Yr: 1997 Vol: 24 Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Planning an effective anti-smoking mass media campaign targeting adolescents
Periodical: Journal of Public Health Management and Practice Index Medicus:
Authors: Pechmann C, Reibling ET ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 6 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 80-94

Anti-smoking advertising campaigns targeting youth: case studies from USA and Canada
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Pechmann C, Reibling ET ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 8 Nbr: II Abs: Pg: ii18-ii31

Smoking-related advertising and its effect on preteens: a social cognitive perspective, in advances in consumer research
Periodical: Association for Consumer Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Pechmann C, Ratneshwar S ABS
Yr: 1993 Vol: 20 Nbr: Abs: 265 Pg:

Cigarette ads, anti-smoking ads and peers: why do underage youths start smoking cigarettes? advances in consumer research
Periodical: Corfman KP, Lynch J Index Medicus:
Authors: Pechmann C, Knight SJ, ABS
Yr: 1996 Vol: 23 Nbr: Abs: 267 Pg:

Reference group influences on teen smoking: the effects of smoking in movies and anti-smoking ads before movies, advances in consumer research
Periodical: Brucks M, MacInnis D Index Medicus:
Authors: Pechmann C, Shih E ABS
Yr: 1997 Vol: 24 Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Planning an effective anti-smoking mass media campaign targeting adolescents
Periodical: Journal of Public Health Management and Practice Index Medicus:
Authors: Pechmann C, Reibling ET ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 6 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 80-94

Anti-smoking advertising campaigns targeting youth: case studies from USA and Canada
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Pechmann C, Reibling ET ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 8 Nbr: II Abs: Pg: ii18-ii31