Dissemination of health impacts of thirdhand tobacco smoke
Initial Award Abstract |
Responsiveness to TRDRP Research Priorities: The proposed research plan primarily addresses the priority of Environmental Exposure and Toxicology, by enhancing the Thirdhand Smoke Consortium's effectiveness in dissemination of research findings that advance polices to reduce environmental exposure to the toxic effects of tobacco smoke and tobacco smoke residues. Strengthening the Consortium's contributions to dissemination will also assist TRDRP advance the ability of state agencies, legislative and regulatory bodies, and local communities to assess, understand and implement science-based tobacco control polices. Impact/Benefit: The purpose of the proposed Special Project is to increase opportunities for effective dissemination of the findings of the Thirdhand Smoke Consortium. The approach involves expanding the scope of the upcoming meeting of the Consortium's Science Advisory Board to include participation of three senior scientists from the US EPA, the California Air Resources Board and the Roswell Cancer Institute. These experts work at the interfaces of science and protection of human health. The Special Project will support the travel costs for these experts to learn enough about THS and its health impacts to begin to include THS issues in their research and policy recommendations, thereby contributing to TRDRP's strategies for dissemination of high impact research. Invitations will also be sent to several staff experts in the California Tobacco Control Project in the California Department of Public Health and the California Department of Consumer Affairs. Justification of Need: The current budget of the THS Consortium includes sufficient support to bring the current members of the THS Science Advisory Board to California for the regular progress meeting of Consortium investigators, but that budget provides no support to expand dissemination activities that can lead to public policies to reduce the health impacts of THS. The Special Project will support the Consortium's effectiveness in research translation for wider dissemination by TRDRP, in partnership with agencies such as the EPA, CARB and the Roswell Institute. The dissemination-related activities at the progress meeting are intended to address the need for improvement in the Consortium's research translation. Specific Aims for the Special Project: The overall goal of the Special Project is to share our results with experts in public health-related fields while learning more effective ways to build in dissemination-related activities into our cycles of research, presentations and publications. The Specific Aims for the Special Project coordinate with the Milestone list that is a separate part of the application: Specific Aim 1: Develop dissemination-related goals for the Core and all sub-projects. Approach: a. Discuss dissemination-related activities with the Steering Committee of the Consortium, in the context of research translation. Draft dissemination goals will be circulated to the advisors and invited experts before the meeting of the Advisory Board and invited experts. Objective 1. b. Prepare and circulate dissemination guidance to Consortium PIs, advisors and invited experts. Objective 2. c. Prepare and send background referencesa,b,c and relate information to advisors and invited experts, including dissemination strategies. Objective 3. d. Finalize agenda, including 30 min dissemination discussion. Objective 4. Specific Aim 2: Incorporate the advisors' feedback on dissemination activities into the Consortium's research strategies for year 3 of Phase 2 and beyond. Approach: a. Conduct the meeting and receive preliminary feedback on dissemination from advisors and invited experts. Objective 5. b. Advisors provide feedback and recommendations on dissemination activities given to Consortium Steering Committee. Objective 6. c. Consortium Steering Committee prepares a response to the Consortium Science Advisory Board, including an action plan for dissemination Year 3 of Phase and beyond - Objective 7. |