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Comprehensive Tobacco Policy Model

Institution: University of California, Irvine
Investigator(s): Tammy Tengs, Sc.D.
Award Cycle: 1997 (Cycle 6) Grant #: 6PT-3005 Award: $439,963
Subject Area: Epidemiology
Award Type: Integrated Research Project

Initial Award Abstract
Thc purpose of this research is tO determine the u~ost econornicully efficient combination of future tobucco control policies and interventions in the I]S and California ﷓ that is. those policie8 expected ~o yield the greatest health gains given the economic ;esources consun~cd. To accomplish tl~is, we will co~nparc the societul costs and health henefits of raising excise taxes on tobacco with other me~sures such as anti﷓tol~acco media campai~t~s, sci~ool~based education, or encouraging physicians lo advise their putients to stop s'~oking.

To calculate the costs and benefits of each intervention we will develop ;, computer simnlation model called the Cotnprehensive Tobacco Policy Model (C::THM>. l'he n~ode] will sin~ulate what is likely to happen to sonne populution if ;J policy is chan£;c`1. For example, the model would simulate the effect of raising excise taxes by $1.50 pcr pack. In pe~forming the sin~ulation, the model woul

In addition to simu1nting what happens to thc cunent populalion, it will n160 capture the effects of current policy changes on subsequenl generations. For example, if taxes are raised then fewer women will smoke during their pregnancy nnd so there will l~e fewer cases of low thth weight and other sn~oking﷓induced health problems in infants. Tn addilion, children would be exposed lo less environ~nental tobacco smoke in the home. Infants and children will live longer, be healthier, and n~ight l~e less likely to take up sn~oking then~selvcs. ln addition, the costs uf treating their smoking﷓induced illnesses vvould oe seved. The ~nodel would simulate all of these second﷓generation effects as wcil. When accessing the costs and be~efits of a'~y tobacco control intervention, we also will keep tracl; of who pays and who benefits so lhat we can report the distributione1 consequences of any inter~ention. The CoMprehcnsive Tobacco Policy Model will also be used to sug~cst how any new inf~sion of funds (~.g' from a future Tobacco Settlement) n~ight be ;~Ilocated so as to reach tl~e goaE of maxin~i%ing the health and eco~omic returns on investn~ent.

As the name in~plies, the Co~uprehensive Tobacco Policy Model is intended to be just that ﷓~ comprehensive. It will be designed, not only to ans~ver the research queslions posed here, but to infonn questions of tobacco policy more ge~ierally. In addition to making it t~exibic, we plan to make the model availal~le and designed so tl~at it is useable by a diverse group of decision makers. The user﷓friendly ~node, will be fully documented and placed on the world wide web so 1hat it can inforn~ policy now and into lhe foreseeahle fut~rc.

The cost-effectiveness of intensive national school-based anti-tobacco education: results from the Tobacco Policy Model
Periodical: Preventive Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Tengs T, Osgood N, Chen L ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 33 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 558-570

The public health impact of changes in smoking behavior: results from the Tobacco Policy Model
Periodical: Medical Care Index Medicus:
Authors: Tengs T, Osgood N, Lin T ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 39 Nbr: 10 Abs: Pg: 1131-1141

The cost-effectiveness of reducing tobacco use: results from the tobacco policy model
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature Index Medicus:
Authors: Tengs T ABS
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Health-related quality of life after stroke: a comprehensive review.
Periodical: Stroke Index Medicus:
Authors: Tengs T, Yu M, Luistro E ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 32 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 964-972

One thousand health-related quality of life estimates.
Periodical: Medical Care Index Medicus:
Authors: Tengs T, Wallace A ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 38 Nbr: 6 Abs: Pg: 583-637

The cost-effectiveness of intensive national school-based anti-tobacco education: results from the Tobacco Policy Model
Periodical: Preventive Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Tengs T, Osgood N, Chen L ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 33 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 558-570

The public health impact of changes in smoking behavior: results from the Tobacco Policy Model
Periodical: Medical Care Index Medicus:
Authors: Tengs T, Osgood N, Lin T ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 39 Nbr: 10 Abs: Pg: 1131-1141

The cost-effectiveness of reducing tobacco use: results from the tobacco policy model
Periodical: TRDRP Annual Report to the State of California Legislature Index Medicus:
Authors: Tengs T ABS
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Health-related quality of life after stroke: a comprehensive review.
Periodical: Stroke Index Medicus:
Authors: Tengs T, Yu M, Luistro E ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 32 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 964-972

One thousand health-related quality of life estimates.
Periodical: Medical Care Index Medicus:
Authors: Tengs T, Wallace A ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 38 Nbr: 6 Abs: Pg: 583-637