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Loma Linda University

Award Total: $2,720,091 # of Grants: 7

BailinLiu - DaLiaoXiao - JerryLee - HanselFletcherPh.D. - DaLiaoXiao - DaLiaoXiao - DaLiaoXiao -


Maternal inhaled nicotine enhances endothelial nitric oxide synthase uncoupling leading to a hypertensive phenotype in offspring 2019 (Cycle 30) $187,831
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards

Fetal nicotine exposure develops heart ischemia-sensitive phenotype 2019 (Cycle 29) $1,185,000
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Research Project Award

Prenatal Nicotine Exposure and Epigenetic Regulation of AT2R 2013 (Cycle 22) $316,000
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Exploratory/Developmental Award

Prenatal Nicotine Exposure and Vascular Programming 2009 (Cycle 18) $289,840
Nicotine Dependence New Investigator Awards

Nicotine's effects on uterine artery contractillity 2005 (Cycle 14) $73,878
Nicotine Dependence Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards

Smoking and virulence of periodontal pathogens 2001 (Cycle 10) $289,574
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards

Impact of Caffeine Use On Tobacco Cessation & Withdrawal 1992 (Cycle 1) $377,968
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards