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Terry Conway, Ph.D.

San Diego State University Research Foundation # of Grants: 1


Reducing Environmental Tobacco Smoke in Latino Children 1997 (Cycle 6) $1,085,128
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Integrated Research Project

Intervention to Reduce ETS Exposure in Latino Children: Null Effects on Hair Biomarkers and Parents Reports (2004)
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Conway, T.L., Woodruff, S.I., Edwards, C.C., Hovell, M.F., & Klein, J. ART
Yr: 2004 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Pilot test of an Assessment Instrument for Latina Community Health Advisors Conducting an ETS Intervention
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Rodriguez, V.M., Conway, T.L., Woodruff, S.I., & Edwards, C.C. ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Intervention to Reduce ETS Exposure in Latino Children: Null Effects on Hair Biomarkers and Parents Reports (2004)
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Conway, T.L., Woodruff, S.I., Edwards, C.C., Hovell, M.F., & Klein, J. ART
Yr: 2004 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Pilot test of an Assessment Instrument for Latina Community Health Advisors Conducting an ETS Intervention
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Rodriguez, V.M., Conway, T.L., Woodruff, S.I., & Edwards, C.C. ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: