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Virender Rehan,

LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center # of Grants: 6


Gestational E-Cigarette Exposure, Transgenerational Asthma, and the Germ Cell Epigenetic Memory 2019 (Cycle 29) $1,048,215
Pulmonary Disease High Impact Research Project Award

A novel approach to prevent in utero nicotine lung injury 2005 (Cycle 14) $597,916
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards

Nicotine Disrupts PTHrP-Driven Paracrine Signaling Globally 2006 (Cycle 15) $133,126
General Biomedical Science Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)

A Novel Approach to Prevent in Utero Nicotine Lung Injury 2008 (Cycle 17) $564,957
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards

Perinatal Tobacco Exposure Epigenetics & Transgenerational 2014 (Cycle 23) $445,312
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology Research Project Awards

Fetal Nicotine Exposure Alters Bone Marrow Stem Cell Function 2018 (Cycle 27) $563,438
Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment High Impact Pilot Award

Evidence for the presence and functional role of Iipofibroblasts in human lung
Periodical: Experimental Lung Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

In Utero Nicotine Exposure alters fetal rat lung alveolar Type II cell proliferation Differentiation and metabolism
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

lipo-to myofibroblast transdifferentiation by agonists of parathyroid Homone related Protein signaling pathway
Periodical: Review Nature medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Virender Rehan ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Evidence for the presence and functional role of lipofibroblasts in human lung
Periodical: Experimental Lung Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan V, Sugano S, Wang Y, Santos J, Romero S, Keane M, Dasgupta C, Stahlman M ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Reversal of nicotine-induced lipo-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation by agonists parathyroid hormone protein signaling pathway
Periodical: Nature Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai R, Wang Y, Rehan V ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

A paracrine model for lung development, disease, an treatment-perspective.
Periodical: Pediatric Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Torday, JS; Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The mechanism fo rthe paradoxical decrease in respiratory distress syndromem and increase in bronchopulmonary dysplasia associated with choriomnionitis.
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan,; Dargan--Batra,; Wang,; cerny; Sakurai,; Santos; Beloosesky; Gayle; Torday ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Finally, something that works.
Periodical: Journal of Pediatrics Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2006 Vol: 73 Nbr: 11 Abs: Pg: 1027-1032

Ethnic diversity and oxidative stress in health and disease. Clinical and biomedical implications.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Asotra, K; Rehan, VK ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Exploiting the PTHrP signaling pathway to treat chronic lung disease.
Periodical: Drugs of Today Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan, VK; Torday, JS ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: 43 Nbr: 5 Abs: Pg: 317-331

Prevention and treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Contemporary status and future outlook.
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Cerny, L; Torday, JS; Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2008 Vol: 186 Nbr: 2 Abs: Pg: 75-89

Hyperoxia-induced neonatal lung inujury involves activation of TGF-B and Wnt signaling: Protection by rosiglitazone.
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Dasgupta, C; Wang. Y; sakurai, R; Torday, JS; Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 296 Nbr: 6 Abs: Pg: L1031-1041

Peroxisome proliferator-activted receptor (PPAR) y Agonist enhance lung maturation in a neonatao rat model.
Periodical: Pediatric Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Wang, Y; Sakurai, R; Cerny, L; Torday, JS; Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 65 Nbr: 2 Abs: Pg: 150-155

Mechanism os nicotine-induced up-regulation of wingless/int Wnt) signaling in human alveolar interstitial fibroblasts.
Periodical: Experimental Lung Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai, R; Wang, Y; Cerny, LM, Guo, P; Torday, JS, Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: Under review

Intrauterine growth restriction altars fetal lung programming by affecting essential epithelial-mesenchymal signaling paathways.
Periodical: Pediatric Pulmonology Index Medicus:
Authors: Karadag, A; Sakurai, R; Wang, Y; Desai, M; Ross, MG; Torday, JS; Rehan,VK ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 44 Nbr: 7 Abs: Pg: 635-644

1a,25(OH)2D3, and its 3 epimer promote pulmonary alveolar epithelia-mesnchymal interactions and inhibit interstitial fibroblast apoptosis.
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Reiko, R; Shin, E; Fonseca, S; Scott, W; torday, J; Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The effects of smoking in the developing lung: Insights from a biologic model for lung development, homeostasis and repair lung.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan, VK; Asotra, K; Torday, JS ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Evidence for the presence and functional role of Iipofibroblasts in human lung
Periodical: Experimental Lung Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

In Utero Nicotine Exposure alters fetal rat lung alveolar Type II cell proliferation Differentiation and metabolism
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

lipo-to myofibroblast transdifferentiation by agonists of parathyroid Homone related Protein signaling pathway
Periodical: Review Nature medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Virender Rehan ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Evidence for the presence and functional role of lipofibroblasts in human lung
Periodical: Experimental Lung Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan V, Sugano S, Wang Y, Santos J, Romero S, Keane M, Dasgupta C, Stahlman M ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Reversal of nicotine-induced lipo-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation by agonists parathyroid hormone protein signaling pathway
Periodical: Nature Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai R, Wang Y, Rehan V ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

A paracrine model for lung development, disease, an treatment-perspective.
Periodical: Pediatric Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Torday, JS; Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The mechanism fo rthe paradoxical decrease in respiratory distress syndromem and increase in bronchopulmonary dysplasia associated with choriomnionitis.
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan,; Dargan--Batra,; Wang,; cerny; Sakurai,; Santos; Beloosesky; Gayle; Torday ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Finally, something that works.
Periodical: Journal of Pediatrics Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2006 Vol: 73 Nbr: 11 Abs: Pg: 1027-1032

Ethnic diversity and oxidative stress in health and disease. Clinical and biomedical implications.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Asotra, K; Rehan, VK ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Exploiting the PTHrP signaling pathway to treat chronic lung disease.
Periodical: Drugs of Today Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan, VK; Torday, JS ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: 43 Nbr: 5 Abs: Pg: 317-331

Prevention and treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Contemporary status and future outlook.
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Cerny, L; Torday, JS; Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2008 Vol: 186 Nbr: 2 Abs: Pg: 75-89

Hyperoxia-induced neonatal lung inujury involves activation of TGF-B and Wnt signaling: Protection by rosiglitazone.
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Dasgupta, C; Wang. Y; sakurai, R; Torday, JS; Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 296 Nbr: 6 Abs: Pg: L1031-1041

Peroxisome proliferator-activted receptor (PPAR) y Agonist enhance lung maturation in a neonatao rat model.
Periodical: Pediatric Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Wang, Y; Sakurai, R; Cerny, L; Torday, JS; Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 65 Nbr: 2 Abs: Pg: 150-155

Mechanism os nicotine-induced up-regulation of wingless/int Wnt) signaling in human alveolar interstitial fibroblasts.
Periodical: Experimental Lung Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai, R; Wang, Y; Cerny, LM, Guo, P; Torday, JS, Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: Under review

Intrauterine growth restriction altars fetal lung programming by affecting essential epithelial-mesenchymal signaling paathways.
Periodical: Pediatric Pulmonology Index Medicus:
Authors: Karadag, A; Sakurai, R; Wang, Y; Desai, M; Ross, MG; Torday, JS; Rehan,VK ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 44 Nbr: 7 Abs: Pg: 635-644

1a,25(OH)2D3, and its 3 epimer promote pulmonary alveolar epithelia-mesnchymal interactions and inhibit interstitial fibroblast apoptosis.
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Reiko, R; Shin, E; Fonseca, S; Scott, W; torday, J; Rehan, VK ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The effects of smoking in the developing lung: Insights from a biologic model for lung development, homeostasis and repair lung.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan, VK; Asotra, K; Torday, JS ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

In Utero Nicotine Exposure Alters Fetal Rat Lung Alveolar Type II Cell Proliferation Differentiation and Metabolism
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: Nbr: 292 Abs: Pg: 323-33

Reversal of nicotine-induced lipo-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation by agonists Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein signaling pathway.
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

A paracrine model for lung development, disease, and treatment perspective.
Periodical: Pediatric Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The mechanism foe the paradoxical decrease in respiratory distress syndrome and increase in bronchopulmonary dysplasia associated with chorioamnionitis.
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Prevention of Bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Finally, something that works
Periodical: Indian J Pediatr. Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan Vk ART
Yr: 2066 Vol: Nbr: 73 Abs: Pg: 1027-32

Ethnic Diversity and Oxidative Stress in Health and Disease.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Exploiting the PTHrP Signaling Pathway to Treat Chronic Lung Disease.
Periodical: Drugs of Today Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: 5 Nbr: 43 Abs: Pg: 317-331

Prevention and Treatment of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Contemporary Status and Future Outlook
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

In Utero Nicotine Exposure Alters Fetal Rat Lung Alveolar Type II Cell Proliferation Differentiation and Metabolism
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: Nbr: 292 Abs: Pg: 323-33

Reversal of nicotine-induced lipo-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation by agonists Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein signaling pathway.
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

A paracrine model for lung development, disease, and treatment perspective.
Periodical: Pediatric Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The mechanism foe the paradoxical decrease in respiratory distress syndrome and increase in bronchopulmonary dysplasia associated with chorioamnionitis.
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Prevention of Bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Finally, something that works
Periodical: Indian J Pediatr. Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan Vk ART
Yr: 2066 Vol: Nbr: 73 Abs: Pg: 1027-32

Ethnic Diversity and Oxidative Stress in Health and Disease.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Exploiting the PTHrP Signaling Pathway to Treat Chronic Lung Disease.
Periodical: Drugs of Today Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2007 Vol: 5 Nbr: 43 Abs: Pg: 317-331

Prevention and Treatment of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Contemporary Status and Future Outlook
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan VK ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Hyperoxia-induced neonatal lung injury involves activation of TGF-B and Wnt signaling: Protection by rosiglitazone
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Dasgupta, C; Wang, Y; Sakurai, R; Torday, J Rehan, V ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 296 Nbr: 6 Abs: Pg: L1031-1041

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) y agonist enhance lung maturaation in a neonatal rat model.
Periodical: Pediatric Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Wang, Y; Sakurai, R; Cerny, L; Torday, J Rehan, V ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 65 Nbr: 2 Abs: Pg: 150-155

Mechanism of nicotine-induced up-regulation of wingless/int (Wnt) signaling in human alveolar interstitial fibroblasts.
Periodical: Experimental Lung Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai, R; Wang, Y' Cerny, L Guo, P; Torda, J; Rehan, V ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Intrauterine growth restriction alters fetal lung programming by affecting essential epithelial-mesenchymal signalign pathways.
Periodical: Pediatric Pulmonology Index Medicus:
Authors: Karadag,A; Sakurai, R; Wang, Y; Desai, M ross, M; Torday, J Rehan, V ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 44 Nbr: 7 Abs: Pg: 635-644

1alpha,25(OH)2D3 and its 3-Epimer Promote Rat Lung Alveolar Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interacations and Inhibit Lipofibroblast Apoptosis.
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai, R; Shin, E; Fonseca, S; ; Sakurai, T.; Litonjua, A.;Weiss, S; Torday, J; Rehan, V ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The effects of smoking on the developing lung: Insights from a biiologic medel for lung development, homeostasis and repair.
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan, V; Asotra, K, Torday, J ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Physiologic vitamin S hormone 1a,25(OH)2D3 has spatial and temporal-specific actions during perinatal pulmonary maturation.
Periodical: Journal of Investigative Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Fonseca, S; Sakurai, R; Shin,E; Torday, J; Rehan, V ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 57 Nbr: 01 Abs: Pg: A19, A112

Hyperoxia-induced neonatal lung injury involves activation of TGF-B and Wnt signaling: Protection by rosiglitazone
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Dasgupta, C; Wang, Y; Sakurai, R; Torday, J Rehan, V ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 296 Nbr: 6 Abs: Pg: L1031-1041

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) y agonist enhance lung maturaation in a neonatal rat model.
Periodical: Pediatric Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Wang, Y; Sakurai, R; Cerny, L; Torday, J Rehan, V ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 65 Nbr: 2 Abs: Pg: 150-155

Mechanism of nicotine-induced up-regulation of wingless/int (Wnt) signaling in human alveolar interstitial fibroblasts.
Periodical: Experimental Lung Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai, R; Wang, Y' Cerny, L Guo, P; Torda, J; Rehan, V ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Intrauterine growth restriction alters fetal lung programming by affecting essential epithelial-mesenchymal signalign pathways.
Periodical: Pediatric Pulmonology Index Medicus:
Authors: Karadag,A; Sakurai, R; Wang, Y; Desai, M ross, M; Torday, J Rehan, V ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 44 Nbr: 7 Abs: Pg: 635-644

1alpha,25(OH)2D3 and its 3-Epimer Promote Rat Lung Alveolar Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interacations and Inhibit Lipofibroblast Apoptosis.
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai, R; Shin, E; Fonseca, S; ; Sakurai, T.; Litonjua, A.;Weiss, S; Torday, J; Rehan, V ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The effects of smoking on the developing lung: Insights from a biiologic medel for lung development, homeostasis and repair.
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Rehan, V; Asotra, K, Torday, J ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Physiologic vitamin S hormone 1a,25(OH)2D3 has spatial and temporal-specific actions during perinatal pulmonary maturation.
Periodical: Journal of Investigative Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Fonseca, S; Sakurai, R; Shin,E; Torday, J; Rehan, V ART
Yr: 2009 Vol: 57 Nbr: 01 Abs: Pg: A19, A112

PPARy Agonist Rosiglitazone Reverses Perinatal Nicotine Exposure-Induced Asthma in Rat Offspring
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Liu J, Sakurai R, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID 25659902

Impaired Lung Mitochondrial Respiration Following Perinatal Nicotine Exposure in Rats
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Cannon DT, Liu J, Sakurai R, Rossiter HB, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID 26899624

Perinatal nicotine exposure suppresses PPARy epigenetically in lung alveolar interstitial fibroblasts
Periodical: Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Index Medicus:
Authors: M. Gong, J Liu, R Sakurai, VK Rehan ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID 25661292

Perinatal Nicotine Exposure Induces Myogenic Differentiation, but not Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Rat Offspring_x000D_ Lungs
Periodical: Pediatric Pulmonology Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai R, Liu J, Gong M, Bo J, Rehan VK ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Evidence for the involvement of Fibroblast Growth Factor 10 in lipofibroblast formation during_x000D_ embryonic lung development
Periodical: Development Index Medicus:
Authors: Alam Al, D, El Agha, E., Sakurai, R., Kheirollahi, V., Moiseenko, A., Danopoulos, S.,_x000D_ Shr ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID 26511927

On the evolution of the pulmonary alveolar lipofibroblast
Periodical: Experimental Cell Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Torday JS, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID 26706109

Inhaled Vitamin D: A Novel Strategy to Enhance Neonatal Lung Maturation
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Taylor SK, Sakurai R, Sakurai T, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID: 27614961

Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells of the intrauterine growth-restricted rat offspring exhibit enhanced adipogenic_x000D_ phenotype
Periodical: International Journal of Obesity Index Medicus:
Authors: Gong M, Antony S, Sakurai R, Liu J, Iacovino M, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID: 2759963

Perinatal Nicotine Exposure Induces Myogenic Differentiation, but not Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Rat Offspring Lungs
Periodical: Pediatric Pulmonology Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai R, Liu J, Gong M, Bo J, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: 51 Nbr: 11 Abs: Pg: 1142-1150

Effect of Maternal Electro-acupuncture on Perinatal Nicotine Exposure-Induced Lung Phenotype in Offspring
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji B, Zhao GZ, Sakurai R, Cao Y, Zhang ZJ, Wang D, Yan MN, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: 194 Nbr: 4 Abs: Pg: 534-46

Impaired Lung Mitochondrial_x000D_ Respiration Following Perinatal Nicotine Exposure in Rats
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Cannon DT, Liu J, Sakurai R, Rossiter HB, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID 26899624

Recent Advances in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Pathophysiology, Prevention, and Treatment. Lung
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Hwang, JS, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2018 Vol: Nbr: 196 Abs: Pg: 129-138

A combination of the Aerosolized PPAR-y Agonist Pioglitazone and a Synthetic Surfactant Protein B Peptide Mimic Prevents Hyperoxia-Induced Neonatal Lung Injury in Rats
Periodical: Neonatology Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai R, et al ART
Yr: 2018 Vol: Nbr: 113 Abs: Pg: 296-304

Role of miR-29 in Mediating Offspring Lung Phenotype in a Rodent Model of Intrauterine Growth Restriction
Periodical: American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Chuang TD, et al ART
Yr: 2018 Vol: 1 Nbr: 315(5) Abs: Pg: R1017-R1026

Prevention of perinatal nicotine-induced bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell myofibroblast differentiation by augmenting the lipofibroblast phenotype
Periodical: Clinical Science Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai R, Liu J, Wang Y, Torday JS, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2018 Vol: 132 Nbr: 21 Abs: Pg: 2357-2368

PPARy Agonist Rosiglitazone Reverses Perinatal Nicotine Exposure-Induced Asthma in Rat Offspring
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cell Molecular Physiology. Index Medicus:
Authors: Liu J, Sakurai R, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID 25659902

Impaired Lung Mitochondrial Respiration Following Perinatal Nicotine Exposure in Rats
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Cannon DT, Liu J, Sakurai R, Rossiter HB, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID 26899624

Perinatal nicotine exposure suppresses PPARy epigenetically in lung alveolar interstitial fibroblasts
Periodical: Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Index Medicus:
Authors: M. Gong, J Liu, R Sakurai, VK Rehan ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID 25661292

Perinatal Nicotine Exposure Induces Myogenic Differentiation, but not Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Rat Offspring_x000D_ Lungs
Periodical: Pediatric Pulmonology Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai R, Liu J, Gong M, Bo J, Rehan VK ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Evidence for the involvement of Fibroblast Growth Factor 10 in lipofibroblast formation during_x000D_ embryonic lung development
Periodical: Development Index Medicus:
Authors: Alam Al, D, El Agha, E., Sakurai, R., Kheirollahi, V., Moiseenko, A., Danopoulos, S.,_x000D_ Shr ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID 26511927

On the evolution of the pulmonary alveolar lipofibroblast
Periodical: Experimental Cell Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Torday JS, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID 26706109

Inhaled Vitamin D: A Novel Strategy to Enhance Neonatal Lung Maturation
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Taylor SK, Sakurai R, Sakurai T, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID: 27614961

Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells of the intrauterine growth-restricted rat offspring exhibit enhanced adipogenic_x000D_ phenotype
Periodical: International Journal of Obesity Index Medicus:
Authors: Gong M, Antony S, Sakurai R, Liu J, Iacovino M, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID: 2759963

Perinatal Nicotine Exposure Induces Myogenic Differentiation, but not Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Rat Offspring Lungs
Periodical: Pediatric Pulmonology Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai R, Liu J, Gong M, Bo J, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: 51 Nbr: 11 Abs: Pg: 1142-1150

Effect of Maternal Electro-acupuncture on Perinatal Nicotine Exposure-Induced Lung Phenotype in Offspring
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji B, Zhao GZ, Sakurai R, Cao Y, Zhang ZJ, Wang D, Yan MN, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: 194 Nbr: 4 Abs: Pg: 534-46

Impaired Lung Mitochondrial_x000D_ Respiration Following Perinatal Nicotine Exposure in Rats
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Cannon DT, Liu J, Sakurai R, Rossiter HB, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2016 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: PMID 26899624

Recent Advances in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Pathophysiology, Prevention, and Treatment. Lung
Periodical: Lung Index Medicus:
Authors: Hwang, JS, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2018 Vol: Nbr: 196 Abs: Pg: 129-138

A combination of the Aerosolized PPAR-y Agonist Pioglitazone and a Synthetic Surfactant Protein B Peptide Mimic Prevents Hyperoxia-Induced Neonatal Lung Injury in Rats
Periodical: Neonatology Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai R, et al ART
Yr: 2018 Vol: Nbr: 113 Abs: Pg: 296-304

Role of miR-29 in Mediating Offspring Lung Phenotype in a Rodent Model of Intrauterine Growth Restriction
Periodical: American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Chuang TD, et al ART
Yr: 2018 Vol: 1 Nbr: 315(5) Abs: Pg: R1017-R1026

Prevention of perinatal nicotine-induced bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell myofibroblast differentiation by augmenting the lipofibroblast phenotype
Periodical: Clinical Science Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai R, Liu J, Wang Y, Torday JS, Rehan VK ART
Yr: 2018 Vol: 132 Nbr: 21 Abs: Pg: 2357-2368

Role of miR-29 in Mediating Offspring Lung Phenotype in a Rodent Model of_x000D_ Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2018 Nov_x000D_ 1;315(5):R1017-R1026.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Chuang TD, et al. ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Prevention of perinatal nicotine-induced bone_x000D_ marrow mesenchymal stem cell myofibroblast differentiation by augmenting the lipofibroblast_x000D_ phenotype.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai R, Liu J, Wang Y, Torday JS, Rehan VK. ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Perinatal Nicotine Exposure-Induced Transgenerational Asthma: Effect of Re-exposure in_x000D_ F1 Gestation
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Liu et al ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Antenatal PPARã Agonist Pioglitazone Stimulates Fetal Lung Maturation Equally in_x000D_ Males and Females
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Lee et al ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Dysregulated repair and inflammatory response_x000D_ by e-cigarette derived inhaled nicotine in mouse lung and human 3D EpiAirway tissue.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Khan NA, Gong M, Sundar IK, Rehan VK, Rahman I. ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Role of miR-29 in Mediating Offspring Lung Phenotype in a Rodent Model of_x000D_ Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2018 Nov_x000D_ 1;315(5):R1017-R1026.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Chuang TD, et al. ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Prevention of perinatal nicotine-induced bone_x000D_ marrow mesenchymal stem cell myofibroblast differentiation by augmenting the lipofibroblast_x000D_ phenotype.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Sakurai R, Liu J, Wang Y, Torday JS, Rehan VK. ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Perinatal Nicotine Exposure-Induced Transgenerational Asthma: Effect of Re-exposure in_x000D_ F1 Gestation
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Liu et al ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Antenatal PPARã Agonist Pioglitazone Stimulates Fetal Lung Maturation Equally in_x000D_ Males and Females
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Lee et al ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Dysregulated repair and inflammatory response_x000D_ by e-cigarette derived inhaled nicotine in mouse lung and human 3D EpiAirway tissue.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Khan NA, Gong M, Sundar IK, Rehan VK, Rahman I. ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: