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Celia Kaplan, Dr.P.H.

University of California, San Francisco # of Grants: 5


A Methodological Multi-Ethnic Study of Smoking Initiation 1995 (Cycle 4) $260,978
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards

Smoking initiation among Chinese and Vietnames adolescents 1997 (Cycle 6) $449,734
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards

Factors Affecting Smoking Initiation in Young Latina Women 1993 (Cycle 2) $149,705
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics New Investigator Awards

Lung Cancer Screening: The Views of Patients and Physicians 2015 (Cycle 24) $249,475
Early Diagnosis/Pathogenesis Exploratory/Developmental Award

Lung Cancer Screening: A Multilevel Intervention 2017 (Cycle 26) $374,770
Early Diagnosis of Tobacco-Related Cancer High Impact Research Project Award

The effects of interview mode on smoking attitudes and behavior: self-report among female Latino adolescents
Periodical: Substance Use and Misuse Index Medicus:
Authors: Kaplan CP, Tanjasiri SP ART
Yr: 1996 Vol: 31 Nbr: 8 Abs: Pg: 947-963

The relationship between language orientation and cigarette-smoking beliefs of Latinas
Periodical: American Journal of Health Behavior Index Medicus:
Authors: Campbell KM, Kaplan CP ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The effects of interview mode on smoking attitudes and behavior: self-report among female Latino adolescents
Periodical: Substance Use and Misuse Index Medicus:
Authors: Kaplan CP, Tanjasiri SP ART
Yr: 1996 Vol: 31 Nbr: 8 Abs: Pg: 947-963

The relationship between language orientation and cigarette-smoking beliefs of Latinas
Periodical: American Journal of Health Behavior Index Medicus:
Authors: Campbell KM, Kaplan CP ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: