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Arthur Farkas, Ph.D.

University of California, San Diego # of Grants: 2


Effects of Legislation on ETS Exposure in California 1997 (Cycle 6) $245,189
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Integrated Research Project

Predicting progress toward cessation in California smokers 2000 (Cycle 9) $99,954
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards

The effects of household and workplace smoking restrictions on quitting behaviours
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Farkas AJ, Gilpin EA, Distefan JM, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 1999 Vol: 8 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 261-265

Association between household and workplace smoking restrictions and adolescent smoking
Periodical: JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association Index Medicus:
Authors: Farkas AJ, Gilpin EA, White MM, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 284 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 717-722

Home smoking restriction: which smokers have them and how they associated with smoking behavior
Periodical: Nicotine and Tobacco Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, White MM, Farkas AJ, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 1999 Vol: 1 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 153-162

Clean indoor air: advances in California, 1990-1999
Periodical: American Journal of Public Health Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Farkas AJ, Emery SL, Ake CF, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 92 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 785-791

The effects of household and workplace smoking restrictions on quitting behaviours
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Farkas AJ, Gilpin EA, Distefan JM, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 1999 Vol: 8 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 261-265

Association between household and workplace smoking restrictions and adolescent smoking
Periodical: JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association Index Medicus:
Authors: Farkas AJ, Gilpin EA, White MM, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 284 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 717-722

Home smoking restriction: which smokers have them and how they associated with smoking behavior
Periodical: Nicotine and Tobacco Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, White MM, Farkas AJ, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 1999 Vol: 1 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 153-162

Clean indoor air: advances in California, 1990-1999
Periodical: American Journal of Public Health Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Farkas AJ, Emery SL, Ake CF, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 92 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 785-791