Research Portfolio

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2002 (Cycle 11)

Enzymatic targets for anticancer therapy $267,304
J. David Gladstone Institutes New Investigator Awards
Involvement of PI3K pathway in bladder cancer invasion $224,984
University of California, Davis New Investigator Awards
p53 and p14ARF: Multiple pathways of lung cancer suppression $821,050
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center Research Project Awards
Total Synthesis of Mitomycin C, an Anti-Cancer Therapeutic $59,947
California Institute of Technology Dissertation Awards
Novel agents for apoptosis of lung cancer $787,977
The Burnham Institute for Medical Research Research Project Awards
Molecular predictors of oral cancer development $419,000
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Role of protein phosphatase 2A in lung cancer $405,795
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Tobacco-altered tissue of the mouth may promote oral cancer $113,120
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Vascular targeting of lung tumors $830,563
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center Research Project Awards
Tobacco carcinogens influence Ah-receptor function $43,344
University of California, San Diego Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Total synthesis of cribrostatin 4, a potent anticancer agent $74,927
California Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Regulation of integrin activation by calcineurin $68,437
Scripps Research Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Nicotine and cardiac vulnerability to fibrillation $641,821
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Cigarette smoke, MCP-1 expression in vivo and atherogenesis $50,418
University of California, Riverside Dissertation Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Inflammation, innate immunity, TLRs, and atherosclerosis $697,650
Scripps Research Institute Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Nicotine-pathological angiogenesis and genetic determinants $608,420
Stanford University Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Effect of nicotine on fetal hemopoietic stem cell migration $152,352
La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiac ion channels and tobacco-related disease $389,983
University of California, Santa Barbara Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Multibehavioral changes for disease prevention among smokers $69,824
University of California, San Francisco Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Mentholated cigarettes and risk of acute MI, CHD, and stroke $106,246
Kaiser Foundation Research Institute Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Smoking and variation of cardiovascular disease genes $635,131
Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute Research Project Awards
Smoking, metabolic syndrome and subclinical atherosclerosis $23,772
University of Southern California Dissertation Awards
The determinants of college smoking $48,782
University of Southern California Dissertation Awards
The geography of tobacco related disease in California $374,786
Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation Research Project Awards
Prenatal smoke exposure and age at menarche $129,090
Sequoia Foundation Research Project Awards
Isothiocyantes among African Americans and Caucasions $73,270
University of California, Irvine Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Nicotinic receptors, smoking and Parkinson's Disease $765,971
Stanford University Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Tobacco Alteration of TGF Beta3 Control of Palatogenesis $680,175
University of Southern California Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Simple exposure indicators for ETS particles $749,647
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Lobeline: total synthesis and derivitization $60,000
California Institute of Technology Dissertation Awards
General Biomedical Science
Nicotine Dependence
Brain imaging in nicotine addiction $419,881
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Immunopharmacotherapy as a treatment for nicotine addiction $515,270
Scripps Research Institute Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Nicotinic receptors and Parkinson's disease $376,470
The Parkinson's Institute Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Nicotinic receptors on hippocampal neurons $69,940
University of California, San Diego Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Effect of cigarette smoke and nicotine on taste processing $70,000
University of California, Davis Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Modeling sleep disturbance during nicotine withdrawal $424,344
SRI International New Investigator Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Neuroadaptations underlying nicotine dependence $60,379
Scripps Research Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Irritant and analgesic effects of nicotine $226,650
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Smoking induced dopamine release: buproprion effects $659,060
Brentwood Biomedical Research Institute Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Tobacco industry responses to industry-focused campaigns $77,806
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Modeling cost/effectiveness of tobacco control programs $23,238
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Effective diffusion of evidence-based tobacco curricula $47,747
University of Southern California Dissertation Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Modeling cost/effectiveness of tobacco control programs $129,915
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Tobacco use & policies: San Diego Mexican American residents $786,750
San Diego State University Research Foundation Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Effect of tobacco-related policy change on smoking behavior $303,504
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Pulmonary Disease
Effect of smoke and gender on bronchiolar injury and repair $413,288
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Environmental tobacco smoke effects on lung surfactant $406,444
University of California, Santa Barbara Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
MCP-1 and TGFb in pulmonary emphysema $78,241
University of California, San Francisco New Investigator Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Bayview-Hunters Point partnership toward smoking cessation $75,000
University of California, San Francisco Pilot CARA
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Efficacy of the nicotine patch in adolescents & young adults $69,800
University of California, San Francisco Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Impact of Cultural Competence on Treatment Outcomes $1,500
University of California, Davis Special Projects
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Tobacco prevention/cessation at continuation schools $848,679
University of Southern California Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Smoking interventions in diverse LGBT communities $30,905
University of California, San Francisco Full CARA
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Pager-assisted smoking cessation treatment $463,689
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Exploration of tobacco use in Asian Pacific Islander youth $92,076
Assoc of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations Pilot CARA
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Internet-enhanced proactive telephone counseling $674,731
Veterans Medical Research Foundation Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Smoking interventions in diverse LGBT communities $445,068
Progressive Research & Training for Action Full CARA
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Test of an internet virtual world for teen smoking cessation $826,206
San Diego State University Research Foundation Full SARA
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Partnership to promote smoking cessation in older adults $101,367
Institute on Aging Pilot CARA
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation