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RAND Corporation

Award Total: $5,181,990 # of Grants: 10

PhyllisEllicksonPh.D. - PeterJacobsonJ.D., M.P.H. - RobertValdezPh.D. - PhyllisEllicksonPh.D. - PhyllisEllicksonPh.D. - JoanTuckerPh.D. - HaroldGreenPh.D. - JoanTuckerPh.D. - JoanTuckerPh.D. - JoanTuckerPh.D. -


Preventing and Reducing Tobacco Use Among Homeless Youth 2012 (Cycle 21) $879,484
Disparities /Prevention/ Cessation/ Nicotine Dependence Research Project Awards

Text Messaging-Based Smoking Cessation Program for Homeless 2018 (Cycle 27) $687,334
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease High Impact Pilot Award

Tobacco and Marijuana Co-Use Among Emerging Adults in California 2017 (Cycle 26) $466,934
Tobacco-Related Health Disparities High Impact Research Project Award

Evaluating Mechanisms of Change in a Smoking Intervention 2008 (Cycle 17) $219,376
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)

Social Context of Smoking in Adolescence and Young Adulthood 2007 (Cycle 16) $791,718
Epidemiology Research Project Awards

Women and smoking: from adolescence to young adulthood 2004 (Cycle 13) $737,742
Epidemiology Research Project Awards

Patterns of tobacco use from adolescence to young adulthood 2001 (Cycle 10) $431,132
Epidemiology Research Project Awards

The Cost of Passive Smoking on Children's Health 1993 (Cycle 2) $242,086
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards

Case study on tobacco use legislation 1992 (Cycle 1) $160,907
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards

Patterns of tobacco use from adolescence to young adulthood 1997 (Cycle 6) $565,277
Epidemiology Research Project Awards