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Elizabeth Gilpin, M.S.

University of California, San Diego # of Grants: 3


A longitudinal study of smoking transitions in youth 1999 (Cycle 8) $577,574
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation Research Project Awards

Use of existing data to develop new tobacco control strategies 2000 (Cycle 9) $402,610
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards

Use of existing data to dvlp new tobacco control strategies 2003 (Cycle 12) $419,888
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics Research Project Awards

Was there significant tax evasion after the 1999 50-cent/pack cigarette tax increase in California.
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Emery S, White MM, Gilpin EA, and Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Does tobacco marketing undermine the influence of recommended parenting in discouraging adolescents from smoking?
Periodical: American Journal of Preventative Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Pierce JP, Distefan JM, Jackson C, White MM and Gilpin EA ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The California tobacco control program and potential harm reduction through reduced digarette consumption in continuing smokers.
Periodical: Nicotine and Tobacco Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, and Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Are pharmaceutical aids helping smokers in the California population quit.
Periodical: JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association Index Medicus:
Authors: Pierce JP, and Gilpin EA ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Patterns of cigar use in California in 1999
Periodical: American Journal of Preventative Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, and Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 21 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 325-328

Concurrent use of tobacco products by California adolescents.
Periodical: Preventive Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2003 Vol: Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 575-584

Smoking in movies influences adolescents to start smoking.
Periodical: American Journal of Public Health Index Medicus:
Authors: Distefan JM, Pierce JP, Gilpin EA ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The impact of emotional tone, message, and broadcast parameters in youth anti-smoking advertisements.
Periodical: American Journal of Public Health Index Medicus:
Authors: Biener L, Ji M, Gilpin E, Albers A ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Was there significant tax evasion after the 1999 50-cent/pack cigarette tax increase in California.
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Emery S, White MM, Gilpin EA, and Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Does tobacco marketing undermine the influence of recommended parenting in discouraging adolescents from smoking?
Periodical: American Journal of Preventative Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Pierce JP, Distefan JM, Jackson C, White MM and Gilpin EA ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The California tobacco control program and potential harm reduction through reduced digarette consumption in continuing smokers.
Periodical: Nicotine and Tobacco Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, and Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Are pharmaceutical aids helping smokers in the California population quit.
Periodical: JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association Index Medicus:
Authors: Pierce JP, and Gilpin EA ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Patterns of cigar use in California in 1999
Periodical: American Journal of Preventative Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, and Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 21 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 325-328

Concurrent use of tobacco products by California adolescents.
Periodical: Preventive Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2003 Vol: Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 575-584

Smoking in movies influences adolescents to start smoking.
Periodical: American Journal of Public Health Index Medicus:
Authors: Distefan JM, Pierce JP, Gilpin EA ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The impact of emotional tone, message, and broadcast parameters in youth anti-smoking advertisements.
Periodical: American Journal of Public Health Index Medicus:
Authors: Biener L, Ji M, Gilpin E, Albers A ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Changes in youth smoking participation in California in the 1990s
Periodical: Cancer Causes Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Emery S, WHite M, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2004 Vol: 14 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 985-993

Changes in population attitudes about where smoking should not be allowed: California versus the rest of the USA
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Lee L, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2004 Vol: 13 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 38-44

Support for protection from secondhand smoke: California 2002
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Lee L, Pierce JP, Tang H, Lloyd J ART
Yr: 2004 Vol: 13 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 95-96

Does adolescent perception of difficulty in getting cigarettes deter experimentation?
Periodical: Preventive Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Lee L, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2004 Vol: 38 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 485-491

How did the Master Settlement Agreement change tobacco industry expenditures for cigarette advertising and promotions?
Periodical: Health Promotion Practice Index Medicus:
Authors: Pierce JP, Gilpin EA ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The role of smoking intentions in predicting furture smoking among youth: findings from Monitoring the Future data
Periodical: Addiction Index Medicus:
Authors: Wakefield M, Chaloupka F, Pierce JP, Giovino G, Ruel E ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Impact of declining survey response rates on estimates of smoking prevalence
Periodical: Preventive Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Biener L, Flynn CA, Gilpin EA, Roman AM, Currivan DB ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Population receptivity to tobacco advertising/ promotions and exposure to anti-tobacco media: effect of Master Settlement Agreement in California: 1992-2002 Health Promotion Practice 2004;5(suppl):91S-98S
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Glipin EA, Distefan JM, Pierce JP ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Do favorite movie stars influence adolescent smoking initation? American Journal of Public Health 2004; 94:1239-1244
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Distefan JM, Pierce JP, Gilpin EA ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Has there been a delay in the age of regular smoking onset among African Americans? Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2004;28:152-157
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Trinidad DR, Gilpin EA, Lee l, Pierce JP ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Compliance and support for smoke-free school policies. Health Education Research 2004; Nov 30 (advance online access published 11/30/04)
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Trinidad DR, Gilpin EA,Pierce JP ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

How has smoking rick factors changed with declines in adolescents smoking? Addicition; 100; 117 -125
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Lee L, Pierce JP ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The role of curiosity in smoking initiation. Addictive Behaviors 2005; 30: 685-696
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Pierce JP, Distefan JM Kaplan RM, Gilpin EA ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Tobacco industry price-subsidizing promotions may overcome the downward pressure of Higher price of initiation of regular smoking Health Economics 2005; Mar 24 (advance online access published 3/24/05)
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Pierce Jp, Gilmer Tp Lee L, Gilpin EA ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Facilitating adolescent smoking: who provides the cigarettes? Am J Health Promot 2005; 19: 355-360
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: White MM, Gilpin EA, Emery SL, Pierce JP ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Adolescents perceptions about quitting and nicotine replacement therapy: findings from the California Tobacco Survey
Periodical: Journal of Adolescent Health Index Medicus:
Authors: Al Delaimy WK, White MM, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2006 Vol: 15 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 308-316

What contributed to the major deline in per capita cigarette consumption during Californias comprehensive tobacco control program?
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Messer K, White MM, Pierce JP. ART
Yr: 2006 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: 308-316

Trends in smoking among Hispanic women in California relationship to English language use.
Periodical: American Journal of Preventative Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Trinidad DR, Gilpin EA, Messer K, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2006 Vol: Nbr: 31 Abs: Pg: 257-260

Population effectiveness of pharmaceutical aids for smoking cessation: What is associated with increased success?
Periodical: Nicotine and Tobacco Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Messer K, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2006 Vol: 8 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 661-669

Changes in youth smoking participation in California in the 1990s
Periodical: Cancer Causes Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Emery S, WHite M, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2004 Vol: 14 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 985-993

Changes in population attitudes about where smoking should not be allowed: California versus the rest of the USA
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Lee L, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2004 Vol: 13 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 38-44

Support for protection from secondhand smoke: California 2002
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Lee L, Pierce JP, Tang H, Lloyd J ART
Yr: 2004 Vol: 13 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 95-96

Does adolescent perception of difficulty in getting cigarettes deter experimentation?
Periodical: Preventive Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Lee L, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2004 Vol: 38 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 485-491

How did the Master Settlement Agreement change tobacco industry expenditures for cigarette advertising and promotions?
Periodical: Health Promotion Practice Index Medicus:
Authors: Pierce JP, Gilpin EA ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The role of smoking intentions in predicting furture smoking among youth: findings from Monitoring the Future data
Periodical: Addiction Index Medicus:
Authors: Wakefield M, Chaloupka F, Pierce JP, Giovino G, Ruel E ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Impact of declining survey response rates on estimates of smoking prevalence
Periodical: Preventive Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Biener L, Flynn CA, Gilpin EA, Roman AM, Currivan DB ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Population receptivity to tobacco advertising/ promotions and exposure to anti-tobacco media: effect of Master Settlement Agreement in California: 1992-2002 Health Promotion Practice 2004;5(suppl):91S-98S
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Glipin EA, Distefan JM, Pierce JP ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Do favorite movie stars influence adolescent smoking initation? American Journal of Public Health 2004; 94:1239-1244
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Distefan JM, Pierce JP, Gilpin EA ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Has there been a delay in the age of regular smoking onset among African Americans? Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2004;28:152-157
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Trinidad DR, Gilpin EA, Lee l, Pierce JP ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Compliance and support for smoke-free school policies. Health Education Research 2004; Nov 30 (advance online access published 11/30/04)
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Trinidad DR, Gilpin EA,Pierce JP ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

How has smoking rick factors changed with declines in adolescents smoking? Addicition; 100; 117 -125
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Lee L, Pierce JP ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

The role of curiosity in smoking initiation. Addictive Behaviors 2005; 30: 685-696
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Pierce JP, Distefan JM Kaplan RM, Gilpin EA ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Tobacco industry price-subsidizing promotions may overcome the downward pressure of Higher price of initiation of regular smoking Health Economics 2005; Mar 24 (advance online access published 3/24/05)
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Pierce Jp, Gilmer Tp Lee L, Gilpin EA ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Facilitating adolescent smoking: who provides the cigarettes? Am J Health Promot 2005; 19: 355-360
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: White MM, Gilpin EA, Emery SL, Pierce JP ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Adolescents perceptions about quitting and nicotine replacement therapy: findings from the California Tobacco Survey
Periodical: Journal of Adolescent Health Index Medicus:
Authors: Al Delaimy WK, White MM, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2006 Vol: 15 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 308-316

What contributed to the major deline in per capita cigarette consumption during Californias comprehensive tobacco control program?
Periodical: Tobacco Control Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Messer K, White MM, Pierce JP. ART
Yr: 2006 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg: 308-316

Trends in smoking among Hispanic women in California relationship to English language use.
Periodical: American Journal of Preventative Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Trinidad DR, Gilpin EA, Messer K, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2006 Vol: Nbr: 31 Abs: Pg: 257-260

Population effectiveness of pharmaceutical aids for smoking cessation: What is associated with increased success?
Periodical: Nicotine and Tobacco Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Gilpin EA, Messer K, Pierce JP ART
Yr: 2006 Vol: 8 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 661-669