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Kent Pinkerton, Ph.D.

University of California, Davis # of Grants: 6


Passive Smoking and Clara Cell Development in the Lungs 1995 (Cycle 4) $442,317
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards

Environmental tobacco smoke and newborn lung development 1997 (Cycle 6) $440,500
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards

ETS Effects on airway development in the primate lung 1998 (Cycle 7) $483,652
General Biomedical Science Research Project Awards

Passive Smoking & Clara Cell Developement in the Lungs 1992 (Cycle 1) $435,023
Pulmonary Disease Research Project Awards

Lung Development, Tobacco Smoke and Sensitivity to Infection 2009 (Cycle 18) $280,000
Pulmonary Disease Exploratory/Developmental Award

E-cigarette vaping, chemical composition and lung toxicity 2018 (Cycle 27) $910,493
Environmental Exposure/Toxicology High Impact Research Project Award

Sidestream cigarette smoke generation and exposure system for environmental tobacco smoke studies
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Teague SV, Pinkerton KE, Goldsmith M, et al ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: 6 Nbr: 1 Abs: Pg: 79-93

Decreased fetal weights in rats exposed to sidestream cigarette smoke
Periodical: Fundamental and Applied Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Rajini P, Last JA, Pinkerton KE, Hendrickx AG, Witschi HP ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: 22 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 400-404

Exposure to sidestream cigarette smoke alters bronchiolar epithelial cell differentiation in the postnatal rat lung
Periodical: American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji CM, Plopper CG, Witschi HP, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: 11 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 312-320

Environmental tobacco smoke: experimental facts and societal issues
Periodical: Fundamental and Applied Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Witschi HP, Pinkerton KE, Coggins CRE, Penn A, Synder CA, Gori GB ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Environmental tobacco smoke: experimental facts and societal issues
Periodical: Fundamental and Applied Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Wtischi HP, Pinkerton KE, Coggins CRE, Penn A, Gori GB ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 24 Nbr: 1 Abs: Pg: 3-12

Sidestream smoke effects on lung morphology and C-fibers in young guinea pigs
Periodical: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Bric JM, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 131 Nbr: 2 Abs: Pg: 289-296

In utero and postnatal effects of sidestream cigarette smoke exposure on lung function, hyperresponsiveness and neuroendocrine cells in rats
Periodical: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Kott KS, Bric JM, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 132 Nbr: 1 Abs: Pg: 63-71

Clara cell heterogeneity in differentiation: correlation with proliferation, ultrastructural composition and cell position in the rat bronchiole
Periodical: American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji CM, Plopper CG, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 13 Nbr: 2 Abs: Pg: 144-151

Developmental expression of the pulmonary cytochrome P450 monoxygenase system during Clara cell differentiation in rats
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji CM, Cardoso WV, Gebremichael A, et al ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 13 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: L394-L402

Pulmonary cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase system and Clara cell differentiation in rats.
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji CM, Cardoso WV, Gebremichael RM, et al ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 269 Nbr: 13 Abs: Pg: L394-L402

Postnatal development of cytochrome P-4501A1 and 2B1 in rat lung and liver: effect of aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke
Periodical: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Index Medicus:
Authors: Gebremichael A, Chang AM, Buckpitt AR, Plopper CG, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 135 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 246-253

Ah-receptor dependent modulation of gene expression by aged and diluted sidestreatm cigarette smoke
Periodical: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Index Medicus:
Authors: Gebremichael A, Tullis K, Denison MS, Cheek JM, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1996 Vol: 141 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 76-83

Effects of extended sidestream smoke exposure on components of the C-fiber axon reflex
Periodical: Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Avadhanam KP, Watts KC, et al ART
Yr: 1996 Vol: 112 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 195-203

Effect of environmental tobacco smoke on LDL accumulation in the artery wall
Periodical: Circulation Index Medicus:
Authors: Roberts KA, Rezsai AA, Pinkerton KE, et al ART
Yr: 1996 Vol: 94 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 2248-2253

Quantitative histology and cytochrome P-450 immunocytochemistry of the lung parenchyma following 6 months of exposure of strain A/J mice to cigarette sidestream smoke
Periodical: Inhalation Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Pinkerton KE, Peake JL, Espiritu I, et al ART
Yr: 1996 Vol: 8 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 927-945

Effects of environmental tobacco smoke exposure in utero and/or postnatally on brain development
Periodical: Pediatric Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Gospe SM, Zhou SS, Pinderton KE ART
Yr: 1996 Vol: 39 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 494-498

The toxiocology of environmental tobacco smoke
Periodical: Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Witschi HP, Joad JP, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1997 Vol: 37 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 29-52

Mapping the distribution of neuroepithelial bodies of the rat lung: a whole-mount immunohistochemical approach
Periodical: American Journal of Pathology Index Medicus:
Authors: Avadhanam KP, Plopper CG, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1997 Vol: 150 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 851-859

The carcinogenicity of environmental tobacco smoke
Periodical: Carcinogenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Witschi HP, Espiritu I, Peake JL, et al ART
Yr: 1997 Vol: 18 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 575-586

Second-hand smoke is an adjuvant for T helper-2 responses in a murine model of allergy
Periodical: Journal of Immunology Index Medicus:
Authors: Seymour BWP, Pinkerton KE, Friebertshauser KE, Coffman RL, Gershwin LJ ART
Yr: 1997 Vol: 159 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 6169-6175

The carcinogenic potential of the gas phase of environmental tobacco smoke
Periodical: Carcinogenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Witschi HP, Espiritu I, Maronpot RR, Pinkerton KE,Jones AD ART
Yr: 1997 Vol: 18 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 2035-2042

Site-selective differences in cytochrome P450 isoforms activities: comparison of expression in rat and rhesus monkey lung and induction in rats
Periodical: Drug Metabolism and Disposition Index Medicus:
Authors: Lee CH, Watt KC, Chang AM, Plopper CG, Singh G, Buckpitt AR, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 26 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 396-400

Maternal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke alters Clara cell secretory protein expression in fetal rat lung
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji CM, Royce FH, Truong U, Plopper CG, Singh G, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 275 Nbr: 19 Abs: Pg: L870-L876

Six-month exposure to strain A/J mice to cigarette sidestream smoke: cell kinetics and lung tumor data
Periodical: Fundamental and Applied Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Witschi H, Oreffo VIC, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 26 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 32-40

Sidestream cigarette smoke generation and exposure system for environmental tobacco smoke studies
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Teague SV, Pinkerton KE, Goldsmith M, et al ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: 6 Nbr: 1 Abs: Pg: 79-93

Decreased fetal weights in rats exposed to sidestream cigarette smoke
Periodical: Fundamental and Applied Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Rajini P, Last JA, Pinkerton KE, Hendrickx AG, Witschi HP ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: 22 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 400-404

Exposure to sidestream cigarette smoke alters bronchiolar epithelial cell differentiation in the postnatal rat lung
Periodical: American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji CM, Plopper CG, Witschi HP, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: 11 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 312-320

Environmental tobacco smoke: experimental facts and societal issues
Periodical: Fundamental and Applied Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Witschi HP, Pinkerton KE, Coggins CRE, Penn A, Synder CA, Gori GB ART
Yr: 1994 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Environmental tobacco smoke: experimental facts and societal issues
Periodical: Fundamental and Applied Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Wtischi HP, Pinkerton KE, Coggins CRE, Penn A, Gori GB ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 24 Nbr: 1 Abs: Pg: 3-12

Sidestream smoke effects on lung morphology and C-fibers in young guinea pigs
Periodical: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Bric JM, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 131 Nbr: 2 Abs: Pg: 289-296

In utero and postnatal effects of sidestream cigarette smoke exposure on lung function, hyperresponsiveness and neuroendocrine cells in rats
Periodical: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Kott KS, Bric JM, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 132 Nbr: 1 Abs: Pg: 63-71

Clara cell heterogeneity in differentiation: correlation with proliferation, ultrastructural composition and cell position in the rat bronchiole
Periodical: American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji CM, Plopper CG, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 13 Nbr: 2 Abs: Pg: 144-151

Developmental expression of the pulmonary cytochrome P450 monoxygenase system during Clara cell differentiation in rats
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji CM, Cardoso WV, Gebremichael A, et al ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 13 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: L394-L402

Pulmonary cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase system and Clara cell differentiation in rats.
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji CM, Cardoso WV, Gebremichael RM, et al ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 269 Nbr: 13 Abs: Pg: L394-L402

Postnatal development of cytochrome P-4501A1 and 2B1 in rat lung and liver: effect of aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke
Periodical: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Index Medicus:
Authors: Gebremichael A, Chang AM, Buckpitt AR, Plopper CG, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 135 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 246-253

Ah-receptor dependent modulation of gene expression by aged and diluted sidestreatm cigarette smoke
Periodical: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Index Medicus:
Authors: Gebremichael A, Tullis K, Denison MS, Cheek JM, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1996 Vol: 141 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 76-83

Effects of extended sidestream smoke exposure on components of the C-fiber axon reflex
Periodical: Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Avadhanam KP, Watts KC, et al ART
Yr: 1996 Vol: 112 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 195-203

Effect of environmental tobacco smoke on LDL accumulation in the artery wall
Periodical: Circulation Index Medicus:
Authors: Roberts KA, Rezsai AA, Pinkerton KE, et al ART
Yr: 1996 Vol: 94 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 2248-2253

Quantitative histology and cytochrome P-450 immunocytochemistry of the lung parenchyma following 6 months of exposure of strain A/J mice to cigarette sidestream smoke
Periodical: Inhalation Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Pinkerton KE, Peake JL, Espiritu I, et al ART
Yr: 1996 Vol: 8 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 927-945

Effects of environmental tobacco smoke exposure in utero and/or postnatally on brain development
Periodical: Pediatric Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Gospe SM, Zhou SS, Pinderton KE ART
Yr: 1996 Vol: 39 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 494-498

The toxiocology of environmental tobacco smoke
Periodical: Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Witschi HP, Joad JP, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1997 Vol: 37 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 29-52

Mapping the distribution of neuroepithelial bodies of the rat lung: a whole-mount immunohistochemical approach
Periodical: American Journal of Pathology Index Medicus:
Authors: Avadhanam KP, Plopper CG, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1997 Vol: 150 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 851-859

The carcinogenicity of environmental tobacco smoke
Periodical: Carcinogenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Witschi HP, Espiritu I, Peake JL, et al ART
Yr: 1997 Vol: 18 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 575-586

Second-hand smoke is an adjuvant for T helper-2 responses in a murine model of allergy
Periodical: Journal of Immunology Index Medicus:
Authors: Seymour BWP, Pinkerton KE, Friebertshauser KE, Coffman RL, Gershwin LJ ART
Yr: 1997 Vol: 159 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 6169-6175

The carcinogenic potential of the gas phase of environmental tobacco smoke
Periodical: Carcinogenesis Index Medicus:
Authors: Witschi HP, Espiritu I, Maronpot RR, Pinkerton KE,Jones AD ART
Yr: 1997 Vol: 18 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 2035-2042

Site-selective differences in cytochrome P450 isoforms activities: comparison of expression in rat and rhesus monkey lung and induction in rats
Periodical: Drug Metabolism and Disposition Index Medicus:
Authors: Lee CH, Watt KC, Chang AM, Plopper CG, Singh G, Buckpitt AR, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 26 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 396-400

Maternal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke alters Clara cell secretory protein expression in fetal rat lung
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji CM, Royce FH, Truong U, Plopper CG, Singh G, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 275 Nbr: 19 Abs: Pg: L870-L876

Six-month exposure to strain A/J mice to cigarette sidestream smoke: cell kinetics and lung tumor data
Periodical: Fundamental and Applied Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Witschi H, Oreffo VIC, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1995 Vol: 26 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 32-40

Site-selective differences in cytochrome P450 isoform activities. Comparison of expression in rat and rhesus monkey lung and induction in rats
Periodical: Drug Metabolism and Disposition Index Medicus:
Authors: Lee C, Watt KC, Chang AM, Plopper CG, Buckpitt AR, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 26 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 396-400

Maternal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke alters Clara cell secretory protein expression in fetal rat lung
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji CM, Royce FH, Truong U, Plopper CG, Singh G, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 19 Nbr: Abs: Pg: L870-L876

Perinatal exposure to aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke produces airway hyperresponsiveness in older rats
Periodical: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Bric JM, Peake JL, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1999 Vol: 155 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 253-260

Alteration of pulmonary neuroendocrine cells during epithelial repair of naphthalene-induced airway injury
Periodical: American Journal of Pathology Index Medicus:
Authors: Peake JL, Reynolds BR, Stripp BR, Stephens KE, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 156 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 279-286

Effect of in utero and postnatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke on the developmental expression of pulmonary cytochrome P450 monooxygenases
Periodical: Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Lee CZ, Royce FH, Denison MS, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 14 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 121-130

The mammalian respiratory system and critical windows of exposure for children's health
Periodical: Environmental Health Perspectives Index Medicus:
Authors: Pinkerton KE, Joad JP ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 108 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 457-462

The toxicology of environmental tobacco smoke.
Periodical: Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Witschi H, Joad JP, and Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1997 Vol: 37 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 29-52

Perinatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke induces adenylyl cyclase and alters Perinatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke induces adenylyl cyclase and alters receptor-mediated cell signaling in brain and heart of neonatal rats._x000D_
Periodical: Brain Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Slotkin TA, Pinkerton KE, Garofolo MC, Auman JT, McCook EC, and Seidler FJ ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 898 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 73-81

Methacholine responsiveness of proximal and distal airways of monkeys and rats using videomicrometry.
Periodical: Journal of Applied Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Kott KS, Pinkerton K, Bric JM, Ploppper CG, Avadhanam KP, and Joad JP ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Short-term exposure to aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke enhances ozone-induced lung injury in B6C3F1 mice.
Periodical: Toxicological Sciences Index Medicus:
Authors: Yu M, Pinkerton KE, and Witschi H ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

A receptor-mediated mechanism of nicotine toxicity: Nicotine-induced differential expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in oral keratinocytes alters the cell cycle and cell differentiation genes expression.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Arredondo J, Nguyen VT, Chernyavsky AI, Jolkovsky DL, Pinkerton KE, and Grando SA ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Extended exposure to aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke (ADSS) alters pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECS) in neonatal rats.
Periodical: Toxicological Sciences Index Medicus:
Authors: Avadhanam KP, Plopper CG, and Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 42 Nbr: I-S Abs: Pg: 350

Perinatal exposure to sidestream cigarette smoke (SS) produces airway hyperresponsiveness in older rats.
Periodical: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Bric KM and Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 157 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: A697

Naphthoflavone promotes CYP1A1 expression in the vascular endothelium but not in the respiratory epithelium of the prenatal rat lung.
Periodical: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Royce FH, Migliaccio CA, Peake JL, Albuquerque CA, and Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1999 Vol: 159 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: A439

Effects of maternal exposure to naphthoflavone (BNF) on amniotic fluid volume and fetal lung development.
Periodical: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Albuquerque CA, Royce F, Stephens K, Gilbert W, and Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1999 Vol: 159 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: A669

Site-selective differences in cytochrome P450 isoform activities. Comparison of expression in rat and rhesus monkey lung and induction in rats
Periodical: Drug Metabolism and Disposition Index Medicus:
Authors: Lee C, Watt KC, Chang AM, Plopper CG, Buckpitt AR, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 26 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 396-400

Maternal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke alters Clara cell secretory protein expression in fetal rat lung
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Ji CM, Royce FH, Truong U, Plopper CG, Singh G, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 19 Nbr: Abs: Pg: L870-L876

Perinatal exposure to aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke produces airway hyperresponsiveness in older rats
Periodical: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Bric JM, Peake JL, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1999 Vol: 155 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 253-260

Alteration of pulmonary neuroendocrine cells during epithelial repair of naphthalene-induced airway injury
Periodical: American Journal of Pathology Index Medicus:
Authors: Peake JL, Reynolds BR, Stripp BR, Stephens KE, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 156 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 279-286

Effect of in utero and postnatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke on the developmental expression of pulmonary cytochrome P450 monooxygenases
Periodical: Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Lee CZ, Royce FH, Denison MS, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 14 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 121-130

The mammalian respiratory system and critical windows of exposure for children's health
Periodical: Environmental Health Perspectives Index Medicus:
Authors: Pinkerton KE, Joad JP ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 108 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 457-462

The toxicology of environmental tobacco smoke.
Periodical: Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Witschi H, Joad JP, and Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1997 Vol: 37 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 29-52

Perinatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke induces adenylyl cyclase and alters Perinatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke induces adenylyl cyclase and alters receptor-mediated cell signaling in brain and heart of neonatal rats._x000D_
Periodical: Brain Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Slotkin TA, Pinkerton KE, Garofolo MC, Auman JT, McCook EC, and Seidler FJ ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 898 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 73-81

Methacholine responsiveness of proximal and distal airways of monkeys and rats using videomicrometry.
Periodical: Journal of Applied Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Kott KS, Pinkerton K, Bric JM, Ploppper CG, Avadhanam KP, and Joad JP ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Short-term exposure to aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke enhances ozone-induced lung injury in B6C3F1 mice.
Periodical: Toxicological Sciences Index Medicus:
Authors: Yu M, Pinkerton KE, and Witschi H ART
Yr: 0 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

A receptor-mediated mechanism of nicotine toxicity: Nicotine-induced differential expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in oral keratinocytes alters the cell cycle and cell differentiation genes expression.
Periodical: Index Medicus:
Authors: Arredondo J, Nguyen VT, Chernyavsky AI, Jolkovsky DL, Pinkerton KE, and Grando SA ART
Yr: Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Extended exposure to aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke (ADSS) alters pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECS) in neonatal rats.
Periodical: Toxicological Sciences Index Medicus:
Authors: Avadhanam KP, Plopper CG, and Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 42 Nbr: I-S Abs: Pg: 350

Perinatal exposure to sidestream cigarette smoke (SS) produces airway hyperresponsiveness in older rats.
Periodical: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Bric KM and Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 157 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: A697

Naphthoflavone promotes CYP1A1 expression in the vascular endothelium but not in the respiratory epithelium of the prenatal rat lung.
Periodical: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Royce FH, Migliaccio CA, Peake JL, Albuquerque CA, and Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1999 Vol: 159 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: A439

Effects of maternal exposure to naphthoflavone (BNF) on amniotic fluid volume and fetal lung development.
Periodical: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Albuquerque CA, Royce F, Stephens K, Gilbert W, and Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1999 Vol: 159 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: A669

Perinatal exposure to aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke produces airway hyperresponsiveness in older rats
Periodical: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Bric JM, Peake JL, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 155 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 253-260

Site-selective differences in cytochrome P450 isoform activities. Comparison of expression in rat and rhesus monkey lung and induction in rats
Periodical: Drug Metabolism and Disposition Index Medicus:
Authors: Lee C, Watt KC, Chang AM, Plopper CG, Buckpitt AR, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 26 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 396-400

Perinatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke alters cell signalling in a primate model: autonomic receptors and the control of adenylyl cyclase acitvity in heart and lung
Periodical: Developmental Brain Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Slotkin TA, Pinkerton KE, Seidler FJ ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 124 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 53-58

Prior exposure to aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke impairs bronchiolar injury and repair
Periodical: Toxicological Sciences Index Medicus:
Authors: Van Winkle LS, Evans MJ, Brown CD, Willits NH, Pinkerton KE, Plopper CG ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 60 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 152-164

Perinatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke induces adenylyl cyclase and alters receptor-mediated cell signaling in brain and heart of neonatal rats
Periodical: Brain Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Slotkin TA, Pinkerton KE, Garofolo MC, Auman JT, McCook EC, Seidler FJ ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 898 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 73-81

Alteration of pulmonary neuroendocrine cells during epithelial repair of naphthalene-induced airway injury
Periodical: American Journal of Pathology Index Medicus:
Authors: Peake JL, Reynolds SD, Stripp BR, Stephens KE, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 156 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 279-286

Effect of in utero and postnatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke on the developmental expression of pulmonary cytochrome P450 monooxygenases
Periodical: Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Lee CZ, Royce FH, Denison MS, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 14 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 121-130

The mammalian respiratory system and critical windows of exposure for children's health
Periodical: Environmental Health Perspectives Index Medicus:
Authors: Pinkerton KE, Joad JP ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 108 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 457-462

A receptor-mediated mechanism of nicotine toxicity in oral keratinocytes.
Periodical: Laboratory Investigations Index Medicus:
Authors: Arredondo J, Nguyen VT, Chernyavsky AL, et al ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 81 Nbr: 12 Abs: Pg: 1653-1668

Cigarette smoke exposure and hypercholesterolemia increase mitochondrial damage in cardiovascular issues.
Periodical: Circulation Index Medicus:
Authors: Knight-Lozano CA, Young CG, Burow DL, et al ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 105 Nbr: 7 Abs: Pg: 849 - 854

Perinatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke upregulates nicotinic cholinergic receptors in monkey brain.
Periodical: Brain Research. Developmental Brain Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Slotkin TA, Pinkerton KE, Auman JT, Ziao D, and Seidler JF ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 133 Nbr: 2 Abs: Pg: 175 - 179

The role of interleukin-6 in pulmonary inflammation and injury induced by exposure to environmental air pollutants.
Periodical: Toxicological Sciences Index Medicus:
Authors: Yu M, Zheng X, Witschi H, and Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 68 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 488 - 497

Gender differences in the allergic response of mice neonatally exposed to environmental tobacco smoke.
Periodical: Developmental Immunology Index Medicus:
Authors: Seymour BWP, Friebertshauser KE, et. al ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 9 Nbr: 1 Abs: Pg: 47 - 54

Inhibition of tobacco smoke-induced lung inflammation by a catalytic antioxidant.
Periodical: Free Radical Biology and Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Smith KR, Uyeminami DL, et. al ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 33 Nbr: 8 Abs: Pg: 1106 - 1114

Reactive cabronyls from tobacco smoke increase arterial endothelial layer injury
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology, Heart and Circulatory Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Mullick AE, McDonald JM, et. al ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 283 Nbr: Abs: Pg: H591-H597

Perinatal exposure to aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke produces airway hyperresponsiveness in older rats
Periodical: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Bric JM, Peake JL, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 155 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 253-260

Site-selective differences in cytochrome P450 isoform activities. Comparison of expression in rat and rhesus monkey lung and induction in rats
Periodical: Drug Metabolism and Disposition Index Medicus:
Authors: Lee C, Watt KC, Chang AM, Plopper CG, Buckpitt AR, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 1998 Vol: 26 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 396-400

Perinatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke alters cell signalling in a primate model: autonomic receptors and the control of adenylyl cyclase acitvity in heart and lung
Periodical: Developmental Brain Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Slotkin TA, Pinkerton KE, Seidler FJ ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 124 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 53-58

Prior exposure to aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke impairs bronchiolar injury and repair
Periodical: Toxicological Sciences Index Medicus:
Authors: Van Winkle LS, Evans MJ, Brown CD, Willits NH, Pinkerton KE, Plopper CG ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 60 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 152-164

Perinatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke induces adenylyl cyclase and alters receptor-mediated cell signaling in brain and heart of neonatal rats
Periodical: Brain Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Slotkin TA, Pinkerton KE, Garofolo MC, Auman JT, McCook EC, Seidler FJ ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 898 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 73-81

Alteration of pulmonary neuroendocrine cells during epithelial repair of naphthalene-induced airway injury
Periodical: American Journal of Pathology Index Medicus:
Authors: Peake JL, Reynolds SD, Stripp BR, Stephens KE, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 156 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 279-286

Effect of in utero and postnatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke on the developmental expression of pulmonary cytochrome P450 monooxygenases
Periodical: Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology Index Medicus:
Authors: Lee CZ, Royce FH, Denison MS, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 14 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 121-130

The mammalian respiratory system and critical windows of exposure for children's health
Periodical: Environmental Health Perspectives Index Medicus:
Authors: Pinkerton KE, Joad JP ART
Yr: 2000 Vol: 108 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 457-462

A receptor-mediated mechanism of nicotine toxicity in oral keratinocytes.
Periodical: Laboratory Investigations Index Medicus:
Authors: Arredondo J, Nguyen VT, Chernyavsky AL, et al ART
Yr: 2001 Vol: 81 Nbr: 12 Abs: Pg: 1653-1668

Cigarette smoke exposure and hypercholesterolemia increase mitochondrial damage in cardiovascular issues.
Periodical: Circulation Index Medicus:
Authors: Knight-Lozano CA, Young CG, Burow DL, et al ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 105 Nbr: 7 Abs: Pg: 849 - 854

Perinatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke upregulates nicotinic cholinergic receptors in monkey brain.
Periodical: Brain Research. Developmental Brain Research Index Medicus:
Authors: Slotkin TA, Pinkerton KE, Auman JT, Ziao D, and Seidler JF ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 133 Nbr: 2 Abs: Pg: 175 - 179

The role of interleukin-6 in pulmonary inflammation and injury induced by exposure to environmental air pollutants.
Periodical: Toxicological Sciences Index Medicus:
Authors: Yu M, Zheng X, Witschi H, and Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 68 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 488 - 497

Gender differences in the allergic response of mice neonatally exposed to environmental tobacco smoke.
Periodical: Developmental Immunology Index Medicus:
Authors: Seymour BWP, Friebertshauser KE, et. al ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 9 Nbr: 1 Abs: Pg: 47 - 54

Inhibition of tobacco smoke-induced lung inflammation by a catalytic antioxidant.
Periodical: Free Radical Biology and Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Smith KR, Uyeminami DL, et. al ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 33 Nbr: 8 Abs: Pg: 1106 - 1114

Reactive cabronyls from tobacco smoke increase arterial endothelial layer injury
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology, Heart and Circulatory Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Mullick AE, McDonald JM, et. al ART
Yr: 2002 Vol: 283 Nbr: Abs: Pg: H591-H597

Secretory product expression during Clara cell differentiation in the rabbit and rat
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Cardoso W, Stewart LG, Pinkerton CM, et al ART
Yr: 1993 Vol: 264 Nbr: 6 Pt 1 Abs: Pg: L543-L552

Effects of sidestream smoke exposure and age on pulmonary function and airway reactivity in developing rats
Periodical: Pediatric Pulmonology. Supplement Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Pinkerton KE, Bric JM ART
Yr: 1993 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Secretory product expression during Clara cell differentiation in the rabbit and rat
Periodical: American Journal of Physiology Index Medicus:
Authors: Cardoso W, Stewart LG, Pinkerton CM, et al ART
Yr: 1993 Vol: 264 Nbr: 6 Pt 1 Abs: Pg: L543-L552

Effects of sidestream smoke exposure and age on pulmonary function and airway reactivity in developing rats
Periodical: Pediatric Pulmonology. Supplement Index Medicus:
Authors: Joad JP, Pinkerton KE, Bric JM ART
Yr: 1993 Vol: Nbr: Abs: Pg:

Susceptibility of the aging lung to environmental injury
Periodical: Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Wang L, Green FH, Smiley-Jewell SM, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2010 Vol: 31 Nbr: 5 Abs: Pg: 539-53

The anti-inflammatory effects of soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitors are independent of leukocyte recruitment
Periodical: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Index Medicus:
Authors: Davis BB, Liu JY, Tancredi DJ, Wang L, Simon SI, Hammock BD, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2011 Vol: 410 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 494-500

Fetal nicotine exposure increases airway responsiveness and alters airway wall composition in young lambs
Periodical: Respiratory Physiological Neurobiological Index Medicus:
Authors: Sandberg KL, Pinkerton KE, Poole SD, Minton PA, Sundell HW ART
Yr: 2011 Vol: 176 Nbr: 1-2 Abs: Pg: 57-67

Perinatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) enhances susceptibility to viral and secondary bacterial infections
Periodical: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Index Medicus:
Authors: Claude JA, Grimm A, Savage HP, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2012 Vol: 9 Nbr: 11 Abs: Pg: 3954-64

Can nutrition lessen the effects of secondhand smoke exposure among children?
Periodical: Reviews on Environmental Health Index Medicus:
Authors: Butler LM, Smiley-Jewell S, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2012 Vol: 27 Nbr: 2-3 Abs: Pg: 75-84

Use of a soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitor in smoke-induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Periodical: American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Index Medicus:
Authors: Wang L, Yang J, Guo L, Uyeminami D, Dong H, Hammock BD, Pinkerton KE. ART
Yr: 2012 Vol: 46 Nbr: 5 Abs: Pg: 614-22

Leukocytes are recruited through the bronchial circulation to the lung in a spontaneously hypertensive rat model of COPD
Periodical: PLOS One Index Medicus:
Authors: Davis BB, Shen YH, Tancredi DJ, Flores V, Davis RP, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2012 Vol: 7 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: e33304

Simvastatin inhibits smoke-induced airway epithelial injury: implications for COPD therapy
Periodical: European Respiratory Journal Index Medicus:
Authors: Davis BB, Zeki AA, Bratt JM, Wang L, Filosto S, Walby WF, Kenyon NJ, Goldkorn T, Schele ART
Yr: 2013 Vol: 42 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 350-361

Susceptibility of the aging lung to environmental injury
Periodical: Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Index Medicus:
Authors: Wang L, Green FH, Smiley-Jewell SM, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2010 Vol: 31 Nbr: 5 Abs: Pg: 539-53

The anti-inflammatory effects of soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitors are independent of leukocyte recruitment
Periodical: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Index Medicus:
Authors: Davis BB, Liu JY, Tancredi DJ, Wang L, Simon SI, Hammock BD, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2011 Vol: 410 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: 494-500

Fetal nicotine exposure increases airway responsiveness and alters airway wall composition in young lambs
Periodical: Respiratory Physiological Neurobiological Index Medicus:
Authors: Sandberg KL, Pinkerton KE, Poole SD, Minton PA, Sundell HW ART
Yr: 2011 Vol: 176 Nbr: 1-2 Abs: Pg: 57-67

Perinatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) enhances susceptibility to viral and secondary bacterial infections
Periodical: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Index Medicus:
Authors: Claude JA, Grimm A, Savage HP, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2012 Vol: 9 Nbr: 11 Abs: Pg: 3954-64

Can nutrition lessen the effects of secondhand smoke exposure among children?
Periodical: Reviews on Environmental Health Index Medicus:
Authors: Butler LM, Smiley-Jewell S, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2012 Vol: 27 Nbr: 2-3 Abs: Pg: 75-84

Use of a soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitor in smoke-induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Periodical: American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Index Medicus:
Authors: Wang L, Yang J, Guo L, Uyeminami D, Dong H, Hammock BD, Pinkerton KE. ART
Yr: 2012 Vol: 46 Nbr: 5 Abs: Pg: 614-22

Leukocytes are recruited through the bronchial circulation to the lung in a spontaneously hypertensive rat model of COPD
Periodical: PLOS One Index Medicus:
Authors: Davis BB, Shen YH, Tancredi DJ, Flores V, Davis RP, Pinkerton KE ART
Yr: 2012 Vol: 7 Nbr: 3 Abs: Pg: e33304

Simvastatin inhibits smoke-induced airway epithelial injury: implications for COPD therapy
Periodical: European Respiratory Journal Index Medicus:
Authors: Davis BB, Zeki AA, Bratt JM, Wang L, Filosto S, Walby WF, Kenyon NJ, Goldkorn T, Schele ART
Yr: 2013 Vol: 42 Nbr: Abs: Pg: 350-361