Research Portfolio

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Regulatory Science/New Products

2016 (Cycle 25)
Thirdhand Smoke Policy Workshop 2016 (Cycle 25) $4,981
University of Southern California Special Projects

2015 (Cycle 24)
Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and California Youth 2015 (Cycle 24) $545,532
HBSA, Inc. Research Project Awards

A Comprehensive Investigation of ENDS Use in Adolescents 2015 (Cycle 24) $248,535
University of California, San Francisco Exploratory/Developmental Award

Population studies of new tobacco products and cigarettes 2015 (Cycle 24) $406,492
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards

Smoking and Embryonal Tumor Study 2015 (Cycle 24) $450,835
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards

2014 (Cycle 23)
Evaluation of Metal Emissions in Electronic Cigarettes 2014 (Cycle 23) $62,793
University of California, Riverside Dissertation Awards

Biological Impact of E-Cigarettes on Lung Carcinogenesis 2014 (Cycle 23) $444,879
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards

Impact of electronic cigarettes on cardiac risk 2014 (Cycle 23) $278,525
University of California, Los Angeles Exploratory/Developmental Award

2013 (Cycle 22)
Metals and nanoparticles in electronic cigarette aerosol 2013 (Cycle 22) $264,176
University of California, Riverside Research Project Awards

An experimental assessment of FDA graphic warning labels 2013 (Cycle 22) $252,794
University of California, San Francisco Exploratory/Developmental Award

2012 (Cycle 21)
Tobacco control policy and population-level harm reduction 2012 (Cycle 21) $459,900
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards

Cigarette Producer Responsibility Project 2012 (Cycle 21) $229,875
Cigarette Butt Pollution Project Exploratory/Developmental Award