Research Portfolio

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2004 (Cycle 13)

Transcription factor modification: A role in lung cancer? $6,097
California Institute of Technology Dissertation Awards
Vitamin A derivatives as antagonists of nicotine effects $670,085
The Burnham Institute for Medical Research Research Project Awards
IAP Antagonists for lung cancer treatment $727,658
The Burnham Institute for Medical Research Research Project Awards
COX-2 regulation of vaccination responses in lung cancer $379,362
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
The role of platelets in atherogenesis in the mouse $34,769
University of California, San Francisco Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Smoking, atherosclerosis and MCSF gene variations $57,480
University of Southern California Dissertation Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Tobacco use and atherosclerosis protection by paraoxonase $729,234
Scripps Research Institute Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Antiatherogenic helical segments of apoA-I $141,230
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Cardiovascular Disease
Does nicotine increase sprouting of pericyte tubes? $207,300
La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Cardiovascular Disease
Environmental contexts of smoking for Southeast Asians $726,834
Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation Research Project Awards
Genomics & transcriptome of oral precncr prgrssion in smkers $189,541
University of California, Los Angeles New Investigator Awards
Lifetime passive smoke exposure and breast cancer in the CTS $122,659
Public Health Institute Research Project Awards
Exposed children to secondhand smoke through contaminated homes $754,504
San Diego State University Research Foundation Research Project Awards
Effectiveness of a large prenatal tobacco reduction program $425,181
Sequoia Foundation Research Project Awards
Smoking and genes as determinants of SLE and RA serverity $52,662
University of California, San Francisco New Investigator Awards
Secondhand smoke contamination and resale value $146,760
San Diego State University Research Foundation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender tobacco use $302,119
Kaiser Foundation Research Institute Research Project Awards
Women and smoking: from adolescence to young adulthood $737,742
RAND Corporation Research Project Awards
Tobacco exposure in pregnant women in minority populations $469,727
Sequoia Foundation Research Project Awards
Pulmonary function and genetic variation in smoke metabolism $23,693
University of California, San Francisco New Investigator Awards
Lifetime passive smoke exposure and breast cancer in the CTS $285,300
Cancer Prevention Institute of California Research Project Awards
Ethnicity and school-level effect on CA student tobacco use $420,713
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Cognitive effects of gestational nicotine $60,000
University of California, Irvine Dissertation Awards
General Biomedical Science
Chronic CO exposure impairs the developing auditory system $75,000
University of California, Los Angeles Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
General Biomedical Science
Effects of tobacco-induced gamete damage on embryogenesis $607,787
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Effects of tobacco-induced gamete damage on embryogenesis $158,853
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Total synthesis of the clinical anticancer drug etoposide $59,900
California Institute of Technology Dissertation Awards
General Biomedical Science
Oral clefts, smoking & variation of toxin biotransformation $623,472
Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Workshop on ETS Doses $19,500
University of California, Irvine Special Projects
General Biomedical Science
Fertility smoking and early mammalian development $392,451
University of California, Riverside Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Nicotine Dependence
Nicotine effects on gene expression and metaplasticity $74,500
Stanford University Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Regulation of nicotinic signaling $20,499
University of California, San Diego Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Nicotinic receptors at GABAergic synapses in the hippocampus $75,000
University of California, San Diego Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Effects of pro and anti-smoking cues in stores on craving $373,894
Stanford University Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Corporate strategies: design, conduct, publication of research $407,567
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Supply & demand for tobacco dependence coverage $89,145
University of California, Berkeley Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Preserving at-risk tobacco control policy resources $392,344
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Tobacco industry use of diet and obesity issues $267,526
University of California, San Francisco New Investigator Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Disproportionate cost of smoking for communities of color $278,980
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Pulmonary Disease
ALAC Conference $5,000
American Lung Association of California Special Projects
Pulmonary Disease
The role of PARC in pulmonary inflammation $812,863
La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Regulation of a novel airway glandular mucin by smoke $126,126
University of California, Davis New Investigator Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Regulation of epithelial cell polarity and lung disease $75,000
University of California, San Francisco Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Pulmonary Disease
SHS enhances cough via plasticity of brainstem neurons $387,150
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Airway transcriptome changes in smokers $99,500
University of California, San Francisco Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Pulmonary Disease
Tobacco oxidants, EGF receptor stability, and lung disease $75,000
University of California, Davis Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Pulmonary Disease
How do nic and cig smoke affect neural control of breathing? $392,620
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Environmental influences on tobacco use amg AAPI communities $149,610
CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation Full CARA
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Environmental influences on tobacco use amg AAPI communities $311,543
Assoc of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations Full CARA
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Environmental influences on tobacco use amg AAPI communities $204,722
Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment Advocacy & Leadership Full CARA
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Curriculum for treating nicotine dependence in psychiatry $269,500
University of California, San Francisco New Investigator Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Classroom animation tobacco awareness program effectiveness $463,718
WestEd Full SARA
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Internet health research center: smoking, Latinos, & the Web $535,096
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Nonsmokers helping smokers and the role of culture $476,656
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation