Research Portfolio

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1997 (Cycle 6)

Role of viral-derived genes in lung cancer $375,800
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center New Investigator Awards
Novel imaging methods for diagnosing tobacco related cancers $629,087
Stanford University Research Project Awards
Novel therapy for pancreatic cancer $452,332
University of California, Irvine Research Project Awards
Role of immune defenses in lung cancer therapy $75,000
University of California, San Francisco Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
A novel lung tumor suppressor $144,788
The Burnham Institute for Medical Research Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Does nicotine alter intercellular communication pathways? $68,864
University of California, San Diego Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Does nicotine inhibit anticancer activities of Vitamin A? $788,808
The Burnham Institute for Medical Research Research Project Awards
Development of a blood test for pancreatic cancer $308,819
Stanford University Research Project Awards
Tobacco-related cancer prevention by Vitamin A derivatives $149,947
Molecular Medicine Research Institute Research Project Awards
Role of intracellular signals in tobacco-related disease $69,600
University of California, San Diego Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
How does cigarette smoke induce cancer? $811,518
Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope Research Project Awards
Bioactive lipids in tobacco related lung cancers $74,496
University of California, San Diego Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Tobacco-related cancer prevention by Vitamin A derivatives $274,488
SRI International Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Plasma antioxidant enzymes as markers of smoke injury $123,073
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Cardiovascular Disease
Developing treatments that lower blood cholesterol levels $746,536
Scripps Research Institute Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Noninvasive imaging of early atherosclerosis $101,923
University of California, San Diego New Investigator Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Nicotine and cardiac vulnerability to fibrillation $370,057
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Cholesterol metabolism and atherosclerosis $74,500
University of California, San Diego Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Cardiovascular Disease
Cigarette smoke alters lipoprotein & artery wall interaction $472,876
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
A novel therapeutic target for stroke $72,310
The Burnham Institute for Medical Research Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Recruitment of leukocytes to atherosclerotic lesions in vivo $352,405
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Acculturation & cigarette smoking among Asian-Americans $244,715
University of Southern California New Investigator Awards
Brachial Vasoreactivity in Young Adult Smokers $332,294
Osteoporosis Medical Center Research Project Awards
Oral clefts, smoking & variation toxin biotransformation $677,128
Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute Research Project Awards
Quantification of population exposure to secondhand smoke $686,858
Stanford University Research Project Awards
Tobacco-related disease in native California twins $889,746
University of Southern California Research Project Awards
The role of media in smoking initiation and cessation $433,880
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Predictors of Smoking in African American Adolescents $455,536
University of California, San Francisco Integrated Research Project
Comprehensive Tobacco Policy Model $439,963
University of California, Irvine Integrated Research Project
Environmental tobacco smoke and early atherosclerosis $383,814
University of Southern California Research Project Awards
Serum cotinine levels and reproductive outcomes $452,159
Public Health Institute Research Project Awards
Patterns of tobacco use from adolescence to young adulthood $565,277
RAND Corporation Research Project Awards
Predictors of Cigarette Smoking in Latino Adolescents $260,674
University of San Francisco Integrated Research Project
Adolescent Susceptibility to Tobacco: A Panel Analysis $456,076
University of California, Irvine Integrated Research Project
The role of multiple genes in susceptibility to smoking $557,829
Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Secondhand smoke promotes chemical toxicity in fetal lung $190,536
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Macular pigment regeneration upon smoking cessation $74,988
University of California, Berkeley Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
General Biomedical Science
Quantification of lung doses from inhaled tobacco smoke $425,728
University of California, Irvine Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Indoor measurements of environmental tobacco smoke $634,217
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Preventing tobacco smoke diseases by network antioxidants $388,714
University of California, Berkeley Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Fertility, smoking and early mammalian development $452,243
University of California, Riverside Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Environmental tobacco smoke and newborn lung development $440,500
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Effect of maternal smoking on human placental development $450,000
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Effects of nicotine exposure in utero on brain cell death $74,499
University of California, San Diego Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
General Biomedical Science
Nicotine Dependence
Nicotine pharmacogenetics: influence of ethnicity $366,244
LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Hyperactive nicotine receptors $486,158
California Institute of Technology Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Cardiovascular responses to nicotine $430,843
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Irritant and pain-reducing effects of nicotine $415,704
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Transdermal nicotine replacement for hospitalized smokers $451,969
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Analysis of a nicotine-related receptor binding site $69,218
University of California, San Francisco Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Nicotine Dependence
The role of nicotine receptors in nicotine dependence $381,317
University of California, Irvine Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Brain wave assessment of tobacco cessation readiness $115,487
Scripps Research Institute New Investigator Awards
Nicotine Dependence
The biological basis of nicotine addiction $224,949
University of California, Riverside New Investigator Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Nicotine toxicity acting on cardiac neurons $446,920
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
NRT and paroxetine for smoking cessation $646,916
Stanford University Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Functional MRI of neural activation $48,447
University of California, Los Angeles Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Nicotine Dependence
Effects of perinatal nicotine on the Brain $93,122
LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Nicotine Dependence
Nicotonic receptors: role in addiction and reproduction $437,480
Salk Institute for Biological Studies Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Nicotine pharmacogenetics: influence of ethnicity $242,344
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Aggression and Nicotine $230,826
University of California, Irvine Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Brain adaptations to chronic nicotine expsoure $402,111
University of California, Irvine Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Evaluation of ad strategies for preventing youth tobacco use $136,953
University of California, Irvine Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Case studies of indoor air regulations: role of research $292,210
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Effects of Legislation on ETS Exposure in California $245,189
University of California, San Diego Integrated Research Project
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Effects of Tobacco Taxation Upon Population Health Status $206,547
University of California, San Diego Integrated Research Project
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Improving tobacco use assessment among youth via telephone $347,440
University of California, Berkeley Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Cigar use prevalence: social and media determinants $318,750
San Diego State University Research Foundation New Investigator Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Tobacco Control Archives $103,839
University of California, San Francisco Special Projects
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Major Local Tobacco Control Ordinances in the United States $26,244
American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation Special Projects
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Pediatrician training to prevent children's tobacco exposure $133,852
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Developing policy to reverse cigar trend: roles of media $249,785
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Current legal issues in tobacco $34,746
University of California, San Francisco Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Pulmonary Disease
Alterations in gene expression after tobacco smoke exposure $216,612
University of California, Davis New Investigator Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Diaphragm adaptations following treatment for emphysema $469,400
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
The Oxygen Society Annual Meeting, 1997 $12,550
Oxygen Club Special Projects
Pulmonary Disease
Therapies of muscle dysfunction in obstructive lung disease $659,714
LA Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
ETS effects on pulmonary breathing patterns $446,954
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
How do tobacco smoke compounds impair lung surfactant? $74,961
University of California, Santa Barbara Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Pulmonary Disease
Lung volume reduction surgery in an emphysema model $404,139
University of California, Irvine Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Gene therapy for emphysema $443,179
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Effects of tobacco on inflammatory cell responses $223,585
University of California, Davis New Investigator Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Effect of sidestream smoke on lung injury and repair $214,070
University of California, Davis New Investigator Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Smoking initiation among Chinese and Vietnames adolescents $449,734
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Smokeless tobacco cessation among lumber mill employees $620,213
University of Southern California Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Tobacco Control in Latino Communities $362,153
San Diego State University Research Foundation Integrated Research Project
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Smoking predictors in Mexican American youth $534,603
University of San Francisco Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
School tobacco program and policy trial $1,162,877
University of Southern California Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Reducing Environmental Tobacco Smoke in Latino Children $1,085,128
San Diego State University Research Foundation Integrated Research Project
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Cigar smoking among young adults: formative research $292,920
California State University, Long Beach Foundation Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Reducing minors' access to tobacco: project CHALK $398,114
Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc. Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Motivational interviewing to prevent postpartum relapse $282,502
Kaiser Foundation Research Institute New Investigator Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Anti-Tobacco Programming: Reaching Deaf and Hard of Hearing $446,947
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Motivation-enhanced teenage tobacco use cessation $750,248
University of Southern California Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Smoking Cessation in Latinos Using Community Health Advisors $992,121
San Diego State University Research Foundation Integrated Research Project
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Spanish tobacco-related disease self-management: evaluation $693,751
Stanford University Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Interdependence - smoking behavior & mood in natural setting $222,843
University of California, Los Angeles New Investigator Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation