Research Portfolio

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1998 (Cycle 7)

Dissecting signaling pathways to test cancer-killing agents $69,694
University of California, San Diego Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Suppressor genes of lung cancer $859,254
The Burnham Institute for Medical Research Research Project Awards
Boosting the immune response against lung cancer $70,000
University of California, Los Angeles Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Studies of novel antitumor agents for lung cancers $306,000
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Toxic compounds targeted to lung tumor blood vessels $144,300
The Burnham Institute for Medical Research Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Developing new vaccines for lung cancer $398,511
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards
Discovery of serum markers of lung cancer $120,300
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
A study of Bax, a gene involved in killing tumor cells $75,060
The Burnham Institute for Medical Research Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
TGF-a: we need it, but too much is bad $69,967
University of California, San Francisco Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Inflammatory compounds:role in tobacco-related lung disease $447,367
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Genetic susceptibility to tobacco-induced lung cancer $406,120
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards
Isolation of lung tumor proteins for a novel treatment $75,000
University of California, San Diego Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
BAG-1, a unique gene involved in smoking-associated cancers $75,060
The Burnham Institute for Medical Research Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Functional significance of the protein CD40 in lung cancer $35,000
University of California, San Diego Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Early detection of oral cancer $74,901
University of California, Irvine Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Cardiovascular Disease
Effects of environmental tobacco smoke on the artery wall $449,673
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Towards gene therapy for tobacco-related vascular disease $719,328
J. David Gladstone Institutes Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Mechanisms by which tobacco accelerates atherosclerosis $675,731
Stanford University Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
How does cardiac fuel metabolism influence heart disease? $262,005
J. David Gladstone Institutes New Investigator Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Cigarette smoke effects on human vascular endothelial genes $75,000
University of California, Riverside Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Cardiovascular Disease
Will apoE cause regression of atherosclerotic lesions? $165,299
J. David Gladstone Institutes Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Hormone replacement therapy, smoking & lipoprotein oxidation $245,584
La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Effects of nicotine on postinfarction cardiac remodeling $459,799
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Lipoprotein classes and susceptibility to atherosclerosis $702,940
J. David Gladstone Institutes Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Determining how cholesterol-rich Lp(a) causes heart disease $797,092
J. David Gladstone Institutes Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
How are beneficial cholesterol transport proteins produced? $37,069
J. David Gladstone Institutes Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Hormone replacement therapy, smoking & lipoprotein oxidation $385,808
Scripps Research Institute Research Project Awards
Cardiovascular Disease
Antioxidants, cigarette smoking and atherosclerosis $730,640
University of Southern California Research Project Awards
Behavioral epidemiology of tobacco use among gay men $626,433
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Smoking and lifestyle risk factors for premenstrual changes $297,783
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
Segregation Analysis of Tobacco Use in Families $863,966
SRI International Integrated Research Project
Quantitative Genetic Analysis $1,490,600
SRI International Integrated Research Project
Alternative sources of ETS exposure in infants $109,687
San Diego State University Research Foundation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
The effect of tobacco smoke on immune function in twins $822,641
University of Southern California Research Project Awards
Effects of tobacco smoke exposure on hormones and fertility $115,335
Sequoia Foundation Research Project Awards
Mapping of Genetic Loci for Nicotine Dependence $982,095
Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center Integrated Research Project
Predictors of adolescent smoking initiation and cessation $224,374
University of California, San Diego New Investigator Awards
Susceptibility to smoking among adolescent never smokers $301,356
University of Southern California New Investigator Awards
Nicotine Metabolism in Families $465,537
University of California, San Francisco Integrated Research Project
Passive smoking, metabolizing genes and female lung cancer $111,740
Childrens Hospital, Los Angeles Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
The effect of nicotine and cigarette smoke on respiration $130,177
Scripps Research Institute Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Tobacco use and cessation among drug users $249,392
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards
ETS exposures in the California Teachers Study cohort $449,677
Public Health Institute Research Project Awards
Role of passive smoke on sperm, ICSI and IVF $628,862
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Global determinants of tobacco use onset in diverse youth $280,749
Education Training and Research Associates, Inc. New Investigator Awards
General Biomedical Science
Oxidative damage to sperm DNA: smoking and diet interaction $155,135
University of California, Berkeley Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Oxidative damage to sperm DNA: smoking and diet interaction $132,367
Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Vapor-phase organics in ETS: dynamics and exposure $722,775
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Vitamin E kinetics in smokers $332,110
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Transport and disposition of nicotine in the human placenta $333,108
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Maternal DNA repair of tobacco-induced sperm lesions $1,046,880
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Carbon monoxide and the brain growth spurt $464,268
University of California, Los Angeles Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
ETS Effects on airway development in the primate lung $483,652
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
General Biomedical Science
Nicotine Dependence
Structural determinants of alpha-toxin: nAChR interactions $70,000
University of California, San Diego Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Brain metabolic changes with cigarette craving $250,850
Brentwood Biomedical Research Institute New Investigator Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Mechanism of stress effects on weight in nicotine withdrawal $407,019
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
11th National Conference on Nicotine Dependence $12,000
American Society of Addiction Medicine Special Projects
Nicotine Dependence
Bupropion for smoking cessation $471,154
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Role of nicotine/nicotinic receptors in Parkinson's disease $644,770
The Parkinson's Institute Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
The role of nitric oxide in nicot induced muscle cell death $68,011
The Parkinson's Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Clinical pharmacology of tobacco alkaloids $439,882
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Nicotine replacement therapy: pharmacists' counseling role $113,929
SRI International Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Nicotine Dependence
Neurobiological substrates of nicotine addiction $742,393
Scripps Research Institute Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Neuroendocrine responses to nicotine: a physiologic probe $225,000
University of California, San Francisco New Investigator Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Effects of Selegiline on craving for nicotine $100,450
Stanford University Research Project Awards
Nicotine Dependence
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Allocation of Health Care to Smokers: Practice and Ethics $113,598
Stanford University Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Tobacco Control Archives: Mangini Documents $67,664
University of California, San Francisco Special Projects
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Smoke-free bars: analysis of the response from Long Beach $552,978
California State University, Long Beach Foundation Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
An economic analysis of factors influencing teen smoking $221,497
University of California, San Diego New Investigator Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Implementation of California AB 13: smoking ban in bars $315,181
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Economic Effects of California Cigarette Tax $98,528
University of California, Berkeley Special Projects
Public Health, Public Policy, and Economics
Pulmonary Disease
Mechanisms underlying diaphragm adaptations in emphysema $642,624
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
How does smoke activate mucin transcription in lung cells? $432,415
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Therapy for muscle dysfunction in COPD: cellular adaptations $502,904
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Nitrogen Oxides and cigarette smoke-induced injury $304,118
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Role of thioredoxin in ETS-induced pulmonary airway injury $425,665
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Effect of tobacco smoke on leukocyte adhesion in vivo $754,361
La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Programmed cell death in cigarette-induced lung disease $371,556
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Effect of tobacco smoke on lung airway surface liquid $115,658
Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Effects of environmental tobacco smoke on pulmonary allergy $282,568
University of California, Davis Research Project Awards
Pulmonary Disease
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Pilot test of a 3-D chat room for rural teen smokers $112,437
San Diego State University Research Foundation Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
An athletic trainer mediated spit tobacco cessation program $490,546
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Natural history of tobacco addiction in adolescents $499,505
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Family factors in smoking acquisition among Latino youth $865,636
San Diego State University Research Foundation Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Website as a medium for intervention in teen smoking $73,159
University of California, San Diego Inno Dev & Exp Awards (IDEAS)
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Smoking treatment for substance abusing adolescents $431,607
University of California, San Diego Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Keep me smokefree $550,002
Education Training and Research Associates, Inc. Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Spanish/English web site for smoking cessation trials $450,400
University of California, San Francisco Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Lowering Smoking & ETS Risks in Immigrant Pacific Rim Youth $1,955,276
University of Southern California Integrated Research Project
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Reducing provision of tobacco to minors from social sources $639,838
Stanford University Research Project Awards
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Acculturation, media, peers, parents and adolescent smoking $213,511
University of Southern California Integrated Research Project
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation
Scientific and Administrative Core $311,057
University of Southern California Integrated Research Project
Tobacco-Use Prevention and Cessation